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Online Library of Selected Images:
-- EVENTS -- World War II in the Pacific --

Formal Surrender of Japan, 2 September 1945 --
Preparations on the Morning of 2 September 1945

In the early morning of 2 September 1945, at the American-occupied port of Yokohama, General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, delegates of the Allied Powers, senior U.S. military officers and a large contingent of media representatives boarded the U.S. Navy destroyers Nicholas (DD-449), Buchanan (DD-484) and Taylor (DD-468). The ships steamed several miles out into Tokyo Bay to USS Missouri, coming alongside her port side to discharge their passengers between 7:07 and 8:38 AM.

Japan's delegates were taken to the vicinity by the destroyer Lansdowne (DD-486) and were transferred to a small boat for the final leg of their journey to the Missouri. They were to arrive at an embarkation ladder on the battleship's starboard side a few minutes before the scheduled 9AM commencement of the surrender ceremonies.

This page presents photographs of these transportation arrangements.

For a special selection of views of the 2 September 1945 Japanese surrender ceremonies, and for links to other views of the ceremonies, see: Formal Surrender of Japan, 2 September 1945 -- Selected and Miscellaneous Views.

For views of other aspects of Japan's surrender, see: Japan Capitulates, August - September 1945

If you want higher resolution reproductions than the Online Library's digital images, see: "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions."

Click on the small photograph to prompt a larger view of the same image.

Photo #: SC 304314

Surrender of Japan, Tokyo Bay, 2 September 1945

A U.S. Army honor guard presents arms as representatives of the Allied Powers arrive at pierside to be taken to USS Missouri for the surrender ceremonies, 2 September 1945.
Uniform patches and unit flag indicate that the honor guard is from the 11th Airborne Division Reconnaissance Battalion.
USS Buchanan (DD-484) is alongside the pier. She carried some of the dignitaries out to the Missouri.

Photograph from the Army Signal Corps Collection in the U.S. National Archives.

Online Image: 85KB; 740 x 615 pixels

Reproductions of this image may also be available through the National Archives photographic reproduction system.


Photo #: SC 210639

Surrender of Japan, Tokyo Bay, 2 September 1945

General Jacques LeClerc leads the French delegation on board USS Nicholas (DD-449) to be taken to USS Missouri for the surrender ceremonies, 2 September 1945.

Photograph from the Army Signal Corps Collection in the U.S. National Archives.

Online Image: 99KB; 740 x 615 pixels

Reproductions of this image may also be available through the National Archives photographic reproduction system.


Photo #: SC 210641

Surrender of Japan, Tokyo Bay, 2 September 1945

The Japanese delegation comes on board USS Nicholas (DD-449) to be taken to USS Missouri for the surrender ceremonies, 2 September 1945.
Most sources state that the Japanese were transported to Missouri by USS Lansdowne (DD-486), while Nicholas carried members of the Allied Powers' delegations.

Photograph from the Army Signal Corps Collection in the U.S. National Archives.

Online Image: 100KB; 740 x 610 pixels

Reproductions of this image may also be available through the National Archives photographic reproduction system.


Photo #: SC 211867

Surrender of Japan, Tokyo Bay, 2 September 1945

Lieutenant General Joseph W. Stilwell, U.S. Army, talking with other U.S. officers, probably on board a destroyer taking them to, or from, the surrender ceremonies held on board USS Missouri (BB-63) on the morning of 2 September 1945.
Note life raft behind them.

Photograph from the Army Signal Corps Collection in the U.S. National Archives.

Online Image: 92KB; 740 x 615 pixels

Reproductions of this image may also be available through the National Archives photographic reproduction system.


For a special selection of views of the 2 September 1945 Japanese surrender ceremonies, and for links to other views of the ceremonies, see: Formal Surrender of Japan, 2 September 1945 -- Selected and Miscellaneous Views.

For views of other aspects of Japan's surrender, see: Japan Capitulates, August - September 1945

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Links revised 7 March 1999