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Photo # NH 59827:  USS Iosco.  Halftone reproduction of a Civil War era lithograph

Online Library of Selected Images:

USS Iosco (1864-1868)

USS Iosco, a 1173-ton Sassacus class "double-ender" steam gunboat, was built at Bath, Maine. Commissioned in April 1864, she protected shipping in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence during the summer and was then sent to join the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron. While operating off Wilmington, North Carolina, on 21 November, Iosco captured the blockade runner Sybil. During December 1864 and January 1864, she participated in the assaults on Fort Fisher, which ultimately closed Wilmington as a Confederate port. In 1865, she was active on the North Carolina Sounds, taking part in an expedition up the Roanoke River in mid-May. USS Iosco decommissioned in July 1865 and in February 1868 was converted into a coal hulk for service at the New York Navy Yard.

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Photo #: NH 59827

USS Iosco (1864-1868)

Illustration copied from Frank M. Bennett's "The Steam Navy of the United States", page 355.
The original image is taken from an Endicott & Company lithograph published circa 1865, which was used to represent most, if not all, of the ships of this class. See Photo # NH 61876 for another example.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 89KB; 740 x 515 pixels

Photo #: NH 59170

"Second Attack upon Fort Fisher, showing the positions of the vessels, and the lines of fire", 13-15 January 1865

Chart by Walter A. Lane, published in "The Soldier in our Civil War", Volume II.
The positions of 58 ships are represented on the chart.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 216KB; 825 x 1225 pixels


If you want higher resolution reproductions than the digital images presented here, see: "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions."

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Page made 15 January 2001
New image added 31 August 2001