This is dance #10672 in The Caller's Box, a contra dance database.

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Quick Spin

by Carol Ormand

Permission: full

FormationBase: Four Facing Four
FormationDetail: Improper
Progression: Single. Swap sides



(8) In lines of four, go forward and back

(8) Grand ladies chain to corner C2


(8) C2 corner promenade counterclockwise 1/2

(8) Men hands-across star left 1; form diagonal waves of four


(4) Balance wave of four (C2R,ML)

(4) Slide right (past C2)

(4) Balance wave of four (C2L,WR)

(4) Slide left (past C2)


(2) C2 corner allemande right 1/2

(6) Women single file promenade counterclockwise 1/2 in center

(8) Partner swing; face N2

Appearances: The Lizard Research Institute & other dances, p 31
website Dance Video Archives
Videos: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7