This is dance #15275 in The Caller's Box, a contra dance database.

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Enhance Dance

by Don Flaherty

Permission: full

FormationBase: Duple Minor - Improper
FormationDetail: Wave of four (NR,WL)
Progression: Single



(4) Balance wave of four (NR,WL)

(4) Women allemande left 1 || Men walk forward

(8) N2 neighbor swing


(8) Circle left 3/4 [with N2, shadow]

(4) Balance ring [with N2, shadow]

(4) N2 neighbor California twirl


(4) Partner balance

(12) Partner swing


(8) Right and left through with partner

(8) Circle left 3/4 [with N2]; form wave of four

Calling Notes:

Author's note on end effects: "All couples are always in this  dance the key to this dance is to have the men cross over at the top and bottom of set & swing their  ( partner Instead of a new neighbor)  and have the ladies stay at home while men travel in the oval!"
Appearances: email
website ("Circulation")