A-4. See V2.
    air doctrine
      interwar development summarized: xxiii-xxv
      need for wartime flexibility: 336. See also Army Air Corps Tactical School, Luftwaffe, RAF, "strategic" bombing.
      nature of in WWII: xxiv
      role in German defeat: 301
      aircraft production: 103, 139
      Dieppe raid: 135
      North Africa antishipping campaign: 162. See also RAF, USAAF.
    Army Air Service. See USAAF.
    Army Air Corps Tactical School: 247
      and air doctrine: 333
      emphasizes pursuit aviation: 332
      shift to bombardment emphasis: 332-33
      and precision bombing: 333-37
    von Arnim, Generaloberst Jürgen: 159
    Arnold, Henry "Hap"
      sets air goals: 236
      and Schweinfurt: 223

    B-17 bomber: 181, 335
    B-24 bomber: 181
    "Baby Blitz": 250-51
    Baldwin, Stanley, says bomber "would always get through": 14
    "Operation Barbarossa": 74
      August pause: 83
      and bad weather: 86-88
      and civilian population: 79
      Directive No. 21: 71
      German logistical difficulties: 79, 82-83
      German losses: 120
      Germans underestimate Russian strength: 83
      operations: 81-88
      planning: 77-80
      and Russian distances: 83
      Soviet tactical surprise: 81
    Battle of Britain: 39-56
      bombing of London: 20
    Behncke, Rear Admiral Paul, on Zeppelin attacks: 3-4
    Belgium: 36-38
    Bennet, Air Vice Marshal D. C .T.
      on crew morale: 221
      on need for senior commanders to fly missions: 257
    Battle of Berlin: 213-22
    Bf 109 fighter: 38, 104
      in Battle of Britain: 46, 48, 56
      and drop tanks: 48
      in Spain: 15
    Bf 110 fighter: 179, 337 n30
      in Battle of Britain: 48
      as night fighter: 214
    "Big Week": 237-45
    "Blitzkrieg" strategy: 30, 96
    von Blomberg, Werner: 5
    Blumentritt, Günther, opinion of Russian soldier: 79
    1st Bombardment Division: 222
    100th Bombardment Group: 222
    Bomber Command
      aircraft losses: 166-69, 212, 215-20, 343
      aircrew survival prospects: 303
      and "area" bombing: 128-29, 190
      attrition: 129, 131, 220
      Battle of Berlin: 213-22
      bombing accuracy: 56, 128, 217, 256 n37, 264-65, 293 n3, 327
      bombs Ruhr: 166-67
      bombs Prague: 166
      bombs French railways: 267, 271-72
      Cologne raid: 130
      crew losses and morale: 220-21
      and daylight bombing: 127-28, 130-31
      effect on German morale: 299-300
      and Eighth Air Force: 173
      and Essen: 217
      fall 1943 campaign: 210
      and Hamburg: 167-69
      and Kammhuber line: 177
      loses initiative over Germany: 264
      and night fighter forces: 215
      Nuremberg Raid: 218
      operates under restrictions: 127
      and "Overlord": 272
      pathfinder force: 130
      Peenemünde raid: 169
      performance in 1942: 166
      and Schweinfurt raid: 197 n143, 217
      and scientific war: 216-17
    Bonnet, Georges: 18
    Bradley, General Omar: 288
    Brereton, Louis: 293 n17
    Bufton, Air Commander S. O.: 173
    Butler, "Rab": 44
    Bulgaria: 74

    Lord Chatfield: 328
    Chamberlain, Neville: 18, 29
      and British air defense: 328
    Chennault, General Claire: 334


    Ciano, Galeazzo: 69, 71
    "Operation Citadel": 157-59
    Lord Cherwell, argues for "area" bombing: 129
    Churchill, Sir Winston: 129
      concern for French bombing casualties: 266
      congratulates Portal and Harris: 215
      defends fledgling RAF: 324
      and Harris: 129
      intransigence: 44
      and Leigh-Mallory: 265
      on long-range fighters: 131
      and Mediterranean strategy: 159
      and "Rab" Butler: 44
      strategy: 70
    Combined Bomber Offensive: 209
    "Conduct of the Air War" (Die Luftkriegführung): 8
    Coningham, Sir A. "Mary": 126
    Cunningham, Sir Andrew: 160
    Czechoslovakia: 19, 27
      German exploitation: 99

    Daladier, Edouard: 29
    Denmark: 35
    Doolittle, James H.: 162, 236-37
    Do 17 bomber: 15
    Do 19 bomber: 9
    Douhet, Giulio
      influences the Army Air Corps Tactical School: 333-37
      "strategic" bombing: 6, 276
      theory of airpower: xxiii-xxiv
    Dowding, Air Marshal Hugh: 328
      conduct of Battle of Britain: 48-49
      opposes two-seater fighter: 328, 337 n30
      and "Ultra": 47
    drop tanks: 48, 223-25

    Eaker, Ira
      on daylight bombing: 132
      and fighter drop tanks: 223-24
      and long-range fighters: 131, 173-74
      transferred to Mediterranean: 236
      on unescorted bombing: 169-70
    Eisenhower, General Dwight D.: 228
      and "Overlord": 265-66
      and Spaatz: 160
      shortcomings as a commander: 289
      and Tedder: 160
    Eighth Air Force
      aircraft losses: 171, 173, 181-82, 222-23, 236, 242, 273, 277, 345
      aircraft strength: 234
      attrition: 226, 242-43, 317
      and "Big Week": 226, 237-45
      bombs fuel industry: 273-76, 285, 291
      and Bomber Command: 173
      bomber accuracy: 293 n3
      Bremen raids: 232
      daylight bombing: 181-82
      early raids on Europe: 170
      effect on German aircraft production: 191
      and long-range fighters: 230, 233, 237
      puts pressure on Luftwaffe: 180-81, 222, 317
      Schweinfurt raids: 171-72, 191, 197 n143, 222-23, 226
      targeting strategy: 191
      and unescorted bombing: 223

    Falaise Gap, Battle of: 288
    Falk, Major W.: 133
    Felmy, General: 28
      on bombing England: 18-19
      and "strategic" bombing: 11
    Fifteenth Air Force: 236, 242, 291
    Finland: 71
    Fischer, Sir Warren: 327
    flak: 190, 199 n211
      88mm gun in Spain: 15
      importance of: 132
    "Flensburg" detector: 216
    Fliegerkorp I: 48, 278
    Fliegerkorps II: 39
    Fliegerkorps IV: 81, 121
    Fliegerkorps VIII: 81, 83-84, 87, 125
    Fliegerkorps Tunis: 162
    Fliegerkorps X: 73
    Focke-Wulf Fw 190: 134
    Focke-Wulf Fw 200: 135-36
    France: 99
      air force: 36
      attitude towards German rearmament: 3, 14, 18
      Battle of France: 36-39
      Vichy France as potential German ally: 70
    Franco, Francisco: 16, 70
    Freeman, Air Marshal Wilfrid: 223-24


    Galland, Adolf
      and air defense: 226, 233, 278
      asks for pilot volunteers: 244
      exchange with Göring on long-range fighters: 230-31
      in Italy: 164
      and Me 262: 252
      misses 1943 air threat: 180
      pleads for more fighters: 254
      and Scharnhorst and Gneisenau breakout: 135
      in Spain: 15
    George, Harold: 335
    Gee navigational aid: 130
      aircraft industry: 6
      aircraft production: 9, 12-13, 20, 88, 98-99, 100, 102-03, 136-38, 144 n129, 158, 190, 229-30, 237, 245, 251-53, 258 n86
      armament production: 189-90
      army. See Wehrmacht.
      economic constraints on rearmament: 22
      economic problems: 27
      exploitation of occupied countries: 98-99
      failure of leadership: 319
      and foreign exchange: 31-32
      insufficient war production leads to defeat: 302
      navy. See Kriegsmarine.
      and oil supplies: 272-73
      and raw materials: 31
      and Russia in WWI: 109 n61
      strategic situation: 35-36, 39, 44-47, 107, 120, 122, 139, 209, 263, 302
      synthetic fuel: 22 n4
      war production: 96-97
      wartime labor shortage: 99
    Goebbels, Joseph: 103
      and Berlin raids: 215-16
      and Hamburg raid: 169
      and Milch: 132
      propaganda reaction to "Big Week": 243
      rages at destruction of art: 133
    Göring, Hermann: 2, 5, 11-13, 29, 134
      and aircraft production: 101-02. See also "Göring program".
      and air defense: 177, 228, 278
      and army: 25
      and Battle of Britain: 45, 47, 49-50
      bias towards bombers: 229
      disgraced by Ruhr attacks: 177
      exchange with Galland on long-range fighters: 230
      and fighter drop tanks: 225
      and Four Year Plan: 138
      and German economic policy: 98
      on Germany's ability to get along without cities: 228-29
      and Hitler: 228
      incompetence: 12
      invites attack on oil industry: 281
      jokes about starving Russian POW's: 100
      lacks technical background: 189
      and long-range fighters: 258 n96
      and Luftwaffe defeat: 182
      and Luftwaffe field divisions: 119
      and Milch: 100, 102
      and "National Socialist" air defense: 228
      and navy: 135
      and night fighters: 180
      on night fighter losses: 215
      numbers fascination: 13-14
      orders "Baby Blitz" raids: 250-51
      poor administration: 101-02
      in partial disgrace: 209
      on pillage: 98
      political status and effect on Luftwaffe's independence: 4-5
      preference for planes over fuel: 276
      on reprisal raids: 229
      restricts flights by unit commanders: 284
      reaction to daylight bombing: 301
      rearmament and raw materials: 1
      rules out Allied landings in Africa: 150
      on the simplicity of radar apparatus: 189
      and Stalingrad airlift: 151-52, 154
      "strategic" bombing: 19
      and "strategic" bombing proposal: 247
      on supposed cowardice of pilots: 210
      underestimates American productive capacity: 103
      and use of women workers: 189
      wants more fighter-bombers: 180
    "Göring program": 102, 136-37
    Gossler, Konrad: 7
    Great Britain
      aircraft production: 20
      air force. See Royal Air Force.
      Chiefs of Staff: 18
      diplomacy: 27-28
      national mood (1940): 44
      navy. See Royal Navy.
      pre-war impact of Luftwaffe: 14, 18
    Greece: 73, 75-76
    Guderian, General Heinz: 109 n54, 157
    Guernica, air attack on: 16

    H2S (radar target locator): 166, 210, 213, 216
    H2X radar: 231
    Hacha, Dr. Emil: 27
    Herrmann, Major Hajo: 179
    Halder, Franz: 6
      and "Barbarossa": 82-83
      and Russian campaign: 123
      strategic views: 120
      and Yugoslavian invasion plan: 75
    Halifax, Lord: 18, 44
    Harris, Sir Arthur
      appointed chief of Bomber Command: 129
      and "area" bombing: 129, 130, 166, 169
      and Battle of Berlin: 169, 221
      and Bomber Command: 166
      and Churchill: 129
      deplores diversion of aircraft to antisubmarine warfare: 129-30
      and Eaker: 212
      hopes to win war with Bomber Command alone: 212-13
      on leaflet raids: 128
      and ocean reconnaissance: 329
      opposes creation of pathfinder force: 130
      and "Overlord": 221, 264
      and "panacea" targets: 173
      popularity: 213
      and Spaatz: 212
      and the scientific war: 212
      strain on: 213
      and "strategic" bombing: 169
    Heinkel He 51: 15
    Heinkel He 111: 13, 15
    Heinkel He 177: 9, 11, 250
      as a dive bomber: 13-14


    Heye, Captain: 16
    Hitler, Adolf: 29, 113, 147-48
      after fall of France: 39, 44
      and air defense: 180
      and aircraft production: 11-12, 101-02, 188, 209-10, 317
      Altmark affair: 33
      asks staff location of Pearl Harbor: 6
      attack on Poland: 20, 29
      and "Operation Barbarossa": 72, 77-78, 87
      and Battle of Britain: 52
      and "Blitzkrieg" strategy: 30
      and Cologne raid: 133
      conception of leadership: 166
      contribution to Mediterranean defeat: 165
      and Crete invasion: 76
      decides to invade Yugoslavia: 74
      declares war on America: 88
      demands bombardment of Italy: 250
      diplomacy: 28
      ends Luftwaffe resource priority: 138
      fears air attack on Rumanian oil fields: 74
      and flak: 132
      fury over Ruhr attacks: 177
      and Göring: 228
      grand strategy: 69-72, 147, 319
      and Halder: 123
      halts night fighter operations over England: 133
      and Hamburg raid: 169
      hamstrings strategy prior to D-day: 264
      holds back reserves in Normandy: 284
      on importance of Rumanian oil: 272
      on importance of West European theatre: 261
      interest centered on ground battle: 228
      invites attack on oil industry: 281
      and Jeschonnek: 134
      lacks technical knowledge: 189
      and Luftwaffe defeat: 182
      Mediterranean strategy: 164
      and Me 262: 252
      and May 1940 stop order: 38
      and Malta: 127
      "no retreat" orders: 285
      orders Mortain counterattack: 287
      and North Africa: 150, 165, 169
      numbers fascination: 13-14
      orders flak strengthened: 177
      orders 1942 offensives: 316
      orders starvation of Leningrad: 84
      and rearmament program: 3
      refuses to allow women to work in factories: 99
      refuses to use Russian POWs for labor: 99
      and reprisal raids: 134, 180, 188-89, 250
      Russian campaign: 86-121, 123-24, 157-58
      and "Sea Lion": 108
      and Stalingrad: 125, 150-51, 154
      and "strategic" bombing proposal: 247
      and supposed cowardice of pilots: 210
      threatens Czechs: 27
      and western offensive: 33-34
    Hoare, Sir Samuel: 330
    Hore-Belisha, Leslie: 329
    Horrocks, Lieutenant General Brian: 289
    Hoth, Generaloberst Hermann: 155
    Hungary: 120
    "Hurricane" fighters: 47-48
    Operation "Husky": 165

      air force: 72
      attacks Greece: 73
      army: 72
      joins war: 72
      as German ally: 120
      naval disaster at Taranto: 73
      navy: 72, 159
      North African disaster: 73

    3rd Jagddivision: 228
    Jagdgeschwader II: 232
    Jagdgeschwader II, II Gruppe: 244, 278-79, 288
    Jagdgeschwader 53, II Gruppe: 278-79, 288
    Jagdgeschwader Udet, III Gruppe: 237, 244
    Jagdkorps I: 233
    Jeschonnek, Hans (Luftwaffe chief of staff): 6, 12, 23 n28, 100, 158, 181
      and Hitler: 134
      inability to see use for more fighters: 138
      and invasion of Russia: 55-56
      leadership assessed: 182, 188
      mobilization plans: 13
      poor administration: 101
      and "strategic" bombing proposal: 246
      and Stalingrad airlift: 151
      suicide: 182, 209
      on war with Russia: 80
      under Hitler's spell: 11-21
    Jodl, Alfred: 44, 45, 69-70
      in North Africa: 159
    Junkers Ju 52: 13, 15
    Junkers Ju 86: 13
    Junkers Ju 87 dive bomber ("Stuka"): 13, 15, 37, 48
    Junkers Ju 88 bomber: 13-14
    Junkers Ju 89: 9

    Kammhuber, General Joseph: 132, 188, 215
    Kharkov, Battle of: 121-22
    von Kluge, Field Marshal Günther: 284
    Kersch Peninsula, fighting on: 121
    Knauss, Dr. Robert: 6-7, 10
    Knickebein bombing aid: 16, 47
    Korten, Günther
      appointed Luftwaffe chief of staff: 209
      and "strategic" bombing proposal: 210, 246-47
      strategic program: 246


    Kesselring, Field Marshal Albert: 6, 11-12, 16
      and Battle of Britain: 52
      in Italy: 164
      and Malta: 127
      and Mediterranean: 165-66
      fuel shortage: 141 n28
      Norwegian campaign: 35-36, 44
      and "Sea Lion": 45-46
    Kursk, Battle of: 158

    "Lancaster" bomber: 130
    Leigh-Mallory, Air Marshal Sir Trefford
      appointed Commander, Allied Expeditionary Air Force: 265
      and Brereton: 293 n17
      plan for bombing German transportation system: 266-67
    Lithuania: 27
    Lloyd George, David
      considers ending RAF independence: 334
    Loerzer, General Bruno: 37
      as a bombing target: 11, 18, 52
      and the Blitz: 54
    Lovett, Robert: 173
    Ludendorff, General Erich, and total war: xxv
    Luftflotte 1: 273
    Luftflotte 2: 11, 18, 87, 127, 159, 160, 164
    Luftflotte 3: 37, 181, 255, 273, 278, 279-81, 283, 288
    Luftflotte 4: 125, 150-52, 154-55, 158-60, 247, 285
    Luftflotte 6: 158-59, 246-47, 249, 273, 285-86
    Luftflotte Reich: 244, 278, 280, 288
    Luftflotte South East: 164
    Lufthansa: 4-5
      accident rate: 183, 199 n192
      air defense: 134, 180-81, 224-25, 228-29, 230, 233, 236, 277-78. See also Luftwaffe night fighter forces.
      aircraft losses: 40, 50-51, 53-54, 55, 76-77, 89-90, 93, 140, 142 n45, 142 n54, 151, 163-65, 179, 181-82, 199 n196, 159, 225-26, 231-34, 243, 248, 251, 277, 281, 283-84
      aircraft strength: 32-33, 80, 101, 122, 275
      aircrew survival prospects: 303
      air doctrine: xxv, 1, 7-11, 19-21, 35, 57
      air strategy: 224
      and American long-range fighters: 237
      antishipping operations: 135-36, 160, 165
      antitank forces: 249
      attrition: 88-89, 96, 100-01, 103-04, 113, 124-25, 134, 138-39, 147, 154-55, 158, 160, 163, 165, 182-83, 215, 222, 226, 237, 242, 243, 245, 273-74, 277-79, 288, 303, 312-18
      "Baby Blitz" raids: 250-51
      "Baedecker" reprisal raids: 134
      Balkan campaign: 75-77
      and "Barbarossa": 79, 81-88
      Battle of Berlin: 213-22
      Battle of Britain: 39-56
      and "Baby Blitz": 247
      and "Big Week": 237-45
      and bombing accuracy: 16
      bombing of Belgrade: 75
      Cherkassy airlift: 248
      and "Citadel": 158-59
      and civil aviation: 4
      and Cologne raid: 133
      complicity in Nazi crimes: 78-79
      and Crete invasion: 76
      creation of "Fighter Staff": 254
      deficiencies in strategic thinking: xxv
      Demyansk airlift: 119
      as a deterrent: 28-29, 31
      and Dieppe raid: 135
      Dunkirk: 38-39
      "Eagle Day": 48, 50
      economic and strategic constraints on development: 3, 20
      emphasis on unit cohesion: 232
      as a factor in Hitler's strategic calculations: 33
      field divisions: 119
      and fighter drop tanks: 225
      General Staff: 11
      general staff intelligence section: 28
      and German ground strategy: 19
      and Germany's overall strategic situation: 1
      impact, 1933-39: 14-19
      intelligence service: 47
      Kholm airlift: 119-20
      "Knickebein" blind bombing system: 47
      leadership deficiencies: 20
      logistics in Russia: 79
      loses air superiority in Europe: 209
      loss of leading aces: 244
      maintenance system: 94
      May 1940 campaign: 36-39
      Mediterranean theater: 74
      misuse of bombers for ground support: 119
      and maintenance: 14
      and "Market Garden": 290
      mobilization plans: 13
      and Moscow, Battle of: 87-88
      nearly constant frontline strength: 303
      night bombing: 20, 55-56
      night fighter force: 132, 134, 177, 179, 199 n206, 213-15, 216-18, 221-22, 224, 232
      after Normandy: 288
      in North Africa: 159-63
      Norwegian campaign: 35
      origins of its air aces: 312
      and "Overlord": 279-80, 280-85
      pilot training: 94-95, 160, 163, 254-55, 275, 277-78, 303
      Polish campaign: 30-31
      preparations for war on Britain: 18
      prewar expansion: 6
      quality of higher leadership: 100
      quality of officer corps: 6
      readiness for Czech crisis: 17-18
      role in German strategy: 6, 29
      in Russia: 113-25, 158, 247-49, 285-86
      Scharnhorst and Gneisenau breakout: 135
      and "Sea Lion": 45
      seizure of Eban Emael: 37
      Spanish Civil War: 15-16
      and Stalingrad: 124-25, 147-55
      and "strategic" bombing: 3, 8-11, 19-21
      strategic situation: 191-92, 209, 245, 255, 283-84, 291, 317
      stress on unit cohesion: 318
      supply system: 94
      swamped by Allied numbers: 318
      and "strategic" bombing in Russia proposal: 246-50
      transition to modern aircraft: 13, 17-18
      transport force: 119-20
      and total war: 9-10
      use of Russian theater as a flying school: 278
      varieties of attrition: 316-18
      and 1940 offensive: 32-34


    Maginot Line: 14
    Malta, and Axis convoys: 126-27
    von Manstein, Field Marshal Erich: 6
      and Göring: 154
      in Russia: 121, 248
      after Stalingrad: 155
      strategy in Russia: 157
    Operation "Market Garden": 290
    Marcks, General Erich: 77
    Martini, General: 215
    Messerschmitt, Me 109. See Bf 109.
    Messerschmitt, Me 110. See Bf 110.
    Me 262: 252-53
    Mers-el-Kebir: 44
    Messerschmitt, Willi: 252
    Milch, Erhard: 6, 7, 12, 13, 94, 100, 102-03, 112 n150, 181
      and air defense: 177
      and aircraft production: 20, 102-03, 136-38, 188, 190, 251-52, 301
      appointed air ministry state secretary: 5
      on bombing threat: 179-80
      concerned about bombing: 228-29
      on control of French workers: 261 n195
      and creation of "Fighter Staff": 254
      estimates dead at Hamburg: 196 n119
      and "Göring program": 136
      and Messerschmitt: 252
      plans expansion of air strength: 119
      reorganizes after Stalingrad: 155
      and reprisal raids: 177
      and Richthofen: 154
      and Speer: 137
      and Stalingrad airlift: 154
      urges use of women workers: 189
    Militärwissenschaftliche Rundschau, and "strategic" bombing: 10
    Mitchell, William "Billy":
      and pursuit aircraft: 332
      and "strategic" bombing: 333-37
    Mölders, Werner: 177
    "Monica" radar detector: 216
    Montgomery, General Bernard: 288
      failure at Antwerp: 289-90
      and "Market Garden": 290
      takes command of Eighth Army: 127
    Molotov, Vyacheslav: 70, 72
    Mussolini, Benito: 72-73

    "Naxos" detector: 216
    Nazi Party
      attraction to military: 9-10
      and raw materials: 31
      and total war: 9-10
    Nazi-Soviet Non Aggression Pact: 28
    Ninth Air Force: 236, 286
    1934 Non Aggression Pact with Poland: 14
    Netherlands: 36-38
    Norstad, Lauris: 162
    1st Night Fighter Division: 132
    Norden bombsight: 335
    Norway: 35

    Oboe radar bombing aid: 166, 210, 265
    Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW): 127, 159
      and "Citadel": 157
      and German rearmament: 2-3
      and Stalingrad: 150
    Operation "Overlord"
      and air attacks on railways: 267, 271-72
      D-day: 280-81
      execution of: 280-85
      and "strategic" bombing: 264-72

    Peltz, Dietrich: 250-51
    P-38 fighter, equipped with drop tanks: 230
    P-47 fighter, equipped with drop tanks: 171, 230
    P-51 fighter, development: 224
    Park, Keith: 50
    Paulus, Field Marshal Friedrich: 150, 154
    Pétain, Marshal Henri Phillipp: 70
    Poland: 19, 30-31
      Britain's guarantee to: 28
      air force: 31
    Operation "Pointblank": 266-67


    Portal, Sir Charles: 56
      on long-range fighters: 131
      and "Overlord": 265-66
      pushes for reprisal raids: 128
    Pound, Admiral Dudley: 44

    Quesada, Elwood: 162

    Raeder, Erich: 35, 58 n46
    Red Air Force: 80
      aircraft losses: 82
      and Battle of Moscow: 87-88
      at Stalingrad: 155
    Red Army: 285-86
      Germans underestimate: 78
      and Stalingrad: 125, 147-55
    Reichswehr: 5
      and military aviation: 4. See also von Seeckt.
    von Ribbentrop, Joachim: 71
    von Richthofen, Field Marshal Wolfram: 37
      develops close support tactics in Spain: 15
      bombing of Warsaw: 31
      and Göring: 154
      in Italy: 164
      and Jeschonnek: 152
      and Luftwaffe field divisions: 141 n20
      reorganizes after Stalingrad: 155
      in Russia: 84, 121-22, 124-25
      and Stalingrad airlift: 151-53
    von Rohden, Herhudt: 10
    Rommel, Field Marshal Irwin: 127, 147, 150
      on Normandy fighting: 284
      tactical genius: 126
      as a strategist: 74
      strategy to hold France: 263
    Roosevelt, Franklin, and Mediterranean strategy: 159
    Rotterdam, bombing of: 20, 37-38
    Royal Air Force
      air defense: 327-29
      air doctrine: xxiii
      and Battle of Britain: 45-56
      and bombing accuracy: 164
      budget struggles of interwar years: 323-24
      creation: 321
      Dunkirk: 39
      early emphasis on morale impact of air raids: 322-23
      emphasis on "strategic" bombing stifles other facets of airpower: 327-31
      exaggerates German air threat: 330
      failure to prepare for "strategic" bombing: 326-27
      Fighter Command: 45-46, 50, 52, 54, 180, 236
      lacked ground-attack capability: 324
      and long-range fighters: 131
      May 1940 campaign: 36
      Mediterranean campaign: 126
      neutralizes German blind bombing devices: 80-81
      "strategic" bombing in WWI: 321-23
      and two-seater fighters: 328
    RAF. See also Bomber Command.
    Royal Flying Corps. See Royal Air Force.
    Royal Navy
      and Battle of Britain: 48
      Norway campaign: 35-36
      and "Sea Lion": 46
    Rumania: 71, 120
    von Rundstedt, Field Marshall Gerd: 38, 263

    Sauckel, Fritz: 253
    Sauer, Karl-Otto: 254
    Schmid, Joseph "Beppo": 33
      and "wild sow" tactics: 216
      on fighter tactics: 232
    Schräge Musik cannon installation: 214
    von Schweppenburg, Geyr: 282
    "Operation Sea Lion": 45-46, 54, 70
    von Seeckt, General Hans: 4
      elite army concept: 9
      and motorized forces: 22 n18
    Sevastapol, siege of: 122
    Sicherheitsdienst (SD), reports on German morale: 300-01, 320 n2
    Sixth Army: 147, 150
    Slessor, Sir John: 326
    "SN2" radar: 214
    Soddu, General Ubaldo, on the military life: 72
    Soviet Union, air force. See Red Air Force.
      aircraft production: 246
      army. See Red Army.
      diplomacy: 70
      high command begins to allow withdrawal: 122
    Spaatz, Carl "Tooey": 160, 162
      fuel bombing plan evaluated: 276
      and Leigh-Mallory: 265
      pushes attacks on German oil industry: 266-67
      replaces Eaker: 236
    Spain: 70
    Speer, Albert: 169, 215
      on ball bearing attacks: 191
      and bombing of oil industry: 273
      and Milch: 137
      and reprisal raids: 190
      and "strategic" bombing proposal: 247
      warns Hitler about oil situation: 275
    Sperrle, Field Marshal Hugo: 177, 280
      and Hitler: 197 n152
    "Spitfire" fighter: 47-48, 134
    SS (Schutzstaffel): 265
      Einsatzgruppen: 79
      massacre at Oradour sur Glane: 280
    Stalin, Joseph
      military incompetence: 81, 85
      overconfidence (1942): 118
      refuses to allow retreat: 121
      takeover of Baltic states: 71
      understanding of Clausewitz: 291


    "strategic" bombing: 321
      as a deterrent: 7
      and early airpower theorists: xxiii-xxv
      as an escape from WWI: 335
      did not invalidate all previous military experience: 299
      inability to independently force German collapse: 290
      and Knauss: 10
      leads Germans to reprisal raids: 300-01
      misuse of term: xxvi n3
      narrow definition of Douhet and Trenchard: 276
      and "Overlord": 264-72
      proves to be attrition warfare: 302
      role in WWII: 299-300
      in Spain: 16
      in World War I: 322. See also Army Air Corps Tactical School, Bomber Command, Douhet, Eighth Air Force, Mitchell, Trenchard, United States Army Air Forces.
    Stumpff, Hans-Jürgen: 11

    "tame sow" night fighter tactics: 216
    Tedder, Air Chief Marshal Arthur: 160, 162
      air strategy evaluated: 276-77
      on interservice cooperation: 126
      and Leigh-Mallory: 265
      transportation bombing plan evaluated: 216
    von Tirpitz, Grand Admiral Alfred: 4, 6
    Lord Tiverton, Lieutenant Commander: 327
    Thomas, General Georg: 79
      and "Göring Program": 137
    Todt, Dr. Fritz: 137
    "Torch": 160
    Trautloff, Oberst Hannes: 245
    Trenchard, "Boom"
      argues for "area" bombing: 128
      as Chief of Air Staff: 321, 324
      and Dowding: 325
      low estimation of French fortitude: 324
      and Portal: 325
      and Slessor: 325
      and "strategic" bombing: 276, 321-26
      and Tedder: 325

    Udet, Ernst: 5
      and aircraft production: 101-02, 188
      dive bomber mania: 13, 16
      incompetence: 12, 100
      poor administration: 101
      suicide: 102
    "Udet" Geschwader, III Gruppe: 224
      and attack on Panzer Group West's HQ: 282
      and Axis convoys: 127
      and Battle of Britain: 47
      impact on intelligence picture: 244
      message intercepts: 179, 225, 236-37, 244-45, 271, 279, 281, 282
      and North African convoys: 160, 162-63
      provides warnings of Mortain counterattack: 287
      reveals German armor near "Market Garden" objectives: 290
      underlines impact of oil industry bombing: 273-74
      warning of Battle of the Bulge: 296n 99
    United States Air Force. See United States Army Air Forces.
      strategic situation: 331
    United States Army Air Corps. See United States Army Air Forces: 331.
    United States Army Air Forces
      air doctrine: xxiii
      and American geography: 334-35
      accident rate: 183
      aircraft losses: 170
      begins use of drop tanks: 225
      and bombing accuracy: 164
      Combined Bomber Offensive Plan: 170-71
      and lessons of Battle of Britain: 56
      on daylight bombing: 132
      and long range fighters: 173
      and navy: 334-35
      and precision bombing, 169, 190-91, 331, 335-36
      wins air superiority in Europe: 209. See also Army Air Corps Tactical School.

    V1 Rocket: 189, 250
      distorts German production: 301
    V2 Rocket: 189, 190, 250
      distorts German production: 301
    Versailles Treaty: 4

    Wavell, General Sir Archibald: 329
    von Weichs, Field Marshal Maximillian: 151
    Wever, Walther: 12
      chosen Luftwaffe Chief of Staff: 6
      formulation for Luftwaffe doctrine: 7-10, 11, 21
      and four-engine bomber: 8-9
    Weise, Generaloberst: 231
      attrition: 118
      operation "Blau": 123-24, 316-17
      complicity in Nazi crimes: 79
      dissatisfaction with troop performance in Poland: 31
      effect of Polish invasion on armored doctrine: 57 n20
      in Italy: 251
      May 1940 stop order: 38
      supply: 118
      in Russia: 113-25
      and "Sea Lion": 45
      and Stalingrad: 125, 147-55
      strength: 120
      varieties of attrition: 316-18
    Wehrmacht; See also Reichswehr.
    "wild sow" night fighter tactic: 177, 179, 213-14
    "window" (chaff): 167, 179, 212-13
      solved by Germans: 214


    'Y' service: 47, 167
    Yugoslavia: 74-76

    Zeitzler, Kurt: 151
    Zerstörergeschwader "Horst Wessel": 242-43
    Zhukov, Marshal Georgi: 87, 118
    Zukerman, Solly, and Harris: 212
      plan for bombing German transportation system: 266-67, 276


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Transcribed and formatted by Jerry Holden for the HyperWar Foundation