This is dance #15514 in The Caller's Box, a contra dance database.

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2 Partners for You

by Dean Snipes

Permission: full

FormationBase: Four Facing Four
FormationDetail: Improper
Progression: Single. Men swap sides



(4) In lines of four, go forward

(4) Fall back; form modified square (left-hand men alone as sides, remaining lines of three at heads)

(4) Side men pass through across (MR), trading places

(4) [Lines of three] Right hand high and left hand low; women step next to side men to form lines of three at sides


(8) In lines of three, go forward and back (facing across the set)

(4) Head men pass through along (MR)

(4) [Lines of three] Right hand high and left hand low; women step next to head men to form lines of three at heads


(4) Side men allemande right 3/4

(4) Men allemande left 3/4

(8) Hey 1/2 (TBR;WL;PR;ML) (across the set)


(4) Trail buddy balance

(12) Trail buddy swing (new partner)

Calling Notes:

The first half of this is adapted from the traditional square dance, "Forward up Six and Six Fall Back".

The pairs of men allemanding left in the B1 are the same two men that were in the original line of four. Half hey is also done with original line of four.
Appearances: email