WebXR Water World

Canyon voyage

Canyon voyage demo based on low polygon fractal terrains (the full grid is 512x512 and the local 256x256 grid is rendered). Fog is used to hide the local grid borders. The script takes 13kb (and gl-matrix lib more 50 kb). See also webxr-canyon-voyage.glitch.me/
"Foggy" lite voyage demo (128x128 local grid).

Tested on Oculus Go (with touchpad) and VR BOX2 (with joystick). For tests on a desktop (Windows 10 + Chrome) the "inline" webxr session and A,S,D,W,↑,↓ keys for navigation are used. Because of virtual reality (motion) sickness I have to use very slow "boat" motion (therefore "voyage" not "racing" :)

Remake of my old Fractal terrains pages. WebXR codes are based on Movement, orientation, and motion: A WebXR example and Webxr samples.

4 times faster (and more "foggy") the lite demo is to the left.

Note that my Xiaomi Mi 9 phone has better CPU than Oculus Go (Snapdragon 855 vs 821) but noticeably worse sensors.

Sea quest

Sea quest. Just one more fractal world.

VR BOX2 Gamepad test. Press @B to switch it to the game mode. Use e.g. HTML5 Gamepad Tester to get button mapping. For some reason in Firefox VR BOX2 gamepad sends "axes" values in [-512, 0] range (not [-1, 1] as in spec and Chrome).

WebXR samples     updated 19 Feb 2020