
Acceptance, airplane
Receipt of legal title by the resident factory representative of the procuring agency.

Accident, aircraft
An event involving one or more military aircraft that occurs while the aircraft is engaged in any phase of aerial flight and which results in death or major injury to persons or damage to aircraft which requires ten or more manhours of labor to remove repair and replace the damaged part or assembly.

Any type of airplane or glider.

Airframe weight
Empty weight, of an airplane leas the following government furnished equipment: engines, propellers, wheels, brakes. tires and tubes, auxiliary power plant, turbo-superchargers, radio receivers and transmitters, starters, batteries, generators, turrets and power-operated gun mounts.

Airplane, combat
Any type of bomber, fighter or reconnaissance airplane.

Airplane, first-line
One suited to perform the mission for which it was originally intended.

Airplane, military
One produced for the use of the armed forces or a commercial airplane seating twelve or more passengers.

Airplane, miscellaneous
One employed for such a non-tactical purpose as administrative or training flights.

Airplane, second line
One no longer considered operational due to such factors as age and obsolescence.

Airplane, total
All types of bomber, fighter reconnaissance, transport, trainer and communications airplanes.

Responsibility for negotiating for and inspecting the airplane.

Delivery, airplane
Transfer of possession from the resident representative of the procuring agency to a representative of the Air Transport Command, a public carrier or another transporting agency.

Personnel in bulk allotment
Personnel authorized to AAF activities in the form of a group of individuals rather than by Tables of Organization and Equipment.

Personnel in committed units
Personnel in units manned and equipped under a Table of Organization and Equipment and schedules to be shipped overseas at a known date.

Personnel, field students
Enlisted personnel being trained on the job to fill any air force personnel requirement except the performance of permanent duties in Continental US.

Personnel in permanent party
Personnel performing regular and recurring duties in Continental US.

Personnel casualties. missing, interned and captured
Include also personnel formerly missing but returned and personnel formerly interned and captured and repatriated.

Personnel casualties, wounded and evacuated
Include also personnel formerly wounded but recovered and returned to duty.

An airplane airborne on a mission against the enemy.

Sortie, effective
One which carries out the purpose of the mission.

Sortie, non-effective
One which for any reason fails to carry out the purpose of the mission.

Training, pre-flight
The initial training given to pilots, bombardiers, and navigators to acquaint them with the fundamentals of flight.

Training, primary
Training given to pilots subsequent to preflight training and consisting of military instruction, academic instruction in ground school and a specified number of hours of instruction in a single-engine trainer airplane.

Training, basic
Training given to pilots subsequent to primary training and consisting of further military and ground instruction and a specified number of hours of instruction in trainer aircraft more powerful than those used in primary training.

Training, advanced
Training given to pilots subsequent to basic training and consisting of further military, ground and flying instruction the latter in trainer aircraft more powerful than those previously used.

Training, transition
Training given to pilots subsequent to advanced training and designed to teach them to fly the particular model of airplane they are to fly in combat.


Table of Contents

Transcribed and formatted for HTML by Patrick Clancey, HyperWar Foundation