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Online Library of Selected Images:
-- EVENTS -- World War II in the Pacific --

Formal Surrender of Japan, 2 September 1945 --
Scenes on USS Missouri before the Ceremonies

As destroyers delivered participants from Yokohama to USS Missouri's port side, officers from nearby ships were arriving by boat and being piped aboard at the battleship's starboard side. Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Pacific Commander in Chief and the official United States' Representative at the surrender ceremonies, came aboard at 8:05 AM. The Supreme Allied Commander, General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, arrived via destroyer about forty minutes later.

Shortly before the Japanese were scheduled to arrive, spectators, the press and the Allied participants took their places. MacArthur, Nimitz and Admiral William F. Halsey walked past them to their own positions. At 8:56, the Japanese delegation began to come on board.

This page presents photographs of Naval officers being piped aboard Missouri, of General MacArthur and Admirals Nimitz and Halsey shortly before ceremonies began, and of the arrival of the Japanese delegation.

For a special selection of views of the 2 September 1945 Japanese surrender ceremonies, and for links to other views of the ceremonies, see: Formal Surrender of Japan, 2 September 1945 -- Selected and Miscellaneous Views.

For views of other aspects of Japan's surrender, see: Japan Capitulates, August - September 1945

If you want higher resolution reproductions than the Online Library's digital images, see: "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions."

Click on the small photograph to prompt a larger view of the same image.

Photo #: 80-G-472627

Surrender of Japan, Tokyo Bay, 2 September 1945

Vice Admiral Charles A. Lockwood, USN, Commander, Submarines, Pacific Fleet, comes on board USS Missouri (BB-63) for the surrender ceremonies, in Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 September 1945.
Awaiting him, at far left, is Admiral William F. Halsey, Commander, Third Fleet.
Photographed by Lieutenant Barrett Gallagher, USNR.

Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives.

Online Image: 69KB; 620 x 645 pixels

Reproductions of this image may also be available through the National Archives photographic reproduction system.


Photo #: SC 211865

Surrender of Japan, Tokyo Bay, 2 September 1945

Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, USN, comes aboard USS Missouri (BB-63) for the Japanese surrender ceremonies, in Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 September 1945.

Photograph from the Army Signal Corps Collection in the U.S. National Archives.

Online Image: 81KB; 740 x 615 pixels

Reproductions of this image may also be available through the National Archives photographic reproduction system.


Photo #: SC 415491

Surrender of Japan, Tokyo Bay, 2 September 1945

Admiral Sir Bruce Fraser, RN, Commander in Chief, British Pacific Fleet, and United Kingdom Representative, comes aboard USS Missouri (BB-63) for the Japanese surrender ceremonies, in Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 September 1945.

Photograph from the Army Signal Corps Collection in the U.S. National Archives.

Online Image: 92KB; 740 x 615 pixels

Reproductions of this image may also be available through the National Archives photographic reproduction system.


Photo #: 80-G-337956

Surrender of Japan, Tokyo Bay, 2 September 1945

Admiral William F. Halsey, Commander, Third Fleet, enters flag spaces on USS Missouri (BB-63), as the Allied representatives gather prior to the start of the surrender ceremonies, 2 September 1945.
Lieutenant General Richard K. Sutherland is at left.

Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives.

Online Image: 93KB; 585 x 765 pixels

Reproductions of this image may also be available through the National Archives photographic reproduction system.


Photo #: NH 49707

Surrender of Japan, Tokyo Bay, 2 September 1945

General of the Army Douglas MacArthur (left) and Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz walk past Turret Number Two to take their places for the surrender ceremonies, on board USS Missouri (BB-63), 2 September 1945.

Collection of Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, USN.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 65KB; 620 x 735 pixels


Photo #: 80-G-332660

Surrender of Japan, Tokyo Bay, 2 September 1945

General of the Army Douglas MacArthur and Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz walk past assembled U.S. naval and military officers to take their places for the surrender ceremonies, on board USS Missouri (BB-63), 2 September 1945.
Behind them, at the top of the ladder, is Admiral William F. Halsey, Commander, Third Fleet. Lieutenant Commander William J. Kitchell, Halsey's Flag Lieutenant, is in the lead.
The table upon which the Instruments of Surrender were signed is in the lower right.

Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives.

Online Image: 119KB; 740 x 610 pixels

Reproductions of this image may also be available through the National Archives photographic reproduction system.


Photo #: NH 49702

Surrender of Japan, Tokyo Bay, 2 September 1945

General of the Army Douglas MacArthur (center-left) and Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz walk past senior U.S. officers to take their places for the surrender ceremonies, on board USS Missouri (BB-63), 2 September 1945.
Admiral William F. Halsey, Commander, Third Fleet, is behind them. Lieutenant Commander William J. Kitchell, Halsey's Flag Lieutenant, is in the lead.
The Allied representatives at the ceremony are already in their places, in the lower part of the photo, with the surrender table in front of them.

The original print has been inscribed to the U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association by Fleet Admiral Nimitz.

Collection of Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, USN.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 115KB; 595 x 765 pixels


Photo #: SC 329104

Surrender of Japan, Tokyo Bay, 2 September 1945

Japanese Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu boards USS Missouri (BB-63) for the surrender ceremonies, in Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 September 1945.

Photograph from the Army Signal Corps Collection in the U.S. National Archives.

Online Image: 92KB; 740 x 615 pixels

Reproductions of this image may also be available through the National Archives photographic reproduction system.


For a special selection of views of the 2 September 1945 Japanese surrender ceremonies, and for links to other views of the ceremonies, see: Formal Surrender of Japan, 2 September 1945 -- Selected and Miscellaneous Views.

For views of other aspects of Japan's surrender, see: Japan Capitulates, August - September 1945

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Links revised 7 March 1999