(805) Sat 3 Dec 94 12:21 By: Lee Butler To: All Re: Sense of humour St: 808> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @MSGID: 1:3641/223 0006b746 @PID GIGO+ sn 175 at psybbs vsn 0.99 pl1 From: Lee Butler Date: Sat, 3 Dec 1994 12:21:27 GMT I, like most of you, get up and XXXX every morning. I have the same frustrations, complexes and self destructive tendencies that all of you have.This morning, reading the fantastic replies I have received-generated on the internet has left me belly laughing, delighted and amused.I have finally arrived. I would rather be controversial than ignored. What none of you see every day is my appearance at our gallery showroom, featuring Ekotecture, Art,Music, Poetry and Ideas.It is the center of the new Palm Beach Institute of Environmental Arts and Sciences. An educational center devoted to creative communications. My iconoclastic style is abrasive to some and does frighten naieve people. I am as I am and I believe that I am good. If I frighten people it is because they do not choose to listen to my information and they know, subconsciously, that their lives are in danger. I have hard scientific proof that humankind need never again build another fire in order to live in the kind of creature comforts to which we have become accustomened. That scares the living hell out of most people because they make a living off of death, destruction or fire. They profit from the destruction or they enjoy doing things which cause the destruction of the earth and or they love fire. They love danger, destruction, etcetra. Most people believe they are going to die and then live their life & act accordingly. There is no proof what so ever that people must die. Simply because virtually everyone believes it does not make it true. I am a teacher. I have been rejected, ignored, threatened, silenced, denounced and crucified in the world by the media, but I survive, whole and intact. I am in possesion of my faculties. I am about to raise sevral hundred million dollars to finance a global solar gravity utility architectural manufacturing company. I have been working for 30 years to accumulate the expereince and knowledge to create and direct this new empire. What you wonderful people out there on the internet are wittnessing is an original script. I do not fit into any of the molds you are so quick to throw people into, I am a free thinker, a naked radical, threatening your daughter's virginity, her belief in men, and the rat race. I have been sent to inform everyone, regardless. The ignorant can not be allowed to perish or destroy the earth, simply because their expereince is not large enough to embrace what we are talking about. Twenty years ago, it was the high gurus of passive solar conferences who were my detractors. They could not understand the gravity convection geothermal solar envelope concept so they joked about it and condemned it to obscurity. It threatens people and it is not me or my responsibility that people are threatened. I am sick of being criticised for having the wrong approach. The world has to grow up and wake up and realize I am just the messenger. If some reader is getting up set at hearing all of the above I suggest it is them reliving the pain of rejection which I have gone through for the past thirty years. My own identity and point of view has been trashed and ridiculed by straight society since I was sixteen years old. At this point, not only am I used to it, but frankly, I ignore it. My job, which I did not choose, but was given to me by the source, is to keep other people thinking, transforming. I am very good at it. In less than no time at all, I have the whole world talking about me. I have them wondering what I am talking about. It is my time. I am finally in my element. I am a 55 year old architect who has a plan and a philosophy. I have a brain and a mouth. I am good at using both. I am a natural born leader. Thank you. Alpha Lee Rainbow Light Lee Porter Butler 620 Biscayne Drive West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 407-659-7656 Sense of humour --- * Origin: Psychotronic BBS (1:3641/1) @Subject: Sense of humour @Message-Id: <4942.usenet@merckx.graphics.cornell.edu> @Sender: usenet@Graphics.Cornell.edu @Reply-To: Alternative Energy Discussion List @PATH: 3641/1