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Photo # NH 98402:  USS Lawrence underway near Cape Henry, Virginia, 3 May 1973

Online Library of Selected Images:
U.S. NAVY SHIPS -- Listed by Hull Number

DDG -- Guided Missile Destroyers

In December of 1955, While under conversion to carry the Terrier anti-aircraft guided missile system, USS Gyatt (DD-712) was redesignated DDG-1, introducing a hull number series separate from that previously used for destroyer types. However, the first eight of a planned new type of guided-missile destroyer (which became the Charles F. Adams class) were designated DDG-952 through DDG-959 in August 1956, placing them in the "mainstream" destroyer series. Late in December of that year, less than a month after recommissioning as DDG-1, Gyatt followed suite, becoming DDG-712. She kept that designation for less than five months, again becoming DDG-1 in May 1957. About a month later, the eight new-construction guided-missile destroyers were also placed in the new DDG hull number series, becoming DDG-2 through DDG-9. Continued to the present day, this separate DDG series absorbed ten former large guided-missile frigates in 1975, and has now extended to well above DDG-110.

There were, however, two significant diversions back into the "mainstream" destroyer series. The first of these involved a planned series of six (later reduced to four) modified Spruance (DD-963) class destroyers ordered by Iran with guided missile "main batteries". Designated DD-993 through DD-996, these four ships were acquired by the U.S. Navy in mid-1979. They were soon redesignated DDG-993 through DDG-996 and retained those numbers until sold abroad in 2003. In 2001 the planned "DD-21" (Zumwalt) advanced technology destroyer was recast as "DD(X)" and, in 2006, was designated DDG-1000. The next ship of this type, for which a construction contract was awarded in 2008, became DDG-1001, and subsequent members of the class, if built, will apparently be DDG-1002 and above. Though outside of the regular DDG hull number series, the guided-missile destroyer members of the DD number series are included in the list provided below.

This page provides the hull numbers of all U.S. Navy guided missile destroyers numbered in the DDG series, plus those in the DD series that had "DDG" designators. Links are provided to entries for those DDGs that have photos available in the Online Library.
Some ships built for foreign nations were assigned U.S. Navy DDG hull numbers. However, as is noted in the list below, none of these had USN service.

See the list below to locate photographs of individual guided missile destroyers.

If the guided missile destroyers you want does not have an active link on this page, contact the Photographic Section concerning other research options.

Left Column --
Guided Missile Destroyers numbered
DDG-1 through DDG-50:

Right Column --
Guided Missile Destroyers numbered
DDG-51 through DDG-113:


  • To the best of our knowledge, the Online Library's pictures are all in the Public Domain, and can therefore be freely downloaded and used for any purpose.

  • Some images linked from this page may bear obsolete credit lines citing the organization name: "Naval Historical Center". Effective 1 December 2008 the name should be cited as: "Naval History and Heritage Command".

    If you want higher resolution reproductions than the Online Library's digital images, see: "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions."

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    Page made 16 January 2010
    New ship added 24 May 2010