
GLmol -- Molecular Viewer on A-Frame/Socket.IO/Javascript
Version 1 (2019.02.1)

This program is written by biochem_fan, Bazal1, and Dave Graff, and released under LGPL. Please visit our project page for the details and source code distribution.

Comments and Suggestions are welcome. Please email SBUtltmedia.

How to use

  • Rotate: left mouse button
You can load PDB, SDF/MOL(MDL not SYBYL) or XYZ files

From the RCSB PDB server PDBID:

From the PubChem server Compound ID(CID):

From your local disk:
(Don't worry, your file will not be uploaded)
Color by
Main chain as
Nucleic acid bases as
Side chains as lines
Don't smooth beta-sheets in ribbons
Non-bonded atoms (solvent/ions) as
Small molecules(HETATMs) as
Multiple bond option is for SDF/MOL file ONLY.
Unit cell
Biological assembly (the last one defined)
Crystal packing
Show HETATMs in symmetry mates (slower)