This is dance #432 in The Caller's Box, a contra dance database.

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Crazy Eights

by Tom Hinds

Permission: full

FormationBase: Four Facing Four
FormationDetail: Improper
Progression: Single. Swap sides
PhraseStructure: 5*8*2



(8) Opposite neighbor do-si-do 1 & 1/4; form wave of eight

(4) Balance wave of eight (OR,SRNL)

(4) Same-role neighbor allemande left 1; face opposite neighbor


(16) Hey for eight 1/2 (OR;L;R;L;R;L;R;L)


(8) Opposite neighbor gypsy right

(8) Opposite neighbor swing; face partner


(6) [Groups of four] Circle left 3/4

(10) Partner swing; face N2


(8) Right and left through with partner

(6) [Groups of four] Circle left 3/4

(2) Pass through along (OR)

Calling Notes:

The neighbor to swing and start the hey is the same person you do-si-did in the A1.
Appearances: Dance All Day Too!, p 43