This is dance #15792 in The Caller's Box, a contra dance database.

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Trip to Bute

by Will Mentor

Permission: full

FormationBase: Duple Minor - Becket
Progression: Single
Direction: CW



(8) Hands-across star right 1

(2) Men cast counterclockwise to partner's place; women follow partner

(6) Star left 3/4


(2) Star left 1/4

(2) Women cast clockwise on side || Men follow neighbor

(12) Neighbor swing


(6) Circle left 3/4

(10) Partner swing


(8) In long lines, go forward and back while partner roll away (W roll L, M side-step R)

(4) Pass through across (NR)

(4) Single file promenade clockwise around the major set to N2

Calling Notes:

Star left crosses phrase.
A1 described by author as "Gents cast over left shoulder while ladies follow". See the walkthrough video for his teaching of the A1/A2.
Appearances: email
Videos: 1 2 3