This is dance #2359 in The Caller's Box, a contra dance database.

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Intimate Inmates

by David Kirchner and Donna Calhoun

Permission: full

FormationBase: Triple Minor
FormationDetail: Ones improper
Progression: Single



(4) Ones lead down

(4) Ones turn alone

(4) Ones lead up

(4) Ones cast off


(8) [Ones and threes] Neighbor mirror gypsy 1 (ones split threes)

(8) [Ones and twos] Neighbor mirror gypsy 1 (ones split twos)


(16) Birdie in the cage:

(1-8) Ones swing || [Twos and threes] Circle left around ones

(9-16) Ones swing; face up || [Twos and threes] Circle right around ones


(8) Ones figure eight 1/2 up

(8) In long lines, go forward and back

Appearances: website David Kirchner