This is dance #17323 in The Caller's Box, a contra dance database.

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Frying Pan Promenade

by Susan English

Permission: full

FormationBase: Scatter Mixer
FormationDetail: Duple Minor; Improper
Progression: Single. Random. Keeper
Virtual?: Yes



(8) Catch all eight:

(3) Partner allemande right 1/2

(1) Clap (self)

(4) Partner allemande left 1

(8) Hands-across star left 1 (women behind partner)


(4) Hands-across star left 1/2; men turn around

(12) Partner swing


(4) Partner scatter promenade; face partner

(4) Modified roll the barrel: Keeping hands joined, turn away from each other, bringing hands over head; keep turning to face partner

(4) Partner scatter promenade; face partner

(4) Modified roll the barrel: Keeping hands joined, turn away from each other, bringing hands over head; keep turning to face partner


(8) Circle left 1 [with new neighbors]

(8) Circle left 1 (grapevine step)

Calling Notes:

In the B1, one person turns cw in place, the other ccw in place.
Appearances: email