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WASHINGTON DC 20374-5060

NH 99938:  USS Bradley underway, circa mid-1965

Online Library of Selected Images:
U.S. NAVY SHIPS -- Listed by Hull Number

DE -- Escort Ships, numbered from DE-700 through DE-1107.

This page provides the hull numbers of all U.S. Navy escort ships numbered in the DE series from 700 through 1107, with links to those ships with photos available in the Online Library.

For coverage of other hull numbers in the "DE" series, see:

  • DE -- Escort Ships.

    See the list below to locate photographs of individual escort ships.

    If the escort ship you want does not have an active link on this page, contact the Photographic Section concerning other research options.

    Left Column --
    Escort Ships numbered
    DE-700 through DE-1030:

    • DE-700: Currier (1944-1967)
    • DE-701: Osmus (1944-1973)
    • DE-702: Earl V. Johnson (1944-1968)
    • DE-703: Holton (1944-1974)
    • DE-704: Cronin (1944-1971), later DEC-704
    • DE-705: Frybarger (1944-1973), later DEC-705

    • DE-706: Holt (1944-1963)
    • DE-707: Jobb (1944-1970)
    • DE-708: Parle (1944-1970)
    • DE-709: Bray (1944-1963), later APD-139

    • DE-710: Gosselin (1944-1965). Completed as APD-126
    • DE-711: Begor (1945-1976). Completed as APD-127. Later LPR-127
    • DE-712: Cavallaro (1945-1959). Completed as APD-128
    • DE-713: Donald W. Wolf (1945-1965). Completed as APD-129
    • DE-714: Cook (1945-1970). Completed as APD-130. Later LPR-130
    • DE-715: Walter X. Young (1945-1967). Completed as APD-131
    • DE-716: Balduck (1945-1976). Completed as APD-132. Later LPR-132
    • DE-717: Burdo (1945-1967). Completed as APD-133
    • DE-718: Kleinsmith (1945-1960). Completed as APD-134
    • DE-719: Weiss (1945-1975). Completed as APD-135. Later LPR-135

    • DE-720: Carpellotti (1945-1960). Completed as APD-136
    • DE-721: Don O. Woods (1945-1963). Completed as APD-118
    • DE-722: Beverly W. Reid (1945-1975). Completed as APD-119. Later LPR-119
    • DE-723: Walter X. Young (construction cancelled 1944)

  • Note: DE-724 through DE-738 were cancelled in 1943-1944, before their construction had begun.

    • DE-739: Bangust (1943-1952)
    • DE-740: Waterman (1943-1952)
    • DE-741: Weaver (1943-1952)
    • DE-742: Hilbert (1944-1973)
    • DE-743: Lamons (1944-1973)
    • DE-744: Kyne (1944-1973)
    • DE-745: Snyder (1944-1973)
    • DE-746: Hemminger (1944-1959)
    • DE-747: Bright (1944-1950)
    • DE-748: Tills (1944-1969)
    • DE-749: Roberts (1944-1971)

    • DE-750: McClelland (1944-1973)
    • DE-751: Gaynier (construction cancelled 1944)
    • DE-752: Curtis W. Howard (construction cancelled 1944)
    • DE-753: John J. Vanburen (construction cancelled 1944)
    • DE-754: Willard Keith (construction cancelled 1943)
    • DE-755: Paul G. Baker (construction cancelled 1943)
    • DE-756: Damon Cummings (construction cancelled 1943)
    • DE-757: Gaynier (construction cancelled 1944)

  • Note: DE-758 through DE-762 were cancelled in October 1943, before their construction had begun.

    • DE-763: Cates (1943-1950)
    • DE-764: Gandy (1944-1951)
    • DE-765: Earl K. Olsen (1944-1973)
    • DE-766: Slater (1944-1951)
    • DE-767: Oswald (1944-1973)
    • DE-768: Ebert (1944-1951)
    • DE-769: Neal A. Scott (1944-1969)

    • DE-770: Muir (1944-1956)
    • DE-771: Sutton (1944-1956)
    • DE-772: Milton Lewis (construction cancelled 1944)
    • DE-773: George M. Campbell (construction cancelled 1944)
    • DE-774: Russell M. Cox (construction cancelled 1944)

  • Note: DE-775 through DE-788 were cancelled in October 1943, before their construction had begun.

    • DE-789: Tatum (1943-1961), later APD-81
    • DE-790: Borum (1943-1966)
    • DE-791: Maloy (1943-1966)
    • DE-792: Haines (1943-1961), later APD-84
    • DE-793: Runels (1944-1961), later APD-85
    • DE-794: Hollis (1944-1975), later APD-86 & LPR-86
    • DE-795: Gunason (1944-1974)
    • DE-796: Major (1944-1973)
    • DE-797: Weeden (1944-1969)
    • DE-798: Varian (1944-1974)
    • DE-799: Scroggins (1944-1967)

    • DE-800: Jack W. Wilkie (1944-1974)

  • Note: DE-801 through DE-904 were cancelled in September 1943, before their construction had begun.

  • Note: DE-905 through DE-1005 were cancelled in September 1943, before their construction had begun.

    • DE-1006: Dealey (1954-1972)

  • Note: DE-1007 through DE-1013, built in (and for) France under the Military Defense Assistance Program (MDAP), were not assigned U.S. Navy names.

    • DE-1014: Cromwell (1954-1973)
    • DE-1015: Hammerberg (1955-1974)

  • Note: DE-1016 through DE-1019, built in (and for) France under the Military Defense Assistance Program (MDAP), were not assigned U.S. Navy names.

  • Note: DE-1020, built in (and for) Italy under the Military Defense Assistance Program (MDAP), was not assigned a U.S. Navy name.

    • DE-1021: Courtney (1956-1974)
    • DE-1022: Lester (1957-1973)
    • DE-1023: Evans (1957-1974)
    • DE-1024: Bridget (1957-1974)
    • DE-1025: Bauer (1957-1974)
    • DE-1026: Hooper (1958-1974)
    • DE-1027: John Willis (1957-1973)
    • DE-1028: Van Voorhis (1957-1973)
    • DE-1029: Hartley (1957-1972)
    • DE-1030: Joseph K. Taussig (1957-1973)
  • Right Column --
    Escort Ships numbered
    DE-1031 through DE-1107:

  • Note: DE-1031, built in (and for) Italy under the Military Defense Assistance Program (MDAP), was not assigned a U.S. Navy name.

  • Note: DE-1032, built in Italy for Portugal under the Military Defense Assistance Program (MDAP), was not assigned a U.S. Navy name.

    • DE-1033: Claud Jones (1959-1974)
    • DE-1034: John R. Perry (1959-1973)
    • DE-1035: Charles Berry (1959-1974)
    • DE-1036: McMorris (1960-1974)

    • DE-1037: Bronstein (1963-1993), later FF-1037
    • DE-1038: McCloy (1963-1993), later FF-1038

  • Note: DE-1039, built in (and for) Portugal under the Military Defense Assistance Program (MDAP), was not assigned a U.S. Navy name.

  • Note: DE-1042, built in (and for) Portugal under the Military Defense Assistance Program (MDAP), was not assigned a U.S. Navy name.

    • DE-1043: Edward McDonnell (1965-1995), later FF-1043
    • DE-1044: Brumby (1965-1989), later FF-1044
    • DE-1045: Davidson (1964-1989), later FF-1045

  • Note: DE-1046, built in (and for) Portugal under the Military Defense Assistance Program (MDAP), was not assigned a U.S. Navy name.

  • Note: DE-1098 through DE-1107 were cancelled in 1968-1969, before their construction had begun.

  • For coverage of other hull numbers in the "DE" series, see:

  • DE -- Escort Ships.


  • To the best of our knowledge, the Online Library's pictures are all in the Public Domain, and can therefore be freely downloaded and used for any purpose.

  • Some images linked from this page may bear obsolete credit lines citing the organization name: "Naval Historical Center". Effective 1 December 2008 the name should be cited as: "Naval History and Heritage Command".

    If you want higher resolution reproductions than the Online Library's digital images, see: "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions."

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    Page made 2 August 2007
    New ships added 16 February 2011