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Online Library of Selected Images:

African-Americans and the U.S. Navy --
World War II Activities in the United States --
Training at Hampton Institute

Hampton Institute, a college located at Hampton, Virginia, served as a training center for African-American Navy enlisted personnel during World War II. This page features views of training activities there.

For other pictorial coverage of African-Americans during World War II, see the African Americans and the U.S. Navy -- World War II cover page.

For pictorial coverage of other eras, see the African Americans and the U.S. Navy cover page.

If you want higher resolution reproductions than the Online Library's digital images, see "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions."

Click on the small photograph to prompt a larger view of the same image.

Photo #: 80-G-294893

Hampton Institute, Hampton, Virginia

Sailors hoist the engine from a 35-foot motor boat, while in training at Hampton Institute during World War II.
This photograph was received by the Naval Photographic Science Laboratory on 13 January 1945.

Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives.

Online Image: 95KB; 740 x 605 pixels

Reproductions of this image may also be available through the National Archives photographic reproduction system.


Photo #: 80-G-294899

Hampton Institute, Hampton, Virginia

Sailors painting and tightening bolts on a landing craft, while in training at Hampton Institute during World War II.
This boat appears to be a LCV type.
This photograph was received by the Naval Photographic Science Laboratory on 13 January 1945.

Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives.

Online Image: 85KB; 740 x 600 pixels

Reproductions of this image may also be available through the National Archives photographic reproduction system.


Photo #: 80-G-294894

Hampton Institute, Hampton, Virginia

Sailors underway in a motor launch, while in training at Hampton Institute during World War II.
A waterfront "Peninsula Oil Company" fuel facility is in the background, beyond the boat's Coxwain.
Note location of bell on this launch, and awning rigged to provide shade over the engine.
This photograph was received by the Naval Photographic Science Laboratory on 13 January 1945.

Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives.

Online Image: 87KB; 740 x 605 pixels

Reproductions of this image may also be available through the National Archives photographic reproduction system.


Photo #: 80-G-294902

Hampton Institute, Hampton, Virginia

Sailors drilling in a metal lifeboat, while in training at Hampton Institute during World War II.
Note orientation markings on the boat's hull and ropes for controlling the rudder.
This photograph was received by the Naval Photographic Science Laboratory on 13 January 1945.

Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives.

Online Image: 105KB; 740 x 595 pixels

Reproductions of this image may also be available through the National Archives photographic reproduction system.


Photo #: 80-G-294900

Hampton Institute, Hampton, Virginia

Sailors study small craft & automotive electrical systems, while in training at Hampton Institute during World War II.
Note display board of electrical components and circuitry.
This photograph was received by the Naval Photographic Science Laboratory on 13 January 1945.

Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives.

Online Image: 92KB; 740 x 610 pixels

Reproductions of this image may also be available through the National Archives photographic reproduction system.


For other pictorial coverage of African-Americans during World War II, see the African Americans and the U.S. Navy -- World War II cover page.

For pictorial coverage of other eras, see the African Americans and the U.S. Navy cover page.

Return to Naval Historical Center home page.

11 December 1998