This is dance #17071 in The Caller's Box, a contra dance database.

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Last Swing of 2021

by Susan English

Permission: full

FormationBase: Singlet
FormationDetail: Facing partner
Progression: None
Virtual?: Yes



(8) Partner do-si-do

(8) As a couple, phantom do-si-do


(4) Turn single

(12) Partner swing; face partner


(16) Hey with phantoms:

(4) Partner pass right

(4) Turn single left

(4) Partner pass right

(4) Turn single left


(8) Hands-across star right 1 [with phantoms]

(8) Hands-across star left 1 [with phantoms]

Calling Notes:

The actual A2 move is inspired from swing dancing: "Drop hands, roll back-to-back (turning away from partner) into a swing"
Appearances: website Virtual Contras Google Doc