This is dance #11951 in The Caller's Box, a contra dance database.

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by Rick Mohr

Permission: full

FormationBase: Duple Minor - Becket
Progression: Single
Direction: CW



(2) Shift left

(6) Circle left 3/4

(8) Neighbor swing


(5) In a line of four, go down the hall (M1-W2-M2-W1)

(4) "Tag the line": as couples, trade while facing down; individually, turn alone

(5) In a line of four, go up the hall (M2-W1-M1-W2)

(2) Face center of line of four


(16) Ricochet hey (1R;SRNL;2R;NL;1 ricochet;NL;2 ricochet;NL)


(1-4) Man one give-and-take partner; fall back on left diagonal

(5-8) Man two give-and-take partner; fall back on left diagonal

(5-8) Ones swing (on men's side)

(9-16) Partner swing

Calling Notes:

In the A2 "tag the line" move, the right-hand couple goes in front.
Appearances: website Mohr
Videos: 1