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Internet Guide for Farmers, Extension Agents

How to Find Agricultural Information on the Internet helps farmers and other ag professionals get started.

10/16/97: Davis, Calif. -- Farmers have joined business people and researchers worldwide in using the Internet, but are they finding the information they need for their farms? The University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SAREP) has a new100-page book to help them.

How to Find Agricultural Information on the Internet shows farmers, ranchers, Extension agents, consultants and gardeners the basics of choosing an Internet provider, figuring costs, using electronic mail, getting answers from e-mail discussion groups, searching the World Wide Web for practical information, finding graphics on the Web, and copying information from the 'Net for their own use. (Full table of contents and excerpts.)

"Farmers are going beyond using computers just for bookkeeping," says Jill Shore Auburn, SAREP associate director and editor of the book by Mark Campidonica. "But many of them are unsure of the methods used to get good information off the Internet, and need basic 'how to do it' details. Our book does just that."

Auburn says the new book is aimed at both beginning and intermediate Internet users, and walks readers through real-life examples of farmers looking for and copying information, posting questions to international user groups, and shows a university scientist answering client questions. Although it is aimed at the agricultural community, the book offers plenty of good beginning Internet information and is useful for anyone who wants to "log on."

A recent USDA survey shows that more than 2 million computers are in use on farms of all sizes in the U.S., with 13 percent having access to the Internet. In California, 23 percent of the state's farmers have access to the Internet, almost twice the national average (highest: 31 percent, New Jersey; lowest: 4 percent, Louisiana and Mississippi).

Purchase the book through University of California DANR Communication Services, 6701 San Pablo Ave., Oakland, CA 94608-1239 for $12 (add $3 handling + $0.99 Calif. tax). Checks payable to UC Regents. VISA, MasterCard or purchase orders: (800) 994-8849, (510) 642-2431; FAX: (510) 643-5470.

More information about publications, videos and other resources from SAREP.

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