Andrea H. Berman


Member, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
Member, Alpha Pi Mu (National Industrial Engineering Honor Society)
Reviewer, 5th Conference on Human Factors & the Web, 1999
Recipient of the NASA Group Achievement Award, 1996


Berman, A. H. (1994).  A Study of Factors Affecting Foot Movement Time 
     in a Braking Maneuver (Master of Science Thesis).  College 
     Station, TX: Texas A&M University.

Berman, A. H. (1996). To Comfortably Go Where No One has Gone Before. UNDISCOVERED: Exploring the Frontiers of Vision and Science, 1(3), 2-3.

Berman, A. H. (1997). Orbiter Cockpit Reach Evaluation (Report #LMSMSS-32427). Houston, TX: Lockheed Martin Space Mission Systems and Services Company.

Berman, A. H. and Whitmore, M. (1996a). A Human-Computer Interaction Evaluation of Four International Space Station User Interfaces (Report #LMES 32158). Houston, TX: Lockheed Martin Engineering and Science Services.

Berman, A. H. and Whitmore, M. (1996b). Initial Usability Testing of a Hand-held Electronic Logbook Prototype for the Human Research Facility (NASA Contractor Report #CR-199849). Houston, TX: NASA Johnson Space Center.

Berman, A. H. and Whitmore, M. (1997). Human Factors Evaluations of the BIO-Plex Habitation Chamber in Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Industral Engineering Applications and Practices. San Diego, CA: International Journal of Industrial Engineering.

Berman, A. H., Whitmore, M., and Adolf, J. (1996). A usability walkthrough of the Posture Video Analysis Tool in Proceedings of the Silicon Valley Ergonomics Conference. San Jose, CA: Silicon Valley Ergonomics Institute.

Chmielewski, C., Pandya, A., Adolf, J., Whitmore, M., Berman, A., Woolford, B., and Maida, J. (1999). Comparison of the features of multimedia and Virtual Reality for use in learning in Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on Computer-Aided Ergonomics and Safety. Barcelona, Spain: CASE.

Sampaio, C. E., Berman, A. H., Fleming, T. F., and Backemeyer, L. A. (1995). A lighting and visibility evaluation of the Shuttle/Mir docking target in Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 39th Annual Meeting. Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors Society.

Whitmore, M., Adolf, J., Berman, A., and McKay, T. (1995). Usability Testing of Posture Video Analysis Tool. Poster presentation at CHI '95- Conference of the Association of Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group in Computer-Human Interaction.

Whitmore, M. and Berman, A. H. (1996a). Common Ground for Critical Shuttle and Space Station User Interfaces: an Independent Verification and Validation Approach. Poster presentation at CHI '96- Conference of the Association of Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group in Computer-Human Interaction.

Whitmore, M. and Berman, A. H. (1996b). The Evolution of the Posture Video Analysis Tool (PVAT). (NASA Technical Paper #3657). Houston, TX: NASA Johnson Space Center.

Whitmore, M., Berman, A.H., and Chmielewski, C. (1996). Independent Verification and Validation of Complex User Interfaces: A Human Factors Approach (NASA Technical Paper #3665). Houston, TX: NASA Johnson Space Center.

Whitmore, M., Berman, A.H., Chmielewski, C., and Woolford, B. (1997). A Comparison of Remote Training Methods, SAE Technical Paper Series: No. 972403. Warrendale, PA: SAE Publications Group.

References available upon request

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