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Factory/corporate farming

Howdy, all:

This week's URLs are actually last week's, except last week I was at the Rural Life Gathering at Sinsinawa. In the past three days I've had two farmers, a citizen, and a Wisconsin legislator ask me for leads to resources on factory farming, including information, activist strategies, and examples of successful campaigns. Here's what a 30-minute tango with AltaVista turned up:

Interestingly, of the first 100 (of 400) hits on "factory farming," the huge majority (at least 70%) were about animal rights, animal rights activism, and vegetarian issues. (See Michele's Animal rights/farming links.) So, next, searching on "corporate farming" got me 100 hits. Most of them Farmers Union voting records. Plus: I did not get to search on "industrial/ized agriculture" or other related terms. Too late, too tired, and I'm sitting here once again cussing Bill Gates and Windows 95 after multiple serial General Protection Faults and lockups.

That's not a bug, it's a feature.



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