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Photo # NH 92147: Engraved portrait of Louis P. Noros, USN

Online Library of Selected Images:

Seaman Louis P. Noros, (in service, 1879-1882)

Sailor Louis P. Noros was a crewman on Lieutenant Commander George W. DeLong's steamer Jeannette during her 1879-1881 Arctic expedition. After their ship sank in June 1881, her crew made a three-month journey by foot across the rugged ice and by boat in the frigid sea north of Siberia. Noros was in DeLong's boat, which landed at the northern end of the Lena River Delta in mid-September.

After the DeLong party become exhausted trying to find inhabitants, Noros and Seaman William F.C. Nindemann, both relatively stronger than the others, were sent ahead to seek help. Following nearly two weeks of trudging through the inhospitable terrain, they encountered a native but, speaking no language the local people could understand, could not tell them of the tragedy taking place behind them. By the time their information was acted upon, DeLong and the other men with him had died of exposure and starvation.

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Photo #: NH 92147

Louis P. Noros
, Seaman, U.S. Navy

One of the two survivors of Lieutenant Commander George DeLong's men from USS Jeannette, who had landed at the head of the Lena Delta, Siberia, in September 1881. Noros and Seaman William F.C. Nindemann were sent for help, and the rest of the men perished during October and November, while they were absent seeking assistance.
Engraved portrait, with a facsimile of Noros' signature, copied from "The Voyage of the Jeannette ...", Volume II, page 814, edited by Emma DeLong, published in 1884.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 130KB; 585 x 765 pixels

Photo #: NH 92143

Jeannette Arctic exploring expedition, 1879-1881

Woodcut engraved by George T. Andrew after a design by M.J. Burns, depicting Seamen William F.C. Nindemann and Louis P. Noros trudging through the snowy Siberian wastes in search of help for Lieutenant Commander George DeLong's party, October 1881.
Copied from "The Voyage of the Jeannette ...", Volume II, page 793, edited by Emma DeLong, published in 1884.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 101KB; 415 x 765 pixels

Photo #: NH 52006

Jeannette Arctic exploring expedition, 1879-1881

Engraving of the expedition's survivors, based on a photograph taken at Yakutsk, Siberia, in 1882. Those present are
(left to right, in front): Lauderback, Bartlett, William Coles, Seaman William F.C. Nindemann, and Mansen.
(left to right, in middle): Chief Engineer George W. Melville and Lieutenant John W. Danenhower.
(left to right, in back): Raymond Lee Newcomb (naturalist), Seaman Louis P. Noros, Henry Wilson, Tong Sing (cook), Anequin and H.W. Leach.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 173KB; 740 x 540 pixels


If you want higher resolution reproductions than the "Online Library's" digital images, see: "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions."

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Page made 29 October 2003