This is dance #13828 in The Caller's Box, a contra dance database.

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Echoes of the Past

by Kathy Anderson

Permission: full

FormationBase: Duple Minor - Becket
Progression: Single
Direction: CCW



(1-8) Women go forward and back

(5-12) Men go forward and back

(9-12) Women allemande right 1

(13-16) Hands-across star right 1/2 (men behind neighbor)


(6) Shadow allemande left 1

(10) Partner swing


(2) Men pass left

(6) Neighbor gypsy right

(8) Neighbor swing


(8) Men allemande left 1 & 1/2

(4) Hands-across star left 1/2 (women behind neighbor)

(4) Single file promenade counterclockwise around the major set to N2

Calling Notes:

In A1, the forward and backs are facing each other, on the diagonal within the hands-four.

In the B2 single file promenade around the set, "women lead partner by right hand to new neighbors"
Appearances: Live, from the Spanish Ballroom, p 19