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Online Library of Selected Images -- Picture Data

Photo #: NH 97039 (Extended Caption)

Korean War Close Air Support, 1951

Aerial photograph taken by Commander Richard C. Merrick, Commanding Officer, Air Group 19, based aboard USS Princeton (CV-37), circa 11 May 1951, with drawn lines and descriptive text added by photo interpreters. It shows the effect of Navy close air support on Chinese Communist forces engaging U.S. troops northwest of Seoul.
See below for the full caption originally released with this photograph.

Official U.S. Navy Photograph, from the "All Hands" collection at the Naval Historical Center.

Online Image: 148KB; 740 x 625 pixels


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The original caption issued with this photograph (NH 97039) reads:

"Korean Close Air Support Mission"

"Here's what a close air support mission looks like to the pilot of a Navy Douglas Skyraider as he dives to bomb Chinese Communist forces, separated by less than 200 yards from UN troops. Friendly troops are pinned down behind the irrigation ditch (upper right). Tanks have rolled up road to the right of the foot soldiers and are temporarily halted."

"Enemy mortars hidden in the buildings area (center) which have been holding back the northward push of UN forces have been hit by bombs from preceeding planes in the air attack. Smoke from the bomb hits destroying the gun positions are seen in the center of the photo."

"Communist troops which had been established along the line indicated and in the wooded areas were forced out by the bombing attack and fled across rice paddies to new positions (indicated by arrows)."

"The Chinese thus forced into the open became targets for more aerial strafing and bombing attacks. Under this protective cover and with mortars silenced, UN troops moved up from the irrigation ditch protection and took over the area vacated by the Commies."

"This photo was taken by Cdr. Richard C. Merrick ..., Commanding Officer of Air Group 19 during a routine close air support mission northwest of Seoul. Air Group 19 is based aboard the carrier USS Princeton, flagship of Task Force 77 operating off the coasts of Korea."

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19 October 1999