Set or get the clipping rectangle for a visual


ggiSetGCClipping, ggiGetGCClipping : Set or get the clipping rectangle for a visual


#include <ggi/ggi.h>

int ggiSetGCClipping(ggi_visual_t vis, int left, int top,
                     int  right, int  bottom);

int ggiGetGCClipping(ggi_visual_t vis, int *left, int *top,
                     int *right, int *bottom);


ggiSetGCClipping sets the the current clipping rectangle to (left, top) - (right-1, bottom-1), inclusive.

Initially the clipping rectangle is the whole virtual screen.

All LibGGI drawing primitives obey the clipping rectangle. Negative coordinates given to LibGGI drawing functions will be clipped correctly.

ggiGetGCClipping reads the coordinates of the current clipping rectangle.

Return value

Both functions 0 for OK.