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Ships of the Spanish-American War--
Spanish Navy Minor Warships and Auxiliaries

In addition to its larger warships, the Spanish Navy possessed a large number of gunboats (some rated as "cruisers"), torpedo boat destroyers and other minor warships. Many of the gunboats were stationed in the Philippines and West Indies, where they were valuable assets to the colonial authorities but had relatively little combat value against modern warships. Spain's torpedo boat destroyers, on the other hand, were excellent ships of up-to-date British design and construction. Spain also had, or soon obtained, a variety of transports and other support ships.

This page features Spanish Navy minor warships and auxiliaries.

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Photo #: NH 46866

Spanish Cruiser of the Infanta Isabel Class

Photographed in U.S. waters, with the river steamer Angler in the background, circa the 1880s or 1890s. This class of small cruisers included the Infanta Isabel (1885-1926), Isabel II (1886-1902), Cristobal Colon (1887-1895), Conde del Venadito (1888-1902), Don Antonio de Uloa (1887-1898), and Don Juan de Austria (1887-1898). The latter two ships were lost in the Battle of Manila Bay, 1 May 1898, along with the Velasco (1881-1898), a ship of similar design.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 56,584 bytes; 740 x 522 pixels

Photo #: NH 53277

Isla de Luzon
(Spanish Cruiser, 1886-1898)

Photographed circa the later 1880s. This small cruiser was lost in the Battle of Manila Bay, 1 May 1898, but was salvaged and entered U.S. Navy service under her Spanish name.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 71,671 bytes; 740 x 612 pixels

Photo #: NH 88604

Isla de Cuba
(Spanish Cruiser, 1886-1898)

Photographed soon after completion, probably in a British port. This small cruiser was lost at Manila Bay, 1 May 1898, but was salvaged and entered U.S. Navy service under her Spanish name. She was sold in 1912, and became the Venezuelan navy ship Mariscal Sucre.

Copied from Office of Naval Intelligence Album of Foreign Warships.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 59,830 bytes; 740 x 533 pixels

Photo #: NH 63230

(Spanish Torpedo Boat Destroyer, 1896-1898)

Running builder's trials in British waters, circa 1896. Furor and the similar Pluton were sunk in the Battle of Santiago, 3 July 1898.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 56,194 bytes; 740 x 615 pixels

Photo #: NH 88601

(Spanish Gunboat, 1895-1898)

Photographed during early 1896, while on builder's trials near Clydebank, Scotland. Pizarro was scuttled by her crew at Nuevitas, on the northeastern coast of Cuba, in early August 1898.

Copied from Office of Naval Intelligence Album of Foreign Warships.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 54,472 bytes; 740 x 530 pixels

Photo #: NH 44246

USS Sandoval

Photographed in 1898, shortly after entering U.S. Navy service. She was a former Spanish gunboat, captured at Santiago, Cuba, on 17 July 1898.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 78,570 bytes; 740 x 590 pixels

Photo #: NH 94371

(Spanish naval steamship, 1884-1911)

Probably photographed at Port Said, Egypt, during her service with Admiral Camara's squadron, June-July 1898. This force, sent from Spain to relieve the Philippines, passed Port Said eastbound on 22 June 1898, and westbound on 11 July.
Covadonga was requisitioned for naval service in 1898, and soon returned to merchant service. Built as the British Tainui, she was scrapped as Astoria in 1911.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 69,622 bytes; 740 x 610 pixels

Photo #: NH 46856

(Spanish Hospital Ship, 1898)

Photographed in 1898.

Collection of Naval Cadet C.R. Miller.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 41,942 bytes; 740 x 574 pixels


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28 February 1998