LK201/LK401 keyboard input


input-lk201 : LK201/LK401 keyboard input


input-lk201: [<file>]


The lk201 and lk401 devices are keyboards made by Digital Equipment Corporation for some of there older micro computer systems and terminals.

They connect via a 4 pin RJ connector, which carries 11.8V (+/- 6%), GND, and two bidirectional async RS423 (RS232 Compatible) serial lines, which are Receive and Transmit. The pins are as follows (looking on to the male (lk201 side) connector):

| "    "    "    "  |
| L    V    G    D  |
| K    +    N    E  |
| ->        D    C  |
| D             ->  |
| E              L  |
| C              K  |
 --               --
   |             |
    --         --
      |       |



Specifies the serial port device to use (e.g. /dev/ttyS1). If this argument is not specified as part of the input's arguments, then the device named in the environment variable GII_LK201_OPTIONS is used.

Environment variables


File name of serial port.


  • Generates evKey* events.

Known Bugs

  • key repeat messages are not sent, which can annoy users who want to use the cursor keys.
  • Handle setting of keyclick and bell, which can also annoy users.