7th ID PatchPhilip Lovetere & World War I7th ID Patch

June 26, 1919
Camp Grant, Rockford, Illinois

Discharge page 1
Discharge page 2
Honorable Discharge from the United States Army
This is to Certify That* Philip Luvetere
+2816910 Private 1st Cl. Co. C. 64th Inf
SERVICE is hereby HONORABLY DISCHARGED from the military service of the
UNITED STATES by reason of+ Convenience of the Government, Demobilization of Organization, per Circular 106, W. D. 1918.
Said Philip Luvetere was born in Ponsonn, in the State of Italy
When enlisted he was 26 years if age and by occupation a Laborer
He had Brown eyes, Brown hair, Dark complexion, and was 5 feet 2 ½ inches in height.
Given under my hand at
Camp Grant, Illinois this
26th day of June, one thousand nine hundred and Nineteen
Major A Loosley
Major Signal Corps

Stamp in the upper right corner:
A true copy....in....on 3
Feb 1923, for the purpose of....
Illinois Bonus
Signature Edua Keil (?)
Notary Public

Form No. 525, A. G. O.
Oct. 9-18.
* Insert name, Christian name first: e.g., "John Doe."
+ Insert Army serial number, grade, company and regiment or arm or corps or department: e.g., "1,620,302"; "Corporal, Company A. 1st Infantry"; "Sergeant, Quartermaster Corps"; "Sergeant, First Class, Medical Department."
+ If discharged prior to expiration of service, give number, date, and source of order of full description of authority therefor.


Handwriting, upper right corner
Chicago 10-12-20 (initialed)

Philip Luvetere Grade: Pvt. 1st Cl.
Enlisted, or Inducted, Apr. 28, 1918, at Chicago, Ill.
Serving in First enlistment period at date of discharge.
Prior service:*  None

I certify that a bronze Victory Button has been issued.
tm (?) Hitchings (?)
Capt., Inf., A. R. O.
Chicago, Ill.

Noncommissioned officer:
Marksmanship, gunner qualification or rating:+ Not qualified
Horsemanship: Not mounted
Battles, engagements, skirmishes, expeditions:   Marbache (?) sec. Oct. 2 to 10-1918
Puvenelle sec. Oct 10 to Nov 9-1918
Puvenelle sec. Def. Nov 9 to 11-1918
Decorations; Badges: None
Medals: Citations: None

Forwarded Sep 11 1920
Approved by C. G. Matthys 1st LT. ING.
For Victory Medal with DEFENSIVE SECTOR

Knowledge of any vocations: Laborer
Wounds received in service:
Physical condition when discharged:
Typhoid prophylaxis completed May 16-1918
Paratyphoid prophylaxis completed
May 16-1918
Married or single:
Character: Very Good
Remarks: Entitled to travel (illegible) to Chicago Ill
Sailed from U. S. Aug 26 1918 Returned to U.S. June 18-1919
Absence without leaved under  S. Q. No 31, W. D. 1912 and No. 45. W. D, 1914: None
Signature of soldier: Philip Luvetere

Signature of Virgil S(?). James (?)
1st Lieut Inf
Commanding Dim (?) Group

Camp Grant, Ill. June 26 1919
Paid in Full $ 202 /03
including Bonus of $60 00 Act of  Feb. 24, 1919
S. H. Francis
Captain, Quartermaster Corps

* Give company and regiment or corps or department, with inclusive dates of service in each enlistment.
+ Give date of qualifications or ratings and number, date and source of order announcing name.

Philip is listed as having been inducted (drafted?) rather than enlisted.

Philip's name is misspelled with a "u" instead of an "o", possibly an English phonetic spelling since Philip could not read or write English or Italian.

Philip's place of birth is listed as what appears to be "Ponsonn". I have not found that on lists of towns in Sicily. I assume it is another English phonetic spelling.

That he is listed a "not qualified" in marksmanship may also be related to his inability to read or write English. Having emigrated from Italy not long before, he made not yet have been fluent in spoken English either.

Return to the U.S. is written "1918". He returned in 1919.

Acknowledgement: Professor Alan Richard Nelson, grandson of John Frederick Edvard Nelson, Company K, 64th Infantry Regiment, 14th Infantry Brigade, 7th Infantry Division assisted in researching Philip Lovetere and WWI.

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INDEX: Cizewski, Lovetere, Musbach, & Robinson Family History

All material not in the public domain © 2006 - 2017 Leonard H. Cizewski

Minor Revision: May 3, 2017
Last Major Update: July 20, 2020
Last Reviewed: 
On or before December 5, 2006

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