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Online Library of Selected Images -- Photo Albums --
(Naval History and Heritage Command Photographic Lot # S-586)

Robert H. Helm's USS Powhatan (ID # 3013) Photo Collection
-- Pages 20-29

This page provides textual information, thumbnail images, and links to larger images of pages 20-29 of Robert H. Helm's USS Powhatan photo collection.

For introductory information on this collection, see:

  • Robert H. Helm's USS Powhatan (ID # 3013) Photo Collection -- General Description.

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    Click on the small photograph to prompt a larger view of the same image.

    S-586, Page 20:
  • Upper left photo: Troops on board USS Powhatan, while she was at sea in 1919.
  • Lower left photo: Troops on board USS Powhatan, at sea in 1919.

  • Upper right photo: Army band entertains troops on board USS Powhatan, while she was at sea in 1919.
  • Lower right photo: Troops and crew members on USS Powhatan's poop deck (after deck), while she was at sea in 1919. Note: For an individual greyscale reproduction of this image, see Photo # NH 106350.

    S-586, Page 21:
  • Upper left photo: Troops relaxing on board USS Powhatan, while she was at sea on 16 August 1919.
  • Lower left photo: Troops seated on, and standing by, one of USS Powhatan's paravanes, at sea in 1919.

  • Upper right photo: Looking forward from USS Powhatan's mainmast, while she was at sea in 1919.
  • Lower right: Looking forward from USS Powhatan's port bridge wing, while she was at sea in 1919.

    S-586, Page 22:
  • Upper left photo: View on USS Powhatan's upper deck, while at sea in 1919, showing lifeboats swung out for launching in an emergency.
  • Lower left photo: Wreck passed by USS Powhatan while she was at sea in April 1919, en route from St. Nazaire, France to Charleston, South Carolina. This waterlogged derelict appears to have been a sailing vessel.

  • Upper right photo: Storm at sea, seen from USS Powhatan during a trans-Atlantic voyage in 1919.
  • Lower right photo: Same subject as upper right photo.

    S-586, Page 23:
  • Upper left photo: Life boat suspended from USS Powhatan's davits, 1919.
  • Lower left photo: One of USS Powhatan's lifeboats under oars, 1919.

  • Upper right photo: Six-inch gun on board USS Powhatan, 1919.
  • Lower right photo: Sailor stands by the breech of one of USS Powhatan's six-inch guns, 1919. Note: For an individual greyscale reproduction of this image, see Photo # NH 106351.

    Turn page 90 degrees to right

    S-586, Page 24:
  • Upper left photo: Light ship seen from USS Powhatan as she approached Charleston, South Carolina, 1919.
  • Lower left photo: Wooden freighter (Emergency Fleet Corporation Design type 1003) underway in 1919. Photographed from USS Powhatan.

  • Upper right photo: U.S. Navy battleship (USS New York or USS Texas) seen from USS Powhatan, 1919.
  • Lower right photo: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dredge Chinook working on the channel at Charleston, S.C., 1919. Photographed from USS Powhatan.

    S-586, Page 25:
  • Upper left photo: Four-masted bark photographed from USS Powhatan, 1919.
  • Lower left photo: Stern-wheel steamer underway off Charleston, South Carolina, 1919. USS McCall (Destroyer # 28) is in the background. Photographed from USS Powhatan.

  • Upper right photo: USS SC-106 underway off the Charleston Navy Yard, S.C., April 1919. Photographed from USS Powhatan.
  • Lower right photo: Castle Pinckney, at the entrance to Charleston Harbor, S.C., 1919. Photographed from USS Powhatan.

    S-586, Page 26:
  • Upper left photo: Sailors and others on board the motor boat Lady Anne welcome USS Powhatan as she arrives in an East Coast port (possibly Charleston, South Carolina) in 1919.
  • Lower left photo: "HS" type flying boat taxiis past USS Powhatan as she arrives at Charleston, S.C., in April 1919.

  • Upper right photo: "HS" type flying boat welcomes USS Powhatan as she arrives at Charleston, S.C., in April 1919, with troops of the 120th Infantry, 30th Division on board.
  • Lower right photo: Same subject as upper right photo.

    S-586, Page 27:
  • Upper left photo: USS McCall (Destroyer # 28) steams past USS Powhatan as she arrives at Charleston, S.C., 1919.
  • Lower left photo: USS Henley (Destroyer # 39) seen from USS Powhatan as she arrived at Charleston, S.C. in 1919.

  • Upper right photo: USS Henley photographed from USS Powhatan as she arrived at Charleston, S.C. in 1919.
  • Lower right photo: USS SC-200 comes alongside USS Powhatan) at Charleston, S.C., 1919. Note: For an individual greyscale reproduction of this image, see Photo # NH 106352.

    S-586, Page 28:
  • Upper left photo: Waterfront scene at the Charleston Navy Yard, South Carolina, 1919. Photographed from USS Powhatan.
  • Lower left photo: Same subject as upper left photo.

  • Upper right photo: blank space.
  • Lower right photo: Ships at the Charleston Navy Yard, S.C., seen from USS Powhatan, 1919. Camouflaged ship is USS Anniston (Cruiser # 9). USS Hartford is beyond her. A submarine chaser is backing down in the foreground,

    S-586, Page 29:
  • Upper left photo: Waterfront scene at the Charleston Navy Yard, South Carolina, 1919. Photographed from USS Powhatan.
  • Lower left photo: People on the wharf at Charleston, S.C., as USS Powhatan arrives on 30 June 1919.

  • Upper right photos (left): People on the wharf at Charleston, S.C., as USS Powhatan arrives, 30 June 1919.
  • Upper right photos (right): USS Princess Matoika leaving Charleston, S.C. for Rotterdam, 30 June 1919. She is carrying Germans who had been interned in the United States during World War I. Photographed from USS Powhatan. Note: For an individual greyscale reproduction of this image, see Photo # NH 106349.

  • Lower right photos (left): USS Powhatan discharging troops at Charleston, S.C., 30 June 1919.
  • Lower right photos (right): Same subject.

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    Reverse side of page 29:

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  • To the best of our knowledge, the pictures referenced here are all in the Public Domain, and can therefore be freely downloaded and used for any purpose.

  • If reproduced, images featured on these pages should be credited to the "U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command".

    If you want higher resolution reproductions than the Online Library's digital images, see: "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions."

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    Page made 7 March 2009