This is dance #124 in The Caller's Box, a contra dance database.

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by Bill Olson

Permission: full

FormationBase: Duple Minor - Improper
Progression: Double



(8) Circle right 3/4

(8) Partner Minnesota promenade across


(8) Eggbeater: N1 men allemande left 1 & 1/2 || N2 women allemande right 1 & 1/2

(8) Star left 1 (woman in front of shadow) [with N2, shadow]


(4) Partner balance

(12) Partner swing


(8) In long lines, go forward and back

(6) Circle left 3/4 [with N2]

(2) Pass through along (N2R)

Calling Notes:

Minnesota promenade is an as couples left-shoulder Hole-in-the-Wall cross. Hold inside free hand with partner. (Come forward, rotate counterclockwise as a unit 180 degrees, back up.)

After promenade, fall back a little for safety's sake for the A2. Shadow is on far side of partner.

For eggbeater figure, appropriate person is to immediate right of neighbor across from you.
Appearances: website Olson