Signal Corps Insignia3185th Signal Service BattalionArmy Service Forces



Occupation of Germany


Undated: Left Boston aboard the West Point for Great Britain.

Undated: Deployed to France at Le Havre

December 1: Detachment E, 3185th in Transit Area B Le Havre and being deployed to the Belgium port of Antwerp.

The units of 3185th deployed to Antwerp performed their duties while under Nazi bombardment.

Over 1200 V-1 and V-2 weapons hit Antwerp between October, 1944 and March, 1945. 

The Nazis also attacked Antwerp with  including with V-weapons and jet bombers.

December: Units of the 3185th deployed to Channel Base Section which had been moved from Antwerp to Lille.

February 5: 3185th units in Antwerp deployed elsewhere.

After VE Day: Occupation of Germany

Documents: Page 3 includes plans for repair and replacement of Signal Corps equipment  destroyed by Nazi bombardment of Antwerp.

Frank R. Lautenberg

Curtis Moline
< Unofficial Informal Archive of the U.S. Army Signal Corps in WWII

All material not in the public domain © 2020 Leonard H. Cizewski

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Posted: December 21, 2020
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