This is dance #17066 in The Caller's Box, a contra dance database.

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Follow the Robin

by Susan English

Permission: full

FormationBase: Singlet
FormationDetail: Line of two facing up
Progression: None
Virtual?: Yes



(8) In a line of two, go forward and back (facing camera)

(8) Partner allemande right 1


(4) Balance wave of two (PR)

(4) Slide right (past P)

(8) Partner allemande left 1


(8) Woman cast down, man follow partner

(4) Partner promenade up

(4) As a couple, balance forward and back


(4) Cloverleaf turn single (pushing off partner)

(12) Partner swing; face up

Calling Notes:

The A1 is visioned as a promenade forward and back with outside joined hands pointing towards the camera, tango style. Same promenade position encouraged in B1.
Appearances: website Virtual Contras Google Doc