This is dance #18029 in The Caller's Box, a contra dance database.

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Mad Robin Landing {variant}

by Will Mentor

Permission: full

Status: deprecated

FormationBase: Duple Minor - Improper
Progression: Single



(4) Neighbor balance

(12) Neighbor swing


(6) Mad robin clockwise around neighbor

(2) Men cross by right while women shift left; form long wave

(4) Balance long wave (PR, women face in)

(4) Circulate: Women cross, men loop right


(4) Balance long wave (NR, men face in)

(4) Circulate: Men cross, women loop right

(8) Partner swing


(8) Ladies chain to neighbor

(8) Star left 1

Calling Notes:

Early B2 version of Mad Robin Landing

Author's note: Only call in crowded conditions so first figure in A2 can be done in time.
Appearances: website
Videos: 1 2