CrestTechnician Fifth Grade Harold Arden MitchellPatch

Company B, 1st Battalion, 137th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division

Harold Arden MitchellHarold Arden
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Harold Arden Mitchelll was born July 21, 1922 in Michigan.

Family called him Arden.

He was the nephew of Charles Mitchell, the grandfather of Cheryl Robinson and others.

He was a Technician Fifth Grade combat infantryman. in Company B, 1st Battalion, 137th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division.

Photo from his brother Kenneth Mitchell's collection.
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BLACK CIRCLE: Area in which the 137th Infantry Regiment was operating on March 30, 1945 when Harold Arden Mitchell was killed in action In the vicinity of Bottrop, Germany

BLACK CROSS: Netherlands American Cemetery Margraten, Netherlands where Harold is buried.

Source for site of death in the vicinity of Bottrop, Germany: Fields of Honor Database:

Map edit by Leonard H. Cizewski. Public domain map from the The West Point Atlas of War: World War II: European Theater.

                    Germany March 1945
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Photo caption:

March 30, 1945 - East of Bottrop, Germany- The Autobahn is Germany's first superhighway. Here, my partner, Vernon Kaerns, with his carbine in hand watches tanks roll by.

Caption by Murray Leff, Company E, 137th Infantry Regiment. Arden was in Company B.

This report from "From the Combat History of the 137th Infantry Regiment World War II".

Paragraphs 3 places Arden's 1st Battalion in Bottrop where he was killed in action.

"The 1st and 2nd Battalions broke away from Kol Rheinbanen and Bottrop on March 30 and made an 8,000 yard advance which took them to the "Topeka" Objective, a line running southwest from Buer Beckhausen to Horst. The 137th was attacking east just 6,000 yards north of the city of Essen, with its Krupp Steel Works. The Regiment's boundaries were the Autobahn superhighway on the left and the Rhine Herne Canal on the right.

"The 2nd Battalion, led by Company G, passed through Schlangenhardt, Eastern Eigen, Ellinghorst, Piesbeck, Rheinbaben Schachten, Boy, Schuhmacher, Z. Graf Noltke, Lone, Siebeck, and Buer Beckhausen.

"Operating in the right sector, the 1st Battalion, with Company C on tanks, shot through Bottrop and Krahenburg. At 1840, the 1st Battalion had enemy resistance between its CP and OP, but when the advance was halted shortly after, the enemy was soon mopped-up.

"Company K crossed the Autobahn at 720, and then the entire 3rd Battalion was assembled in and about Kol Rheinbaden. The Regimental CP moved from Konigshardt to Bottrop at 1400 and from Bottrop to Gladbeck at 1900."

From the Combat History of the 137th Infantry Regiment World War II

Fair use of photo from the 35th Infantry Division in WWII Association

Internment Record
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Internment Record
Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster
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Clomanza (Mitchell) Shook
In 2014, Clomanza Shook told Leonard H. Cizewski about Arden, her husband Charles Mitchell's brother's son.. Leonard Cizewski's wife is Charles' granddaughter and Arden's 2nd cousin.
Decorations of Technician Fifth Grade Harold Arden Mitchell's grave in the Netherlands American Cemetery in Margraten.

 << INDEX: Cizewski, Lovetere, Mitchell, & Robinson Families
All material not in the public domain Copyright 2019 Leonard H. Cizewski

Minor or Correction Revision: May 4, 2023
Last Major Update: May 4, 2023
Last Reviewed:
Posted: March 30, 2019
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