This is dance #10500 in The Caller's Box, a contra dance database.

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by Becky Hill

Permission: full

FormationBase: Duple Minor - Improper
Progression: Single



(4) Balance ring

(12) Neighbor swing


(8) Men allemande left 1 & 1/2

(8) Partner swing


(8) Partner promenade across

(8) Star left 1


(8) Star right 1

(2) Single file promenade clockwise around the major set to N2

(6) Circle left 3/4 [with N2]

Calling Notes:

(In "Twirling Dervish", the A1 is just a balance and swing.)

Appearances: The RosenHill Collection, p 22
Twirling Dervish and Other Contra Dances, p 6
website Goodyear programs
website Stewart
American Square Dance, vol 1993, no Mar, p 15
American Square Dance, vol 1993, no May, p 33
American Square Dance, vol 2006, no Feb, p 21
Videos: 1 2 3 4