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Album S-583 page 39: Two views taken on board USS Scranton, 1919

Online Library of Selected Images -- Photo Albums

USS Scranton (ID # 3511) Photo Album --
General Description, Part II: Subject Listings

This page provides a list of subjects seen in USS Scranton's 1919 photographic album.

For introductory information on this album, see:
USS Scranton (ID # 3511) Photo Album -- General Description.

To quickly locate relevant entries in pages, use "Ctrl-f" to open the "FIND" dialog box, type in the subject word(s) you want and click "find next".

Click on the linked page numbers to see small pictures ("thumbnails") of those pages.
Click on the thumbnails to access larger images of the pages.

If you want higher resolution reproductions than the "Online Library's" digital images, see: "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions."



  • Views of the ship: Frontispiece, Page 1, Page 2a, Page 3; Page 8 and Page 29

  • Views on board the ship:
    -- Looking forward from the foremast -- Page 3a; Page 39 (these are identical images)
    -- Looking forward from the mainmast -- Page 2 & Page 3; Page 36 (same as Page 3 image)
    -- Looking aft from the mainmast -- Page 3a; Page 39
    -- Looking aft from on deck -- Page 27
    -- Emergency Rudder -- Page 34
    -- Boats -- Page 12, Page 34 and Page 37
    -- Atlantic seascapes -- Page 11 and Page 32

  • Ship's Officers and Crew -- posed groups and activities:
    -- LCdr Robert M. Tapley, USNRF, Commanding Officer (probably) -- Page 1
    -- Officers in ward room -- Page 4
    -- Radio Room -- Page 6
    -- Engine Room and Refrigeration Plant -- Page 5a
    -- Deck Force coiling line & operating winches -- Page 30
    -- Medical Staff -- Page 4, Page 4a
    -- Canteen, Pay Office & Provisions Store Room -- Page 5, Page 6
    -- Commissary Staff, Galley Force and Bakers -- Page 8, Page 31 and Page 38
    -- Men relaxing on deck -- Page 3a
    -- Seasick Sailor (probably) -- Page 37
    -- "Survivors" (possibly of a boat accident on 28 March 1919) -- Page 12

  • Ship's Activities:
    -- Troops boarding the ship -- Page 2a, Page 15 and Page 28
    -- Steering or machinery casualty at sea, and boat accident, circa 28 March 1919 --
    Page 12, Page 13, Page 20, Page 27, Page 34, Page 36 and Page 37


  • New York City and New York Harbor area:
    -- Skyscrapers, seen from Woolworth Building: Page 10
    -- Shipping in New York Harbor: Page 7, Page 9, Page 10, Page 21, Page 23 and Page 35
    -- Statue of Liberty: Page 7
    -- Bush Terminal: Page 33
    -- Hoboken Yards (across Hudson River from New York City): Page 9
    -- Morse Dry Docks: Page 33
    -- Unidentified dry dock facility: Page 3, Page 8

  • Scenes in Western France:
    -- Bassens: Page 28 and Page 29
    -- Bay of Biscay: Page 20, Page 25
    -- Farm house near Bordeaux: Page 17
    -- Scenes along the Gironde River: Page 14, Page 16 and Page 17
    -- Factories at Paulliac: Page 22
    -- St. Nazaire harbor (aerial photo): Page 25
    -- Undentified Port and River scenes: Page 2a, Page 15, Page 23 and Page 24


  • U.S. Navy Warships:
    -- Battleship Delaware or North Dakota: Page 10
    -- Battleship Pennsylvania or Arizona: Page 21
    -- Armored Cruiser Seattle: Page 21
    -- Minesweeper Penguin: Page 13, Page 27

  • U.S. Navy Auxiliary Ships:
    -- Cargo ship El Sol (ID # 4505): Page 12, Page 13, Page 20, and Page 36
    -- Transport Graf Waldersee (ID # 4040): Page 19
    -- Transport Great Northern: Page 18
    -- Transport Henderson: Page 18
    -- Transport Leviathan (ID # 1326): Page 26
    -- Transport Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm (ID # 4063): Page 26
    -- Transport Sierra (ID # 1634): Page 20
    -- Transport Walter A. Luckenbach (ID # 3171): Page 23
    -- Unidentified U.S. Navy troop transports: Page 23 and Page 29

  • Civilian Ships:
    -- Passenger liner marked "Belgian Relief": Page 19
    -- Camouflaged freighters: Page 9 and Page 33
    -- Unidentified sunken ship: Page 35
    -- Ferry boats: Page 9 and Page 35
    -- Harbor tug C.P. Raymo_?_: Page 9
    -- Unidentified harbor tugs: Page 23 and Page 26
    -- Large schooner: Page 9
    -- Railway car float: Page 7
    -- French dredge: Page 24
    -- French yawl-rigged fishing vessels: Page 24, Page 25


    -- U.S. Navy blimp (seen distantly): Page 35
    -- Mule, mascot of the 82nd Division: Page 28 .

    If you want higher resolution reproductions than the "Online Library's" digital images, see: "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions."

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    Page made 11 July 2004