This is dance #17362 in The Caller's Box, a contra dance database.

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Levi Jackson Square

by Susan English

Permission: full

FormationBase: Doublet
FormationDetail: Becket
Progression: Single
Direction: C1
Mixer?: Yes
Tunes: Levi Jackson Rag



(8) Right and left through with partner

(8) Right and left through with partner


(8) Circle left 1

(8) Partner do-si-do


(4) Star right 1/2

(4) Turn single left

(4) Star right 1/2

(4) Turn single left


(4) Neighbor balance

(12) Neighbor swing (new partner)

Calling Notes:

Each time the orientation of the set rotates 90 degrees.

Could also be thought of as a square, where first time you do it in the side positions with your partner, the second time in the head positions with our neighbor.
Appearances: email