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Photo # NH 54215: Apprentices on board USS Enterprise, circa spring 1890

Online Library of Selected Images:

USS Enterprise (1877-1909) --
Views by E.H. Hart, 1890 (Part I: Group Photos of Officers & Crew)

The noted New York maritime photographer E.H. Hart took many views of USS Enterprise, her officers, men, and their activities. Probably taken while she was at the New York Navy Yard following her return from Europe in March-May 1890, these images provide a fine depiction of life on board a U.S. Navy warship near the end of the Age of Sail.

This page features photographs concerning USS Enterprise taken by E.H. Hart in 1890.

For other images related to this ship, see:

  • USS Enterprise (1877-1909).

    If you want higher resolution reproductions than the digital images presented here, see: "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions."

    Click on the small photograph to prompt a larger view of the same image.

    Photo #: NH 54152

    USS Enterprise

    Ship's officers on deck, probably while she was at the New York Navy Yard, circa spring 1890.
    Photographed by E.H. Hart, New York City.
    Commander Bowman H. McCalla, the Commanding Officer, is in the front center. Standing beside him, in left center, is Lieutenant Royal R. Ingersoll. Assistant Engineer Frank M. Bennett is directly behind and between McCalla and Ingersoll. Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Richard T. Mulligan is at the right end of the top row.
    Note lashed hammocks stowed atop the bulwark in the background.

    U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

    Online Image: 126KB; 740 x 490 pixels

    Photo #: NH 54211

    USS Enterprise

    "Master at Arms Mess": the ship's Chief Petty Officers, probably while Enterprise was at the New York Navy Yard, circa spring 1890.
    Photographed by E.H. Hart, New York City.
    Note the three-inch howitzer on a shipboard mounting, and the medal worn by the elderly Chief second from left, in front.

    U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

    Online Image: 102KB; 740 x 465 pixels

    Photo #: NH 54212

    USS Enterprise

    Men of the Starboard Watch pose on the main deck, by the ship's XI-inch Dahlgren pivot gun, probably while Enterprise was at the New York Navy Yard, circa spring 1890.
    Photographed by E.H. Hart, New York City.
    Note the Marine sentry on the forecastle, in the background, and cigarettes displayed by the two Sailors seated in the front center.

    U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

    Online Image: 119KB; 740 x 475 pixels

    Photo #: NH 54214

    USS Enterprise

    Men of the Port Watch pose on the main deck, by the ship's XI-inch Dahlgren pivot gun, probably while Enterprise was at the New York Navy Yard, circa spring 1890.
    Photographed by E.H. Hart, New York City.
    Note the 13-star boat flag behind the group.

    U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

    Online Image: 119KB; 740 x 475 pixels

    Photo #: NH 54215

    USS Enterprise

    Ship's Apprentices pose by the port side quarterdeck ladder, while Enterprise was at the New York Navy Yard, circa spring 1890.
    Photographed by E.H. Hart, New York City.
    Note the "figure-eight" Apprentice mark visible on the uniforms of several of these men, and cutlass "fan" on the cabin bulkhead at left. Stern of receiving ship Vermont is partially visible in the left background.

    U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

    Online Image: 101KB; 740 x 505 pixels

    Photo #: NH 54209

    USS Enterprise

    Quartermasters pose with the main deck steering wheel, probably while the ship was at the New York Navy Yard, circa spring 1890.
    Photographed by E.H. Hart, New York City.
    Note name board on the quarter deck face, high coaming around the hatch in the foreground, and polished brass binnacles flanking the dual steering wheel.

    U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

    Online Image: 87KB; 740 x 465 pixels

    Photo #: NH 54216

    USS Enterprise

    Berth deck cooks pose with food preparation and serving utensils, probably while Enterprise was at the New York Navy Yard, circa spring 1890.
    Photographed by E.H. Hart, New York City.
    View looks forward from just aft of the starboard side forecastle ladder. Carriage and tracks of the ship's XI-inch Dahlgren pivot gun are partially visible in the foreground.

    U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

    Online Image: 88KB; 740 x 470 pixels

    Photo #: NH 58916

    USS Enterprise

    "Marine Guard" in formation on the ship's main deck, probably while she was at the New York Navy Yard, circa spring 1890.
    Photographed by E.H. Hart, New York City.
    View looks forward from the quarterdeck. Note the drummer and bugler at the far left. These Marines are armed with "trap-door Springfield" rifles. Broadside guns are IX-inch Dahlgren smoothbores, on iron carriages.

    U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

    Online Image: 125KB; 740 x 475 pixels

    Photo #: NH 51049

    USS Enterprise

    "Marine Corps & Navy": A Marine and a Sailor pose with the Colors, probably while the ship was at the New York Navy Yard, circa spring 1890.
    Photographed by E.H. Hart, New York City.
    Note the Marine's "trap-door Springfield" rifle; bugle, eleven-inch round shot and drum on the deck; and IX-inch Dahlgren broadside guns behind these men.

    U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

    Online Image: 104KB; 475 x 765 pixels


    For other images related to this ship, see:

  • USS Enterprise (1877-1909).

    If you want higher resolution reproductions than the digital images presented here, see: "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions."

    Return to Naval Historical Center home page.

    Page made 16 December 2004