Home News & Events Sustainable Agriculture Coalition Seeks Policy Associate

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Sustainable Agriculture Coalition Seeks Policy Associate

Position Description

The Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (SAC) seeks a full-time policy associate to represent the Coalition in its dealings with federal policy and opinion makers. Key responsibilities include:
  • engaging in policy research, analysis, development, and education
  • developing issue strategies
  • building coalitions
  • facilitating grassroots involvement
  • resourcing one or more issue committees
  • representing SAC before Congress and federal agencies
  • serving as a public spokesperson.
The job involves major attention to administrative action and reform at USDA and EPA, including conservation and environmental programs.

Description of Organization

SAC is the advocacy arm of the Midwest Sustainable Agriculture Working Group (MSAWG), a network of nearly 40 farm, food, conservation, environmental and rural organizations. MSAWG was formed in 1988 to give grassroots groups concerned about sustainable agriculture a more powerful voice on federal policy issues.

MSAWG supports policies that foster a widely dispersed, family farm system of agriculture and strong rural communities, while protecting the environment and enhancing food security. MSAWG relies heavily on participating groups to carry out its work.

There are currently four MSAWG issue committees
  • Research and Extension
  • Conservation and Environment
  • Marketing and Rural Development
  • Farming Opportunity and Risk Management
MSAWG/SAC coordinates its work with SAWGs in other regions of the country, the National Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture, and the Clean Water Network, and shares office space and works closely with the Henry A. Wallace Institute for Alternative Agriculture.


Applicants should have:
  • knowledge of and commitment to family farming and a sustainable food and agriculture system
  • strong background in federal agriculture and environmental policy
  • solid writing and public speaking skills
  • significant research experience.
Candidates should be highly self-motivated, work well with farmers and diverse constituencies and coalitions, and be committed to working with grassroots social change organizations. Capitol Hill, federal agency, state legislative/administrative, legislative/administrative law, or media/public relations experience helpful.

Terms of Employment

The position will operate out of SAC's Washington Office on Capitol Hill. The salary range is $30,000-plus, depending on experience, with excellent benefits. The expected starting date is 1/1/98, with a minimum two year commitment. The policy associate will formally be an employee of the Center for Rural Affairs (CRA), a member of SAC, and will be governed by CRA's Personnel Policies and Guidelines. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

Please send letter of application, resume, reference list, and a writing sample to Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, 110 Maryland Ave. N.E., Box 76, Washington, D.C. 20002 no later than October 31, 1997. Email questions to Brad Devries: bdevries@cais.com

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Home News & Events Sustainable Agriculture Coalition Seeks Policy Associate

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