Index--Part I

Ranks and Decorations of I(ndividuals are as Known at the Date of Compilation of this Volume


Aa River: 267.
Aandalsnes: 258, 260-1.
Abbeville, Abbeville-Drucat: 264-5, 274, 336, 348, 384.
ABC-1: 310.
"ABERCROMBIE", Operation: 309.
Abrial, Admiral: 267.
Accommodation: in Canada, 6, 39, 47, 56, 73;
      McNaughton report, 54, 64;
      C.W.A.C., 126;
      in U.K., 196-7, 231, 237, 242.
Active Service Force. See Canadian Active Service Force.
Acton: 196.
Adak I.: 493, 495-6, 499, 500-1, 506.
Adjutant-General's Branch C.M.H.Q.: 196, 200-1, 421, Appx. "F".
Adjutant-General's Branch N.D.H.Q.: 42-3, 54, 58, 415, 428, 514-15;
      manpower, 94, 113, 116, 121, 124-5, 134, 139;
      organization, Appx.
Adolf Hitler Line: 143.
Advanced Training Centres. See Training Centres.
Aerodromes. See Airfields.
Africa. See North Africa.
Age Limits: 417-19.
Air Bombardment: 73, 402;
      Dieppe, 336, 343-4, 347-8, 398;
      Hong Kong, 464, 470, 484;
      Aleutians, 493, 495, 502, 504;
      Japan, 513, 519.
Air Cover: Dieppe, 327, 330, 348, 383, 386.
Air Defence: airfields, 6, 42;
      McNaughton 1934-35, 7;
      money for, 9, 13, 36, 40, 69;
      priority, 7, 15, 111;
      Chief of Air Staff, 18;
      programme, 91, 97;
      Newfoundland, 179, see also Part II, R.A.F., R.C.A.F.
Air Defence of Great Britain: 242, 290, 299.
Air Ministry, British: 125, 179.
Air Raid Precautions: 9.
Air Reconnaissance: 306;
      R.A.F., 347, 357;
      enemy, 346, 355, 390;
      Hong Kong, 469;
      Aleutians, 503-4.
Air Support: 275, 312;
      training, 235, 250-1;
      Dieppe, 347-8, 366, 374, 383, 398;
      Hong Kong, 444, 456, 464.
Air Transport: 189, 512.
Airborne Landings: 287, 297-8.
Airborne Troops: 297, 330, 343.
Aircraft Carriers: 492-3, 518.
Aire, France: 268.
Airfields: 6, 172;
      European Theatre, 42, 291, 300, 322, 402, 408;
      Dieppe, 327, 330, 336, 347, 384;
      Far East and Pacific, 456, 495, 518.
Aisne River: 274.
Alanbrooke, Field-Marshal The Viscount, K.G., G.C.B., O.M., G.C.V.O., D.S.O.: 96, 101, 239, 316, 410;
      Second B.E.F., 274, 276-81, 285;
      C.I.G.S., 297-98;
      raids, 308, 323;
      Dieppe, 337.
Alaska: 123, 156, 173-4, 495-7, 499-500, Appx. "E".
Alberta: 134, 136, 166, 172.
Albert Head: 28, 147, 155.
Albrighton, H.M.S.: 345, 370, Alderney: 324, 340.
Aldershot, England: 143, 216;
      "Z" Force, 85;
      O.C.T.U., 129;
      Reinforcement Units, 194, 204, 210;
      training, 231-2;
      Norway, 259-61;
      France 1940, 266, 268-71, 274, 276, 278, 281;
      defence of U.K., 204, 287, 284, 295, 297;
      bombing, 291;
      morale, 419, 421;
      riot, 433;
      repatriation depots, 434.
Aldershot, N.S.: 142.
Aleutian Is.: 492-505;
      other refs 123, 172-4, 184-5, 506, 511-12;
      see also Kiska, Attu.
Alexander, Field-Marshal The Rt. Hon. Earl, of Tunis, K.G., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., C.S.I., D.S.O., M.C.: 239.
Alexander, The Rt. Hon. Viscount, of Hillsborough, P.C., C.H.: 268.
Alexander, Maj.-Gen. R.O., C.B., D.S.O.: 166, 169-73, Appx. "F".
Algeciras, Bay of: 300.
Aliens and Alien Property: 9.
Alliford Bay: 167, 169.
Altmark (German ship): 258.
Alost: 211.
Aluminum Company of Canada: 150, 157, 182.
Alresford, H.M.S.: 345.
Amboina: 491.
Amchitka: 495-6, 498, 501.
American Forces, American Troops. See United States Forces.
Amiens: 339, 355.
Ammunition: 12, 21-3, 268;
      small arms, 83, 178;
      training, 446,
      Hong Kong, 416, 439, 449, 456-7, 461, 468, 476, 482.
Amphibious Equipment: 318, 326-7, 404;
      see also Landing Craft.
Amphibious Operations: 293-4, 338, 346, 403;
      techniques and equipment, 326-7.
Amphibious Training and Techniques: 241, 247-8, 293, 326-7, 499.
Anchorage (Alaska): 495.
Ancillary Troops: administration, command and training of, 66-8, 70, 213, 218-19, 221, 252;
      sail for England, 72;
      for Mobile Force, 31, 70, 162;
      for Canadian Corps, 74, 76, 91-2, 96;
      British, 76;
      for 7th Corps, 86;
      for armoured division, 95;
      for First Canadian Army, 99, 100-1, 108;
      Newfoundland, 180;
      France 1940, 234;
      anti-invasion, 273, 287-8;
      2nd B.E.F., 278;
      Far East and Pacific, 443, 512-13;
      see also Army Troops, Base Troops, Corps Troops, G.H.Q. Troops, Line of Communication Troops.
Ancona: Appx. "I".
Anderson, Maj.-Gen. T. V., D.S.O.: C.G.S., 23;
      coast defence, 27;
      technical units, 68, 70;
      Inspector General, 87;
      other refs 41, 54, 61-3, 65, 77, Appx. "F".
Andes, transport: 189, 193.
Andrews, Lt.-Col. J. G.: 347, 378.
"ANGEL MOVE", Operation: 263, 268, 270.
Angers: 278.
Anghiari: Appx. "I".
Angoville: Appx. "I".
Annette I.: 172-3, 497, Appx. "E".
Antelope, H.M.S.: 304.
Anthony, H.M.S.: 304.
Anti-Aircraft Defence: 10, 20, 34, 53, 148-9;
      equipment, 6, 20, Appx. "G";
      Alaska, 123;
      C.W.A.C., 127;
      Canadian defences, 157-9, 167-8 171, 174, 180, 184, 186;
      in the field, 290;
      U.K., 298;
      Dieppe, 355, 370;
      Hong Kong, 456, 473;
      Aleutians, 496;
      see also Artillery.
Anti-Aircraft Training: 242, 246.
Anti-gas Equipment: 8, 25.
Anti-gas Training: 232, 240, 246.
Antigua: 181.
Anti-tank Training: 242, 446.
Anti-tank Weapons: 20, 62, Appx. "G";
      German, 354, 358;
      Hong Kong Force, 446, 449;
      see also Artillery.
"ANTON", Operation: 407.
Antonia, transport: 196.
Anzio: 106.
Appropriations. See Expenditure on Defence.
Aqultania, transport: 189-90, 193.
"Arcadia", Conference: 310-11.
Archangel: 304-6.
Ardennes Forest, Belgium: Appx. "I".
Argentia, Nfld.: 453.
Argyll House Organization: 195.
Arichika, Rokuji, Capt.: 504.
See Equipment.
Armament industry. See War industries.
Armentieres: 265.
Armistice: 281, 286.
Armour, Armoured forces, Armoured troops (general): 88-90, 95, 97.
Armoured Fighting Vehicles: 88, 90, 330-1, 467, Appx. "G".
Armoured Personnel Carriers: Appx. "G".
Armoured Train: 174.
Armouries: 6, 12.
Armstrong, Ont.: 159.
Army Act. See Discipline.
Army Committee. See Army Council.
Army Council (Canada) : 82, 127, 135, 429-30.
Army Council (U.K.): 66, 78, 230-1, 397.
Army Programme. See Canadian Army Programme.
Army Show: 116, 126, 207, 210.
Army Train: 116.
Army Troops: 31, 43, 78, 95-6, 100-1, 103, 108-9, 218, 247, 253, 516.
Army Week: 116.
Arnhem: Appx. "I".
Arno River: Appx. "I".
Arques-la-Bataille: 330-1, 336, 347, 352, 354, 358.
Arsenal. See Dominion Arsenals.
Artillery: 23, 66, 167, 180, 246-7, 253, 269;
      equipment and supply, 20, 22-4, 28, 62, Appx. "G", Appx. "I";
      coast, 146, 152-6, 167-74, 456, 475;
      anti-aircraft, 20, 148, 157, 167-74, 290, 299, Appx. "G";
      anti-tank, 20, 354, 358, 446, Appx."G";operations,401,403, 456, 499;
      see also Anti-Aircraft Defence, Coast Defence, Part II, Royal Canadian Artillery, Units (Artillery).
Arvida, P.Q.: 150, 157-60, 168, 186, Appx. "E".
Ashcroft, B.C.: 172.
Ashton,Lt.-Gen. E. C., C.B., C.M.G., V.D., M.D., C.M.: 8-10, 20, 22, 23, 26, 31.
Astor estate: 423.
Atlantic, Battle of the: 209.
Atlantic Coast: pre-1939, 12, 27-8;
      war, 41-2, 80, 176;
      defences, 152, 155-6, 159, 62, 165-6, 172;
      command arrangements, 164;
      see also Part II, Atlantic Command, Coast Defence.
Atlantic Wall: 351, 405.
Atomic bomb: 519.
Atrocities: 488.
Attlee, Rt. Hon. Clement R., P.C., O.M., C.H.: 408.
Attu I.: 173, 493, 495-8, 501-4.
Aubert, Capt., Royal Norwegian Army: 304.
Aurora, H.M.S.: 304-5.
Australia: 23, 320, 323, 492, 509-10.
Australian Forces.: See Part II.
Authie River: 352.
Authority to commit Canadian Forces. See Command Arrangements C.A.O.S.
Auxiliary Services: 201,. 204, 207, 421-3, 448.
Avellino: 143.
Avonmouth: 194.
A.V.R.E. (Assault Vehicle Royal Engineers): 403.
Awatea, transport: 448-9, 461.


Badges of Rank: 106. 126.
Bahama Is.: 123, 151, 181, Appx. "E".
Baillie-Grohman, Vice Admiral H.T., C.B., D.S.O., O.B.E., R.N.: 332.
Balkans, The: 88.
Balloons, Japanese: 177.
Bangalore Torpedoes: 365.
Barentin: 355.
Barentsburg, Spitsbergen: 305.
Barracks. See Accommodation.
Barrett Battery: 156.
Barriefield, Camp: 12, 39, 47, 133, 137, 142.
Barry (South Wales): 194.
Bartholomew, Gen. Sir William Henry, G.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.: 290.
Base Troops: 31, 101, 108-9, 218-19, 242, 221, 418, 516.
Basic Training Centres. See Training Centres.
Basingstoke: 206.
Bataan: 169.
Batory, transport: 189.
Battledress: 56.
Battle Drill: 136, 240, 243, 251.
Battle Experience: North Africa, 248-9;
      Normandy, 253;
      commanders' lack of, 414-17;
      Pacific observers, 498, 507, 509.
Battle of Britain: 275, 290-1.
Bayano, transport: 190.
Beachy Head: 244, 398.
Bean, Brigadier W. A., C.B.E., E.D.: 509.
"Beauman Force": 280.
"BEAVER" Exercises: 243-4.
Beaver Club: 423.
Beaverhill, transport: 190, 192.
Bedford Basin: 150.
Belfast: 194.
Belgium, Belgians: 349,
      invasion of, 73, 76-7, 88, 2634;
      Surrender, 270-1;
      C.W.A.C., 211.
Bell I., Nfid.: 154, 178-80.
Bell, Lt. L. C.: 376.
Bella Bella, B.C.: 167, 169, 172
Belle Isle: 176.
Bellerophon, transport: 282.
"BENITO", Exercise: 238.
Bennett, Cant. E.: 379.
Bennett. The Rt. Hon. Viscount, P.C., 7. 13, 30.
Bennet's Hill: 485-8.
Benning, Fort, Georgia: 104.
Bergen: 257.
Berkeley, H.M.S.: 345, 383.
Berlin: 258. 352.
Bermuda: 123, 181, Appx. "E".
Berneval: 346, 354, 358-9, 360-1.
Bexhill : 244.
Biarritz. transport: 283.
Bic, P.Q.: 176.
Bickersteth, J. B., M.C.: 420.
Birkett, Lt. G. A.: 480.
Birmingham: 206, 287.
Biscay, Bay of: 102, 313-14.
Bishop, Lt.-Col. W. A., D.S.O., E.D.: 473.
Bismarck Archipelago: 453.
"BLACKBOY", Exercise: 245.
Blackwood, Lt. T. A., M.C.: 482.
"BLAZING", Operation: 324.
Bleasdale, H.M.S.: 345.
Blucher, Major von: 361.
Blumentritt, Gen. Gunther: 264.
Bofors guns: 160, 168-9, 174, 242, 282, 290, Appx. "G".
Bombing. See Air Bombardment.
Booth, Brigadier E. L., D.S.O., E.D.: 417.
Boots: 18, 57, 232, 244.
Borden, Camp: 34, 39, 75, 88, 92, 133, 136, 168, 445.
Borden, Hon. Sir Frederick, K.C.M.G.: 20-1.
Borden, Rt. Hon. Sir Robert L., P.C., G.C.M.G.: 225.
Bordon, Hants.: 129, 204, 207, 240.
Borneo: 453, 492, 510.
Botwood: 154, 179-80, 186.
Bowman, Capt. A. S.: 482.
Bowmanville, Ont.: 397.
Bradford, Camp: Appx. "E".
Bramshott: 206.
Brandon: 169.
Breadner, Air Chief Marshal L.S., C.B., D.S.C.: 225.
Breckinridge, Camp;
      Kentucky: 517.
Bremen: Appx. "I".
Bremse (Gunnery Training Ship): 306.
Bren Guns: 11, 12, 20, 24, 37, 231, 235, 290, 446, 480;
      contract, 25-6.
Breskens: Appx. "I".
Brest: 278-84.
Briare: 277.
"BRIDOON", Exercise: 252.
Bridport, Dorset: 334.
Brigade Groups: armoured, 88-9;
      organization in U.K., 234, 273, 287.
Brighton: 289, 294, 425.
"BRIMSTONE", Operation: 411.
Britain, British Isles. See United Kingdom.
British Army: 100, 254, 298, 387, 403, 414;
      administration, 92, 129, 427;
      equipment and dress. 56, 89,233;
      Regular Army, 414;
      Canadians, 338, 416;
      Far East, 444, 458, 512, 515.
British Army Staff, Washington: 192, 510.
British Cabinet. See Government, British.
British Columbia: coast defence, 27-8, 98, 146, 149, 156, 160, 163, 166-7;
      excitement in, 169-74;
      Japanese in, 84-5, 169;
      Aleutians, 437, 495-6, 505.
British Commonwealth Air Training Plan: 65. 67, 73.
British Expeditionary Force: 46, 74, 82. 230, 338;
      Europe 1940, 79, 263-7, 270-1;
      Second B.E.F., 27384, 287.
British Forces, British Troops: Norway, 257, 261;
      France 1940, 264-5, 267, 272, 277, 283;
      infantry and armour, 323;
      Dieppe, 343, 412. 419;
      Far East, 449-50. 457, 488, 511-12, 518;
      Appx "I. British Government. See Government, British.
British Guiana: 123, 151, 181-2, Appx. "E".
British Joint Staff Mission, Washington: 319-20.
British War Cabinet. See War Cabinet, British. Brussels: 211.
British War Medal: 144. Buckee, Lt. H. T., D.S.O., R.N.V.R.: 361.
Brocklesby, H.M.S.: 345, 358-9, 385.
Brittany: 273, 407;
      "redoubt" scheme (1940), 277-81.
Brockville: 105, 131, 138-9. Burckhardt, Dr. C. J.: 397.
Brooke-Popham, Air Chief Marshal Sir H.R.M., G.C.V.O., K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., A.F.C.: 438-9, 457-8.
Brooke, Sir Alan. See Alanbrooke.
Browne, Lt.-Col. G.A., D.S.O.: 365, 368.
Browne, Maj.-Gen. B. W., C.B., D.S.O., M.C.: 124, 183, Appx. "F".
Brownrigg, Lt.-Gen. Sir Douglas, K.C.B., C.B., D.S.O.: 266.
Bruges: 272.
Buckner, Lt.-Gen. Simon B.: 173, 498, 501, 506.
Budget. See Estimates.
"BUMPER", Exercise: 239, 249.
Burma: 453, 458, 492, 509, 511, 518.
Burma Road: 84.
Burns, Maj.-Gen. E. L. M., D.S.O., O.B.E., M.C., C.D.: 195-6, 202, 223, 260, 429, Appx. "F".
Burrard Inlet: 147.
Bury, Maj. W. G., D.S.O., E.D.: 304.


Cabinet, Canadian:
      Defence Committee of, 9-10, 17-18, 46;
      defence estimates (1937-40), 11-12, 15-17, 47;
      emergency expenditures (August 1939), 29, 40;
      mobilization of C.A.S.F., 42;
      troops for overseas, 60-1;       Emergency Council, 65;
      changes in personnel, 71;
      organization of forces in U.K., 75;
      coastal defence, 412-18;
      reorganization 6th Div., 186;
      C.A.P.F., 512, 515;
      Special Committee, C.A.P.F. and occupation of Japan, 514, 519;
     see also War Commmittee of the Cabinet. Cabinet War Committee. See War Committee of the Cabinet.
Caen: 253, 322, 352, 406-7.
Calais: 265-7, 271-2, 274, see also Pas de Calais. 1943, 103;
Caldecote, The Rt. Hon. Viscount, P.C., C.B.E.: 78, 79, 83.
Calgary: 12, 47, 53, 150.
Calpe, H.M.S.: 345, 348, 360, 367-8, 381-3, 385-6.
Camberley: 140, 232.
Cambrai: 406.
Campbell, Sir Gerald, G.C.M.G., F.R.G.S.: 59, 61.
Canadian Active Service Force (C.A.S.F.):
      organization and composition, 42-5, 70-1, 119-21;
      mobilization, 43, 47, 53;
      re-attested, 63-4;
      strength 30 Sep 39, 55;
      expansion, 77, 79-80, 184;
      equipment, 83;
      Army Programme, 89;
      officers, 127-8, 131, 138-9;
      home defence, 148, 150;
      training, 121, 132-4, 195, 231.
Canadian-American Permanent Joint Board on See Permanent Joint Board on Defence.
Canadian Army, The: redesignated, 89.
Canadian Army Liaison Establishment, London: 434.
Canadian Army Overseas: formation and despatch of 1st division, 58-66, 70-1;
      continued build-up in U.K., 73, 76, 85-7, 91, 93;
      movement overseas, 189-94;
      C.M.H.Q. and units, 194-207;
      Forestry Corps, 207-10;
      Army Programmes, 87-97, 103;
      terms of reference for Army Commander and C.M.H.Q., 98, 212-15;
      voluntary service in, 97;
      roles, 98, 323;
      composition of, 100-4, 108-9;
      Parachute Battalion, 104;
      reinforcements, 121-2, 184, 186;
      mobile groups, 272-3;
      training, 129, 135, 138, 509;
      command and control of, 66-7, 212-56, 412-18;
      Dieppe, 387, 395;
      Norway and the Canaries, 409-11;
      administrative and personnel problems, 419-34;
      Aldershot, 433;
      Pacific Force, 511-12, 516-17;
      equipment, Appx. "G";
      principal appointments, Appx. "F".
Canadian Army Planning Committee: 100.
Canadian Army Programme: Anderson's recommendations, 61;
      1941, 87-93,
      1942, 93-8,
      other refs 115, 120, 171, 185, 192.
Canadian Army Routine Orders (C.A.R.Os.) 132, 197, 397, 418.
Canadian Army Staff, Washington: 498.
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation: 116.
Canadian Defence Committee: formed, 9;
      see also Cabinet, Canadian; War Committee of the Cabinet.
Canadian Expeditionary Force 1914-18: 47-8.
Canadian Force (United Kingdom): 273, 276, 287.
Canadian Joint Staff Committee. See Chiefs of Staff Committee.
Canadian Legion: 420-3.
Canadian Manufacturers Association: 25.
Canadian Military Headquarters (C.M.H.Q.): 194-207;
      terms of reference 67, 98, 194-6;
      organization, 198, 203;
      principal appointments, Appx. "F";
      command relationships, 218-29;
      training, 135, 230-31, 235-6, 245-7;
      C.M.H.Q. units, 202-7;
      Norway proposal, 258-60;
      France 1940, 274, 284;
      Spitsbergen, 301-4;
      personnel problems, 421-4, 426-34;
      Japan and Hong 94;
      other refs 79-80, 83, 151, 210, 296, 345, 414.
Canadian National Railways: 172, 174.
Canadian Planning Staff: 411.
Canadian Red Cross Society: 423.
Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (C.V.S.M.) 144.
Canary Is.: 102, 410-11.
"Canloan" officers: 139.
Canso: 146, 153-4, Appx. "E".
Canton Area (China): 452, 455, 463.
Cap Chat. P.Q.: 176.
Cape Town, South Africa: 152.
Cardiff: 194.
Caribbean Area: 181-2.
Carr, Lt.-Gen. L., C.B., D.S.O., O.B.E.: 239.
Carriers: 246-7, 282, 284, 448-9, 461, 467, Appx. "G".
Carson, Maj.-Gen. Sir J. W., C.B.: 195.
Carton de Wiart, Lt.-Gen. Sir Adrian, V.C., K.B.E., C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.: 258-9.
Casablanca Conference: 411, 496.
Caserta: 143.
Cassino: 106, Appx. "I".
Castelfrentano: Appx. "I".
Castiglione: Appx. "I".
Casualties: Appx. "A";
      1914-18, 4, 194;
      Aleutians, 497, 502;
      anticipated, 135-6, 224, 430;
      at sea, 193-4;
      air bombing, 290-1, 296;
      civilian, 336, 519;
      Dieppe, own troops, Appx. "H", 361-2, 374, 382, 387-8;
      Dieppe, enemy, 388-90;
      France 1940, 284;
      Hong Kong, own troops, 464, 474, 476, 478-80, 483, 4889;
      Hong Kong, enemy, 473, 477, 483, 485, 489;
      Nfld. personnel, Appx. "I";
      replacements for. 103;
      training, 245.
Catterick: 232.
Catto, Lt.-Col. D. E., D.S.O., E.D.: 346, 364-6.
Cavalry: 44, 81.
Cavina, transport: 190.
Celebes: 453.
Censors, Censorship: 69, 394-5, 419, 424, 427, 429.
Central Canada Aircraft Detection Corps: 159.
Ceremonial: 197, 232.
Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. Neville, P.C.: 38, 65, 145, 261.
Chaney, Maj.-Gen. James E.: 321.
Channel Islands: 324.
Channels of Communication: C.A.O.S., 213-29 (see chart 220), 231;
      Dieppe, 338, 342-3, 348;
      see also Command Arrangements.
Charlottetown: 64.
Chateaubriant: 282.
Chatham, England: 232, 271, 289.
Chatham, Ont.: 151.
Chatwin, Dr. A. E.: 420.
Chebucto Head: 152-3.
Chemainus: 500.
Chemical Warfare: 136, 246.
Cherbourg: 277, 283, 312, 322, 324, 402, 406-7.
Chester, P.A.: Appx. "F".
Chiang Kai Shek, Generalissimo, Hon. G.C.B.: 440, 487.
Chichester Harbour: 308.
Chidley, Cape (Hudson Strait): 163,Chief of the Air Staff: 6, 9, 16, 18.
Chief of the Air Staff (British): 275.
Chief of Combined Operations. See Combined Operations; Mountbatten.
Chief of the General Staff (C.G.S.): 6, 18, 23, 56, 1012, 127, 214, 218, 276, 418;
      finance, 16-17, 69-70;
      coast defence, 27-8, 149, 152-3;
      outbreak of war, 42, 44-6, 53, 61, 66;
      Iceland, 84, Dieppe, 319, 332-3;
      Hong Kong, 442-3, 449;
      Aleutians, 497, 499-500, 506;
      Pacific Force, 514;
      list of, Appx. "F";
      McNaughton, 21, 30;
      Ashton, 8;
      Anderson, 87;
      Crerar, 87, 215;
      Stuart, 97, 215;
      Murchie, 185, 223;
      see also by name.
Chief of the Imperial General Staff: 62, 101, 231-2, 265, 280, 284, 323;
      Spitsbergen, 301;
      Dieppe, 337;
      Canaries, 411;
      Hong Kong, 440;
      Ironside, 63;
      Dill, 284;
      Alanbrooke, 298.
Chief of Staff, C.M.H.Q.: 198, 203, 222, 224-5, 227-8, 429, 432, Appx. "F";
      see also Senior Officer.
Chief of the Naval Staff: 16, 18.
Chief of the Naval Staff (British): 440.
Chief of Staff, U.S. Army: 497, 513.
Chiefs of Staff Committee, British: Norway, 260;
      France 1940, 270, 273, 276-7;
      defence of U.K., 2912;
      aid to Russia, 297;
      role of Canadians, 323;
      operations, 302, 304, 313-17, 320, 322-4, 326, 330, 342, 408-12, 438-41, 443-4, 513;
      raids (Dieppe), 325-6, 332-3, 336, 340-1, 343;
      capital ships in the Channel, 399.
Chiefs of Staff Committee, Canadian (Joint Staff Committee): 9, 54;
      plans and finance, 10-12, 16-18, 33, 47, 68;
      mobilization, 46-70;
      home defence, 27, 157-8, 161-2, 164-5, 167, 172, 179;
      Pacific, 511, 513-14.
Chilko Lake, B.C.: 172.
Chilliwack, B.C.: 131.
Chiltern Hills: 239.
Chilwell: 232.
China, Chinese: Hong Kong, 438-9, 455-7, 461, 463-4, 468-70, 473, 487;
      other refs 5, 84, 311, 511-12, 519.
Chippawa, Ont.: Appx. "E".
Chiswick: 237.
Christopher Point, B.C.: 155.
Chisholm, Maj.-Gen. G. B., C.B.E., M.C., E.D.: 428.
Chungking: 487.
Churchill, Rt. Hon. Sir Winston L. S., K.G., P.C., O.M., C.H., F.R.S.: 81, 261;
      on war production, 36;
      Iceland, 85;
      armour, 90, 97;
      operations, 105, 259-60, 301, 307, 408-11;
      defence of Canada, 152, 165;
      Dunkirk, 268, 270;
      2nd B.E.F., 273-5, 277, 280-1;
      invasion threat, 285-6, 290, 292;
      Washington agreements, 310-11, 313-15;
      Moscow, 315;
      strategic thinking, 315-18, 412;
      use of Dominion troops, 323, 412;
      Dieppe, 324-6, 336-7, 341;
      North Africa, 408;
      Hong Kong, 438-42, 453, 486;
      Pacific, 497, 511-13.
"Churchill" tanks. See Tanks.
Cicala, H.M.S.: 485.
Citta di Castello: Appx. "I".
Civil Affairs: 141.
Civil Service Commission: 126.
Claims: 201.
"CLAWHAMMER", Operation: 324.
Clothing and Accoutrements: funds for, 11, 69;
      lack of, 54, 56-7, 232;
      special, 259, 499.
Clyde, River: 86, 99, 194, 304, 306.
Coal Harbour, B.C.: 167.
Coast Artillery. See Artillery.
Coast Defence: 146-9, 151-7;
      programme, 12, 26-9;
      Interim Plan, 28-9, 40, 152-5;
      Ultimate Plan, 152-3, 155-6;
      war measures, 46;
      manning, 32, 41, 43, 53, 58, 121;
      Halifax and Esquimalt, 10, 18, 27, 152;
      Maritimes and Quebec, 176;
      Northern B.C., 167;
      disbandment, 184, 186;
      German coast defences, 349-52;
      Hong Kong, 455-6, 470;
      see also Coast Defence Batteries;
      Treatt, Brigadier B.D.C.
Coast Defence Batteries: Canada, 146, 152-7, 179, 186;
      enemy, 342. 354, 402;
      Hong Kong, 470, 473, 475, 479;
      see also Coast Defence.
Cochrane (Ont.): 159.
Colchester: 206, 242, 246.
Cold Bay: 495.
Cole, Air Vice-Marshal A. T., C.B.E., D.S.O., D.F.C., M.C.: 348, 383-4.
Collinson, Cape, 475.
Collinson, Commodore A. C., R.N.: 456, 484, 488.
Colonial Conference 1907: 20.
Combined Chiefs of Staff: 311-12, 318, 325;
      shipping, 192, 319;
      Pacific, 171, 497.
Combined Commanders: 317-18, 322, 402.
Combined Operations: training, 136, 302, 245, 247, 302, 308, 329, 334, 344, 411, 499, 501;
      Chief of, 309, 312;
      lessons and techniques, 399, 404;
      other refs 333, 336;
      see also Mountbatten.
Command Arrangements, Canadian forces overseas: Chap. VII;
      with British, 66-8, 254-6, 276, 338;
      for Dieppe, 342-3, 348;
      other operations, 259, 449-50, 497-8, 500-1;
      other refs 51-2, 95, 261-3, 308, 333;
      see also Channels of Communication.
Commander-in-Chief Far East (British): 438-9, 444, 454, 456, 458.
Commander-in-Chief Home Forces. See Part II, B, under G.H.Q. Home Forces.
Commander-in-Chief Pacific Ocean Areas (U.S.): 497, 501, 509.
Commissions: 53, 138, 236;
      see also Officer Selection.
Committee of Imperial Defence: 9.
Compulsory Service: Canada, 82, 89, 94, 97, 110-11, 118-22, 134;
      U.K., 38.
Conception Bay, Nfld.: 154, 178.
Conferences: of Allied leaders, 311, and see under code and place names;
      Colonial Conference 1907,
      Imperial War Conference 1917, 20;
      Disarmament Conference 1932, 18;
      Imperial Conference 1937, 15;
      Conference of Commonwealth Prime Ministers, 511.
Connaught Camp: 134.
Conscientious Objectors: 119.
Conscription. See Compulsory Service.
Control of Profits on Government Armament Contracts, Interdepartmental Committee on: 37.
Convalescent Depots: 143, 206.
Convoys: troop, 93, 189-94;
      to Russia, 301, 341, 408;
      Dieppe, 356, 358-60, 368, 390-1.
Coral Sea: 492.
Corlett, Maj.-Gen. C. H.: 501-2.
"CORONET", Operation: 518.
Corps Troops, British: 86, 278, 280.
Corps Troops, Canadian: 1st Cdn Corps, 74, 78, 91, 412;
      strength, 95-6, 108-9;
      training, 238, 244, 247, 253;
      other refs 31, 43, 66, 92, 516;
      see also Ancillary Troops.
Corregidor: 492.
Cossack, H.M.S.: 258.
Cotentin: 277.
"COTTAGE", Operation: 498.
Courseulles: Appx. "I".
Courtenay, B.C.: 499.
Cove, Hants: 143.
Crecy: 336.
Creighton, Cpl. R. J.: 284.
Crerar, Gen. H. D. G., C.H., C.B., D.S.O., C.D.: prewar service, 10, 28, 40;
      requests ancillary troops, 66;
      requests 2nd Division, 73;
      C.G.S., 89, 197,
      Army Programme, 87-97, 120,
      to command 1 Cdn Corps, 96, 99, 298, 416;
      recruiting, 115,
      compulsory training, 121;
      defence of Canada, 149, 153, 163, 166-7, 171;
      C.M.H.Q., 195-6;
      Canadian Ordnance, 206;
      command arrangements in U.K., 212-29,
      training overseas, 237, 244;
      visits Africa, 249;
      "SPARTAN", 250;
      proposed expeditions 1940, 258, 261, 265, 268, 270;
      raids, 308-9;
      use of Canadian forces, 323;
      Dieppe, 334-6, 338. 342-4, 348, 383-4, 401-2;
      Canaries, 411;
      to command First Cdn Army, 416;
      Italy, 416;
      morale, 419;
      rotation leave, 430;
      Hong Kong, 439, 441, 443;
      Pacific Force, 514-16;
      appointments, Appx. "F".
Crerar, Hon. T. A.: 195.
Crete: 297, 350.
Croil, Air Marshal G. M., C.B.E., A.F.C.: 10.
"CROMWELL", code word: 292.
Crowthorne: 206.
Cruikshank, Brig.-Gen. E. A., V.D.: 4.
Cuckfield: 206.
Curacao: 77.
Currie, Lt.-Col. D.V., V.C.: 51.
Currie, Lt.-Col. G. S., C.M.G., D.S.O., M.C.: 429, Appx. "F".
Czechoslovakia: 17, 38.


D'Aguilar, Cape: 455, 475.
Danae, H.M.S.: 450.
Dathan, Lieut.-Commander J. H., R.N.: 381.
Davies, Capt. R. M.: 485.
Davis, Mr. Justice T. C.: 125.
Debert, N. S.: 80, 135, 167, 172, 174-5, 192, Appx. "E".
Declarations of War: 46, 48, 299, 310.
Defence Associations: 19.
Defence Committee of the Cabinet (British). See War Cabinet, British.
Defence Committee of the Cabinet (Canadian) see Cabinet, Canadian;
      War Committee of the Cabinet.
Defence Coordination, Standing Interdepartmental Committee on: 9, 33.
Defence Council: 16, 40, 52-4, 69, 152;
      function of, 81-2.
Defence Medal: 144.
Defence of Canada. See Home Defence.
Defence of United Kingdom: 82, 208, 234, 254, 283;
      mobile reserves, 270-4, 285;
      G.H.Q. reserve, 75, 297.
Defence Purchasing Board: 24, 47, 57, 62;
      see also Munitions and Supply, Dept. of.
Defence Schemes: 29-32;
      No. 3, 27, 30-1, 33, 39, 41-2, 44, 46, 49, 70.
Demerara River: 182.
Demobilization: 432.
Dempsey, Gen. Sir Miles C., K.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., M.C.: 288.
Denain: 265.
Denmark: 76, 257, 351.
Denovan, Major J. J.: 404.
Department of National Defence Act. See National Defence, Department of.
Dependents: 52, 114, 120.
"Derelict Defense", The: 170.
Des Rosiers, Lt.-Col. H., C.M.G., D.S.O., V.D.: 69, Appx. "F".
Devils Battery: 152-3.
Devil's Peak Peninsula: 458, 467-8.
Dewing, Maj.-Gen. R. H., C.B., D.S.O., M.C.: 258-60, 268-71, 283, 319.
De Witt, Lt.-Gen. J. L.: 496-8, 506.
Dieppe, raid (1942): origins, 324-7;
      area, 327-30;
      planning and training, 330-44;
      command arrangements, 338, 342-3, 348;
      own troops, 345, 389;
      plan, 346-8;
      enemy, 349-58;
      German convoy, 358-60;
      the operation, 36086, 397-404;
      army casualties, 361-2, 374, 381, 387-9;
      enemy casualties, 388, 390;
      air and naval losses, 318, 387-8;
      number evacuated, Appx. "E";
      German critiques, 388-93;
      prisoners, 387, 396-7;
      lessons and aftermath, 397412;
      German records, 355-6, 358;
      Combined Report on, 327, 344;
      other refs 244-5, 252, 254, 321, 324.
Dill, Field-Marshal Sir John G., G.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.: France 1940, 269-70, 272, 284;
      other refs 298, 301, 306, 311, 320, 323.
Dinant: 264.
Disarmament Conference 1932: 18.
Discharges: 201.
Discipline: 425-7.
District Officers Commanding: 30, 36, 42, 46, 57, 114, 120, 130, 133, 163, 166, 176, 180;
      see also Part II, Military Districts.
Dives-sur-Mer: 352.
Divisional Troops: 246, Appx. "E".
"DOG", Exercise: 238, 244.
Doi, Col. Teihichi: 463, 465, 467, 473-4, 478, 482, 484-5.
Dombaas, Norway: 260.
Dominion Arsenals: 6, 12, 21-2, 36, 150;
      Quebec Arsenal, 21-2.
Dominions Office, London: 65, 440-2, 444, 447, 453.
Don Jose, transport: 449, 461.
Donegal: 193.
Dorlin: 247.
Doudeville: 355.
Douglas, Marshal of the Royal Air Force The Lord, G.C.B., M.C., D.F.C.: 321-2, 402.
Doukhohors: 119.
Dover: 238, 266-9, 272, 289, 291, 309-10, 321.
Dowding, Air Chief Marshal The Lord, G.C.B., G.C.V.O., C.M.G.: 275, 291.
Dress and Clothing Committee: 56.
Driving and Maintenance: 136, 240, 246.
Duhuc, Sgt. P., M.M.: 381.
Duchess of Bedford, transport: 190.
Duchess of Richmond, transport: 190.
Duchess of York, transport: 189.
Duclair: 355.
Duff, Rt. Hon. Sir Lyman, G.C.M.G.: 445, 453.
Duke of Wellington, H.M.S.: 364, 366-7.
Dundurn, Camp: 12, 39, 445, Appx. "E".
Dunfermline: 259-60.
Dunkirk: 269-73;
      other refs 69, 79, 82, 235, 265-9, 286, 296, 319, 438.
Durnford-Slater, Brigadier J. F., D.S.O.: 346, 360.
Dutch Army. See Part II, Netherlands Army.
Dutch Harbor: 493.
Dyle River: 264


Earnshaw, Brigadier P., D.S.O., M.C.: Appx. "F".
East Anglia: 239, 252.
East Indies. See Netherlands Indies.
Eastwood, Lt.-Gen. Sir T. R., K.C.B., D.S.O., M.C.: 281.
Eden, Rt. Hon. Sir Anthony, P.C., M.C.: 85, 90, 268, 270.
Edmonton: 47, 151, 168.
Edmundston, N.B.: 163.
Egypt: 88, 343.
Eichstatt: 397.
Eisenhower, General of the Army Dwight D., Hon. G.
C. B., Hon. O.M.: 311, 316, 319, 322, 402, 416.
Elbe River: Appx. "I".
Elkins, Maj.-Gen. W. H. P., C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O.: 163, 176, Appx. "F".
Ellwood, California: 170.
Ely, Isle of: 287.
Emergency Legislation: 9.
Emergency Powers Act (U.K.) 1940: 82.
Empress of Australia, transport: 189.
Empress of Britain, transport: 189.
Empress of Canada, transport: 302, 304-6.
Empress of Scotland, transport: 189.
England. See United Kingdom.
Enlistment: 53-5, 113-15;
      for general service, Appx. "B", 63, 89, 95, 97, 110-11;
      Reserve Army, 182-3;
      U.S. citizens, 115;
      in U.K., 189, 210;
      in Nfld, Appx. "I";
      see also Compulsory Service, Voluntary Service.
Ensor, Lt.-Col. J. P., D.S.O., M.B.E.: 309-10.
Envermeu: 352, 358.
Equipment: Appx. "G";
      1939, 10-11, 20;
      use of U.S., 22, 61-2, 82, 90, 105, 154, 159;
      shortage of, 6, 8, 35, 58, 72-3, 83, 87, 89, 119, 157, 164, 170, 232, 234, 243;
      for defence of Canada, 147, 151-7, 159, 164, 170, 174, 178, 182;
      use of British, 20, 24, 62-3, 76, 90;
      allocation by C.M.H.Q., 221, 224, 227;
      more available, 242, 246;
      for Ancillary troops, 86;
      Dunkirk and after, 82, 271-2 275, 286-7, 2%;
      Second B.E.F., 282-4;
      Gibraltar, 300;
      for raids and amphibious operations, 314, 326;
      hospital, 423;
      Hong Kong Force, 446-9, 457, 461;
      Aleutian Force, 499;
      Pacific Force, 515;
      Summary, Appx. "G";
      other refs 62, 69, 107, 247;
      see also equipment by types.
Erria, transport: 192.
Esquimalt Fortress Area: 10, 27-8, 36, 64, 1468, 152, 155, 160, 166-8, 172, 175, 185.
Establishments: definition, 49;
      1938, 5, 18-19;
      Field Force, 100, 102, 109;
      authority to fix, 217-18, 227;
      Hong Kong Force, 444-5;
      Branches of Department of National Defence (Army), Appx. "J" n. 1;
      other refs 75,127-8, 134, 149, 197-8.
Esterel, P.Q.: 136.
Estevan Point, B.C.: 173.
Estimates: See Expenditure on Defence.
Ethiopia: 8.
Etretat: 312.
Eu: 355.
Evatt, Rt. Hon. H.V., P.C.: 320.
Ewener, Lt.-Col. W.A., M.C.: 380.
Exchequer, Chancellor of the: 76.
Exercises: Chap. VIII, passim. See also under code names.
Expenditure on Defence: 1939-46, Appx. "C", 68-70;
      up to 1939-40, 4, 7, 9, 11-18, 21, 33, 40, 57;
      194041, 78, 91;
      1941-42, 93;
      War Appropriation Act, 49, 68;
      appropriations, 74, 78, 93;
      other refs 29, 40, 47.
External Affairs, Department of: 78, 195, 261-2.


Fagalde, Gen. de: 267-8, 272.
Falaise: 355, 407, Appx. "I".
Falmouth: 278, 281-2.
Fanshawe, Lt.-Col. E. L. (British Army): 92.
Farnborough: 206.
Farrington, Lt.-Col. J. R. (British Army): 92.
Fécamp: 322.
Feltre: 405.
Fernie, H.M.S.: 345, 348, 368, 381.
Field, Lieut. B.C.: 482.
Field Artillery. See Artillery and Part II, Royal Canadian Artillery.
Field Security. See Intelligence.
Fiji: 492.
Finance, Department of: 93.
Financial Arrangements with U.K.: 65-8, 75-6, 86, 208, 300-1.
Finland: 257.
Fire-Control equipment: 28, 156, 159, 282.
Fire Support: 399, 401, 403, 502;
      see also Air Support, Naval Support.
First World War. See World War, First.
Flame-throwers: 251, Appx. "G".
Flers: 355.
Florence: Appx. "I".
Flushing: Appx. "I".
Foch, Marshal: 338.
Folkestone: 293.
Fonblanque, Maj.-Gen. P. de: 281-2.
Foote, Hon. Maj.J.W.,V.C.: 377.
"FORD", Exercises: 344.
Foreign Office, Foreign Secretary: 38, 315, 438, 441.
Forét d'Arques: 390.
Formosa: 456, 513.
Forts. See by name.
Fort William, Ont.: 151.
Forth, H.M.S.: 157.
Foster, Maj.-Gen. H. W., C.B.E., D.S.O., C.D.: 414, 499-501, 505, Appx. "F".
Foster, Maj.-Gen. W.W., C.M.G., D.S.O., V.D.: 421.
Foulkes, General Charles, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., C.D.: 253, 414, Appx. "F".
"FOX", Exercise: 238, 244.
France, French: defence measures, 38;
      declares war, 46;
      B.E.F., 73-4;
      Canadian troops for, 63, 76, 263;
      invasion, 77-83;
      Norway 1940, 258, 261;
      Second B.E.F., 273-6, 281, 284-7;
      lessons of defeat in, 289;
      Allied invasion plans, 310, 312-14, 318, 337;
      enemy strength in, 314, 407;
      German defences 1942, 349-52;
      other refs 88, 107, 112, 144, 151, 153, 207, 222, 233-6, 336.
France and Germany Star: 144.
Franz (merchant ship): 390.
Fraser River: 156.
Frederick, Maj.-Gen. Robert T.: 106.
Freetown, Sierra Leone: 152-3.
French Forces, French Troops: France 1940, 77, 254, 261, 264-5, 272, 277, 280, 284;
      Norway, 257, 260-1, 306;
      Hong Kong, 483;
      other refs, Appx. "I".
French, Lieut. C. D.: 480. French Indo-China: 451-2.
French North Africa. See North Africa.
French-speaking Canadians: brigade, 44-5;
      recruiting, 55-6;
      other refs 139, 443, 506.


Gallipoli: 327.
Gamelin, General Maurice: 265.
Gammell, Lt.-Gen. Sir J. A. H., K.C.B., D.S.O., M.C.: 244, 250.
Gander, Nfld.: 160, 179-80.
Ganong, Maj.-Gen. H. N., C.B.E., E.D.: 172, Appx. "F".
Gardiner, Rt. Hon. J. G., P.C.: 118.
Garth, H.M.S.: 345, 367-8.
Gaspe: 154, 162, 176, Appx. "E".
"GAUNTLET", Operation: 304, 306.
"GELB", Operation: 264.
Genet, Brigadier J. E., C.B.E., M.C., C.D.: 289, 333.
Geneva Convention: 423.
George Cross: winners by name, footnote 51.
Georges, General: 280.
Georgetown, British Guiana: 182, Appx. "E".
German Forces: Poland, 42;
      France and Low Countries (1940), 76-7, 267, 277, (1942), 350-1, 406-8;
      U.K., 293-4;
      plans against, 313, 319-20;
      Dieppe area, 3525;
      Spain, 410;
      other refs 73, 161, 233, 263.
G.H.Q. Troops: 78, 100, 108-9.
Germany, Germans: aggression, 38, 42, 76, 257, 296;
      war declared on, 46, 48-9, 59;
      Canadian defence against, 42, 145, 160, 162. 176;
      Norway, 76, 232, 234, 257, 263;
      France and Low Countries, 77, 161, 254, 264-5, 267, 271, 273-4, 276-8, 281, 283, 285;
      Britain, invasion threat to and Battle of, 87, 91, 234, 238-9, 243, 245, 250, 252, 285, 291-4;
      Spitsbergen, 301, 306;
      Russia, 38, 297, 314, 326, 340-2;
      allied strategy against, 88, 310-11, 315-18, 321, 324-6;
      defences in the West 1942, 349-52, 356-7;
      allied prisoners, 396-7;
      effect of Dieppe raid, 404-8;
      Spain, 410-11;
      Japan, 452;
      defeat, 432, 507, 511-12, 519;
      other refs 5, 10, 32, 102, 106, 161, 308, 313-14, 318, 346, 401.
General Staff Branch, C.M.H.Q.: 196, 198, 200, 221.
General Staff Branch, N.D.H.Q.: 29, 92, 412, 415, 4412, 515,
      Vice Chiefs of the, Appx. "F";
      organization, Appx. "J".
Gibraltar: 299-301, 410, 510.
Gibson, Maj.-Gen. R. B., C.B., C.B.E., V.D.: Appx. "F".
Gilbert Is.: 512.
Gilbride, Brigadier W. P., C.B.E., D.S.O., E.D.: 516.
Gin Drinkers Line: 444, 459, 463-8.
Glasgow: 194, 302.
Glengyle, H.M.S.: 374.
Gneisenau (battleship): 161.
Goch: Appx. "I".
Good Hope, Cape of: 153.
Goose Bay: 154, 160, 180, Appx. "E".
Gordon Head, B.C..: 138.
Goring, Reichsmarschall Hermann: 405.
Gort, Field Marshal The Viscount, V.C., G.C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., M.V.O., M.C.: 73, 263, 265, 267, 269-71, 274, 300.
Gosport: 344-5.
Gostling, Lt.-Col. A. C.: 347, 370-1.
Goulding, Lieut.-Commander H. W., R.N.: 367.
Gourock: 194.
Government, British: equipment, 24-5, 85, 181,
      Canadian troops, 58-61, 65, 72, 74, 77-8;
      Dieppe, 333, 357;
      P.W., 151, 397;
      Far East, 440, 442, 451, 453-4;
      other refs 38, 84, 112, 164, 208, 277, 299, 432;
      see also War Cabinet, British.
Government, Canadian. See Cabinet, Canadian; War Committee of the Cabinet.
Government, French: 274, 277-8, 281.
Government, United States: 409, 454, 501.
Grasett, Lt.-Gen. Sir A. E., K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., M.C.: 438-9, 456-7.
Grave: Appx. "I".
Gravelines: 265.
Great Britain. See United Kingdom.
Great Sitkin I.: 501.
Greece: 93, 115, 296.
Green Bay, Spitsbergen: 305-6.
"GREENLIGHT", Exercise: 498.
Greenock: 194.
Greenwich: 346.
Gregson-Ellis, Maj.-Gen. P. G. S., C.B., O.B.E.: 329.
Gresham, Maj. A. B.: 480-1.
Grigg, Rt. Hon. Sir James, P.C., K.C.B., K.C.S.I.: 410.
Gris Nez, Cape: 312.
"GRIZZLY II", Exercise: 252.
Groningen: 352.
Guadalcanal: 403, 491.
Guam: 453, 462, 492.
Guards: 232, 259, 265;
      see also Part 11 (B), Divisions, Armoured.
Guderian, Col.-Gen. Heinz: 264.
Guibon, Georges: 376, 380.
Guildford: 289.


Haase, Lt.-Gen. Conrad: 352.
Hague, Cap de la: 324.
Haig, Field Marshal The Earl, O.M., K.T., G.C.B., K.C.I.E., G.C.V.O.: 338.
Haldenby, Brigadier E. W., C.B.E., M.C., V.D.;
Halder, Col.-Gen. Franz: 391.
Halifax: defences, 10, 12, 27-8, 152-4, 156-8;
      defence-of, 41-2, 146, 148, 150, 163-5;
      sailings, 67, 72, 181, 189, 192;
      Engineer Training Centre, 133;
      other refs 142, 160-1, 168, Appx. "E" Hamilton, Admiral Sir L. H. K., K.C.B., D.S.O.: 411.
Hamilton, Ont.: 137, 151.
"HAMMER", Operation: 260.
Hampshire: 252, 298.
Hansen, Pte. G.: 260.
Harbour, artificial: 404.
Hardelot: 308-9.
"HARE", Exercise: 238.
"HARLEQUIN", Exercise: 252.
"HAROLD", Exercise: 245.
Hart, Hon. John: Premier of B.C., 170.
Hastings: 298.
Hautot: 371.
Havant, Hampshire: 241.
Hawaii: 462, 511-12.
Haydon, Maj.-Gen. J. C., C.B., D.S.O., O.B.E.: 329.
Hazebrouck: 265.
Headley Court: 288.
Hearst, Ont.: 159.
Helena, Montana: 106.
Hendry, Corporal J., G.C.: 51.
Hennessy, Col. P., D.S.O., M.C.: 443, 484-5.
Hertzberg, Maj.-Gen. C. S. L., C.B., M.C., V.D.: 289.
Hertzberg, Maj.-Gen. H. F. H., C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., M.C.: Appx. "F".
Hickerson, J. D.: 497.
Hicks, Maj. R. C., C.D.: 366.
Hickson, Capt. G. A., D.C.M., M.M., C.D.: 375-6.
High Commissioner for Canada: 195, 214, 219;
      see also Massey, Rt. Hon. Vincent.
Higham Ferrers: 273.
Higuchi, Lt.-Gen.: 473.
Hill, Capt. A. C., M.C., C.D.: 376.
Hindhead: 298.
Hiroshima: 519-20,
      Historical Section, C.M.H.Q.: 198.
Hitler, Adolf: to power, 5;
      pact with Russia, 38;
      seizes European countries, 38, 42, 46, 82, 146, 258, 264;
      threat to U.K., 87, 275, 285, 293-4, 425;
      West Wall, 350-2, 356;
      Dieppe, 405;
      Atlantic Wall and France, 405-7;
      defeat, 519.
Hitler Line. See Adolf Hitler Line.
Hodkinson, Major E., D.S.O., E.D.: 483.
Hoffmeister, Maj.-Gen. B.M., C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., E.D.: 414, 516, Appx. "F".
Holland. See Netherlands.
Hollis, Gen. Sir L. C., K.C.B., K.B.E.: 337.
Home, Brigadier W. J., M.C., C.D.: 444, 478-9, 487.
Home Defence: Chap. V, passim;
      Ashton on, 10;
      priority of, 14-15;
      Defence Schemes, 27, 30;
      Security forces, 46-7, 79;
      compulsory service, 82, 121;
      Crerar's views, 87, 120;
      parachute battalion, 103;
      training, 134, divisions, 93, 139;
      plan, 161;
      Kiska, 499;
      principal appointments, Appx. "F";
      see also Coast Defence.
Home Forces. See Part 11, G.H.Q. Home Forces.
Home Secretary: 426.
Hong Kong: Chap. XIV, passim;
      G.O.C., 443-4, 450, 457, 461;
      other refs 169, 492, 498, 519.
Honolulu: 449-50.
Honours and Awards: 107, 144, 284;
      see also George Cross, Victoria Cross.
Honshu: 519.
Hook, Major H. W., E.D.: 483-4.
Hopkins, Harry L.: 312-13, 317-18. 320, 325, 327.
Horley: 206.
Horsham: 206.
Hornby, Maj.-Gen. A. H., C.B., C.B.E., M.C.: 268.
Hospitals: 142-4, 197, 206, 516. Hospitality: 423.
House of Commons, British: 39, 273, 394, 408 394, 408.
House of Commons, Canadian: 37, 60, 73, 78-9. 97, 111, 121, 262, 286, 514.
Howe, Rt. Hon. C. D.: 286, illustration following page 338.
Hudson Bay: 158. Hudson Strait: 163.
Hughes, Hon. Lt.-Gen. the Hon. Sir Sam, K.C.B.: 194.
Hughes-Hallett, Vice-Admiral John, C.B. D.S.O., R.N.: 328-9, 337, 340-2, 346, 348, 358, 361, 367-8, 379, 384-5, 398, 400-1.
Hull, Cordell-, 454.
Humber River: 273-4.
"HUSKY", Operation: 411.
Hutchinson, Spr. F. P., M.M.: 284.
Hutt, Sgt. D. G.: 284.
Hvalfjord, Iceland: 304.
Hythe: 232.


Icarus, H.M.S.: 304-5.
Iceland: 45, 78-9, 83-5, 161, 181, 304.
Iesi: 144.
Ilsley, Rt. Hon. J. L.: 49.,br> "IMPERATOR", Operation: 315, 324, 338.
Imperial Conference, 1937: 15, 23-4.
Imperial War Cabinet: 195.
Imperial War Conference, 1917: 20.
India, Indian: 438, 457, 510, 512.
Indian Ocean: 190.
Information, British Ministry of: 394.
Inglis, John, Company: 25-6. 7, 337, 438.
Intelligence: invasion, 290-2;
      Dieppe, 355, 357, 396;
      on Japan, 443, 452, 454, 464;
      Pacific, 503-4, 518;
      other refs 141, 197-8, 441.
Intercommunication: Dieppe, 367-8, 381-2, 400.
Interdepartmental Committee on Manpower. See Manpower. Interim Plan. See Coast Defence.
International Red Cross Committee: 397;
      see also Red Cross.
Internment Camps: 53, 69, 151.
Inveraray: 247-8, 302.
Invicta, H.M.S.: 369.
Ironside, Field-Marshal The Lord, G.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.: 63, 85, 230, 259, 268-9, 272.
Isle Maligne: 150, 157.
Ismay, General The Lord, P.C., G.C.B., C.H., D.S.O.: 7, 387, 438.
Italy, Italians: Special Force, 105-6;
      Canadians in, 109, 396; 222-3, 412-13, 417, 427, 516;
      C.W.A.C., 127, 210;
      leave from, 429-30;
      other refs 8, 143, 251, 296, 299, 387, 438.
Ito, Maj.-Gen. Takeo: 463-4, 471, 478.
Iwo Jima: 518.


Jamaica: 77, 123, 181, 443, 446-7, Appx. "E".
Japan, Japanese: in B.C., 85, 169;
      Allied strategy against, 310-11, 313, 316-17, 431;
      Hong Kong, Chap. XV, passim;
      Imperial Conferences, 438, 451, 454, 519;
      invasion project and surrender, 434, 511, 514, 518-19.
Japanese Forces, Japanese Troops. See Part II.
Jasper, Alberta: 172.
Jasperson, Lt.-Col. F. K., D.S.O., E.D.: 346, 377, 385.
Java: 453, 491.
Jefferson, Brigadier J. C., C.B.E., D.S.O., E.D.: 417.
Johannson, Pte. A.: 260.
Johnstone Strait: 28.
Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S.: 320, 496-7, 507, 513-15.
Joint Planning Staff, U.S.: 507, 514-15. Joint Planning Sub-Committee: 161-2.
Joint Service Committees: 164, 172.
Joint Staff Committee. See Chiefs of Staff Committee.
Jones, Colonel C.E.F., O.B.E.: 208.
"Jones", Pte., History of: 141-4.
Juan de Fuca, Strait of: 155.
"JUBILEE", Operation. See Dieppe.
Judge Advocate General: 16, 129, 197.
Jumièges: 355.
"JUPITER", Operation: 408-10.
Jutland: 349.


Kai Tak Airfield: 456, 464, 467, 489. Kamloops: 171.
Kapuskasing: 159.
Karachi: 510.
"KATE", Exercise: 253. 111;
Keefler, Maj.-Gen. R. H., C.B.E., D.S.O., E.D.: 414, Appx. "F".
Keitel, Field-Marshal Wilhelm: 349, 351.
Keller, Maj.-Gen. R.F.L., C.B.E.: Appx. "F".
Kemptville: 136. 431-2;
Kennedy, Maj.-Gen. H., C.B.E., M.C., ED.: 130, Appx. "F".
Kennedy, Maj.-Gen. Sir J. N., G.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., K.B.E., C.B., M.C.: 101.
Kent: 244, 253, 289, 291, 295.
Kettering: 273.
King, Fleet Admiral Ernest J.: 316-18.
King, H.M. The: 48, 141, 274, 423.
King, Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie, P.C., O.M., C.M.G.: arsenals, 21, 23;
      coast defence, 29;
      conscription, 111;
      emergency, 40, 46;
      declaration of war, 48;
      home defence, 14, 35, 145, 149, 153, 157, 165;
      "booed" on visit to U.K., 216;
      Nfld., 179;
      control and use of overseas forces, 73, 78, 87, 214-17, 222, 263, 409, 412;
      strategic thinking, 320-1;
      repatriation, 431-2;
      Hong Kong, 441;
      Pacific Force, 507, 511-14;
      other refs 8, 11, 15, 65, 79, 105, 195, 261, 276, 313.
Kingston, Jamaica: Appx. "E".
Kingston, Ont.: 41, 128, 140, 150.
Kinkaid. Rear-Admiral T. C., U.S.N.: 496, 501, 506.
Kiska I.: Chap. XV, passim;
      other refs 106, 123, 173, 185, 437.
Kitching, Brigadier G., C.B.E., D.S.O., C.D.: 417, Appx. "F".
"KLONDIKE I", Exercise: 339.
Knights of Columbus: 421-2.
Komandorski Is.: 496.
Konoye, Prince: 451.
Kota Bharu: 456.
Kowloon: 450, 455, 459, 462, 464, 467, 470-1, 478, 487.
Koyl, Lieut. J. E., D.S.C., R.C.N.V.R.: 364, 366.
Kristiansand: 257.
Kurile Is.: 493, 502, 506-7.
Kurusu, Saburo: 454.
Kyushu: 518.


Labatt, Lt.-Col. R. R., D.S.O., E.D.: 346, 374, 376, 382.
Labour, Department of: 71, 94, 123.
Labour Supply Investigation Committee. See Manpower.
Labrador: 123, 154, 160, 163, 175, 180.
LaFleche, Maj.-Gen. L. R., D.S.O.: 23, 33, 69, Appx. "F".
Lambert, Lt.-Col. H. G.: Appx. "I".
Lamone River: 144.
Landing Craft: general, 308-9, 315, 318, 327;
      Dieppe, 336, 342, 345-6, 384-5;
      Japanese, 463-4, 473, 484;
      types, assault (L.C.A.), 309, 327, 346, 361-2, 374, 384, 499;
      support (L.S.C.), 310;
      infantry landing ships (L.S.I.), 327, 339, 342, 345-6, 360, 374;
      tank (L.C.T.), 327, 345-6, 378, 403;
      personnel (L.C.P.(L)), 342, 345, 358, 360-1, 381;
      mechanized (L.C.M.), 327, 364;
      rocket (L.C.T.(R)), 403;
      gun (L.C.G.), 403.
Landivisiau: 279.
Largs: 248.
Larkhill: 232, 236, 247, 268.
Lauenburg: Appx. "I".
Laurier, Sir Wilfrid: 20.
Lauzon, P.Q.: Appx. "E".
Laval, France: 279, 282, 351.
Law, Lt.-Col. A. T., D.S.O.: 371-2, 392.
Lawson, Brigadier J. K.: Hong Kong, 443, 448;
      on training, 447;
      terms of reference, 449-50;
      killed, 481;
      other refs 453, 455, 460, 464, 469, 480, 487.
League of Nations: 5, 8.
Leahy, Fleet Admiral William D., U.S.N., Hon. G.C.B.: 311.
Leatherhead: 288.
Leathers, Rt. Hon. The Lord, P.C., C.H.: 512.
Leave: "Maple Leaf" hostels, 423;
      to Canada, 427-31.
Leclerc, Maj.-Gen. P. E., C.B.E., M.M., E.D.: 45, 172, Appx. "F".
Lee, Brig.-Gen. Raymond E.: 451.
Le Havre: 274, 322, 351, 402.
Leigh-Mallory, Air Chief Marshal Sir T. L., K.C.B., D.S.O.: 332, 335-8, 344, 348, 362, 383-4, 398.
Le Mans: 278-81, 285, Le Treport: 352, 354-5.
Leith: 194.
Letitia, Transport: 189.
Letson, Maj.-Gen. H. F. G., C.B., C.B.E., M.C., E.D., C.D.: 134, 139, 513-14, Appx. "F".
Lett, Brigadier Sherwood, C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., E.D., C.D.: 334, 382-3.
Lewes: 245.
Lewisporte, Nfld.: 154, 180, 186.
Lewis guns and gunners: 20, 178, 231, 259.
Leyte: 509.
Libya: 88.
Liege: 271.
Lindsay, Ont.: 22.
Line of Communication Troops (L. of C. Troops): 31, 43, 95-6, 100-1, 108-9, 218-19, 418.
Lingan: 153.
Lingfield: 237.
"LINK", Exercise: 252.
Link Training Plan: 135.
Lid Valley: 143.
Liss, Colonel Ulrich: 391.
Little River: 21.
Littlehampton: 243.
Liverpool, England: 194.
Liverpool, N.S.: 27.
Locust, H.M.S.: 345, 347, 374, 385-6, 402.
Loggie, Brigadier G.P.: 62-3.
London, England: air attacks on, 197, 292, 296;
      Crerar in, 87, 214;
      C.M.H.Q., 194 ff.;
      clubs and hostels, 423.
London, Ont.: 150.
Longfield, Lt.-Col. R. C.: Appx. "I".
Longueville-sur-Scie: 390.
Los Angeles: 170, 441.
Louisburg, N.S.: 154.
Lovat, Brigadier The Lord, D.S.O., M.C.: 309-10, 346, 362-3.
Ludlow: 288.
Luton, Maj.-Gen. R.M., C.B.E., M.C., C.D.: 201.
Luzon: 513.
Lye Mun Barracks, Passage and Peninsula, Hong Kong: 455, 468, 470, 473-4.
Lyme Regis: 293.
Lyndon, Major C. A.: 482.


"M" Test: 131.
Maas (Meuse) River: 264, Appx. "I".
MacArthur, General of the Army Douglas, Hon.
G.C.B.: 169, 514, 518-19.
Macaulay, Fort, Esquimalt: 148.
McCarter, Brigadier G. A., C.B.E., C.D.: 242.
McClintock, Captain H. V. P., D.S.O., R.N.: 370, 385.
Macdonald, Hon. Angus L.: 81, 442.
Macdonell, Lt.-Gen. Sir Archibald C., K.C.B., C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., E.D.: 4.
Macdougall, Maj.-Gen. A. I., C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C.: 272.
Machine Carbines (Sub-Machine-Guns): Appx. "G".
Machine Guns: Light, 25-6, Appx. "G";
      Medium, Appx. "G".
Mackenzie, District of: 166.
Mackenzie, Rt. Hon. Ian A.: 8, 11-13, 15, 23, 31, 40-2, 46, 307, Appx. "F";
      leaves Defence, 71;
      home defence, 170.
Mackenzie, Maj.-Gen. J. P., C.B., D.S.O., E.D.: Appx. "F".
Macklin, Maj.-Gen. W. H. S., C.B.E., C.D.: 442.
Maclachlan, Commander K. S., O.B.E.: 69, Appx. "F".
McMorris, Rear Admiral C. H., U.S.N.: 496.
McNaughton, Gen. Hon. A. G. L., P.C. (Can.), C.H., C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., C.D.: pre-war policy, 4, 6, 8, 18, 30;
      National Research Council, 8, 25;
      arsenals, 22;
      Chief of General Staff, 21, 30;
      army organization, 16, 45, 50, 64, 74-6, 96, 98, 100-1, 207-8;
      Iceland, 85;
      7th Corps, 86;
      Canadian Corps, 87;
      illness, 96;
      army programmes, 91, 94-5, 97-103;
      strategic thinking, 98-9;
      commands First Cdn. Army, 99, 101;
      relinquishes command, 222-3;
      command arrangements, 66-8, 98, 225;
      terms of reference, 21321, 256, 307-8, 333;
      training overseas, 230-39, 2456;
      "SPARTAN", 249-51;
      Norway, 260;
      fall of France, 261-3, 265-71. 306;
      2nd B.E.F., 276, 278-9, 283-5;
      defence of Britain, 273, 287-90, 293, 297;
      Gibraltar, 299;
      Spitsbergen, 301-2, 304, 306;
      Dieppe, 329, 3326, 338, 341-4, 348, 394-6;
      projected operations, 40912;
      commanders and staff, 414, 416, 418;
      morale, 420;
      Pacific Force, 516;
      other refs 309, 311, 321-2, Appx. "F".
McQueen, Colonel J. G., E.D.: 105.
MacQueen, Maj.-Gen. J. H., C.B.E., C.D.: Appx. "F".
MacRae, Colonel D. F., M.C.: 345, 377, 381, 385.
Macready, Lt.-Gen. Sir Gordon, K.B.E., C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., M.C.: 91.
Madagascar: 327, 403.
Maginot Line: 263.
Mahony, Lt.-Col. J. K., V.C.: 51.
Maisky, Ivan M., Soviet Ambassador to Britain: 341.
"MAJESTIC", Operation: 518.
Malaya: 169, 440, 453, 455-6, 458, 462, 464, 492, 511.
Maltby, Maj.-Gen. C. M., M.C., D.L.: 456-9, 461, 4645, 467-70, 474-6, 479, 481, 483-4, 488-90.
Manchester: 194.
Manchuria: 5.
Manila: 449-50, 492.
Manion, Col. The Hon. R. J., M.C., M.D.: 111, 422.
Manitoba: 178.
Mann, Maj.-Gen. C. C., C.B.E., D.S.O., C.D.: 331, 337, 343, 348, 383.
Manpower: 70, 82, 94, 97, 100, 102, 109, 125, 209, 224, 227, 247;
      ceiling, 103, 109;
      for U.K., 90-1;
      recruiting, 110-15;
      statistics, 115-18;
      C.W.A.C., 124;
      rotation leave, 430-1;
      Pacific, 507, 517.
Manstein, Field-Marshal Erich von: 264.
Mantes-Gassicourt: 355.
"Maple Leaf" hostels, 423: newspaper, illustration following 482.
Margate: 293.
Margesson, Capt. Rt. Hon. The Viscount, P.C., M.C.: 90, 95.
Mariana Is.: 512, 518.
Maritime Provinces: 27, 80, 149, 156, 162, 167, 186.
Marriage (in U.K.): 424.
Marshall, General of the Army George C., G.C.B.: grand strategy, 311-13, 315-17, 496-8;
      other refs 320, 325, 327, 501, 513.
Marshall Is.: 512.
Martiniere, Fort: 147.
Mary Hill: 147, 155.
Mason-MacFarlane, Lt.-Gen. F. N., K.C.B., D.S.O., M.C.: 300.
Massey, Rt. Hon. Vincent, P.C., C.H.: control of Cdn. forces, 67, 74-5, 214, 261;
      Iceland, 78, 84-5;
      Beaver Club, 423;
      discipline, 426;
      other refs 38, 76, 299, 432;
      see also High Commissioner for Canada.
Massey, Mrs. Vincent: 423.
Master General of the Ordnance: 26, 56, Appx. "F";
      organization of M.G.O. Branch, Appx. "J“ Matthews, Maj.-Gen. A. B., C.B.E., D.S.O., E.D.: 414, 417, Appx. "F".
Matthews, Maj.-Gen. H. H., C.M.G., D.S.O.: Appx. "F".
Mauretania, transport: 190.
Medals. See Honours and Awards.
Medical Services. See Part II, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.
Medical Standards: 52, 112-13, 184, 517.
Mediterranean: Special Service Force, 106;
      Canadians in, 221, 226, 252, 412;
      strategy, 316, 318, 408;
      other refs 108, 190, 426, 430. Medway, River: 253.
Meighen, Rt. Hon. Arthur, P.C.: 14.
Menard, Colonel D., D.S.O., C.D.: 347, 381.
Menin: 265.
Mennonites: 119.
Mercatello: 143.
Merritt, Lt.-Col. C.C.I., V.C., E.D.: 51, 346, 370, 373-4.
Mesnil Val: 354.
Methil (Firth of Forth): 194.
Middle East: 91, 93, 297, 317, 323, 438.
Midway I.: 173, 492-3.
Military College of Science: 232.
Militia: before 1939, 4-5, 10-11, 18-19, 34;
      coast defence, 28;
      mobilized, 43;
      debt of war time army to, 50-1;
      money for, 13, 15-18, 36, 40, 47, 57, 68-70;
      redesignated, 89;
      and N.R.M.A., 119-21;
      C.W.A.C., 125-7;
      officers, 128-9;
      staff course, 34-5, 232, 414;
      vulnerable points, 149-50.
Militia Act: Section 63, 40-1;
      Section 64, 42;
      Section 68, 63, 113.
Militia Council: 124.
Mills-Roberts, Hon. Brigadier D., C.B.E, D.S.O., M.C.: 362.
Minister of Defence (U.K.): 81.
Minister of National Defence: pre-war policy, 15, 18;
      coast defence, 28-9;
      Borden, 20-1;
      Sutherland, 30;
      use of Mobile Force, 60-1;
      Air Minister, 81, 307;
      Naval Minister, 81;
      control of Cdn. forces, 225, 261, 263, 276;
      other refs 16, 22, 24,, 56, 244, 394, 410, 418, 499;
      see also Ministers by name, Department of National Defence.
Misano: 144.
Mispec Battery: 153.
Missouri, U.S.S.: 519.
Mobile Force (Defence Scheme 3): composition, 32, 43-5, 70-1;
      mobilization and role, 32, 39, 42-3, 58, 60-2;
      recruiting, 53-4, 58, 113-14;
      other refs 30, 149, 162.
Mobile Reserve: Canada, 162-3, 166, 175-6;
      U.K., 2723, 287.
Mobilization: C.A.S.F., 49-53, 57, 113;
      postponed, 578;
      1st and 2nd Divisions, 43;
      3rd and 4th Divisions and other units, 77-80, 242;
      armoured formations, 88-9, 92, statistics, 115;
      officers, 127-8;
      for home defence, 146-9, 171-2;
      in U.K., 200;
      other refs 41-2, 441;
      see also Mobilization Planning and Procedure.
Mobilization Planning and Procedure: 29, 32-3, 112-15;
      1914-18, 47-8;
      War Book, 9, 33;
      see also Mobilization.
Molotov, V.M.: 314, 350.
Molucca Is.: 509.
Monarch of Bermuda, transport: 189.
Monsano: 143.
Montague, Lt.-Gen. The Hon. P. J., C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., M.C., V.D., C.D.; C.M.H.Q., 195-7, 214;
      J.A.G., 201;
      Administration, 222, 225;
      leave policy, 429-30, 433;
      other refs 216, 514, Appx. "F".
Montesarchio: 143.
Montgomery, Field-Marshal The Viscount, of Alamein, K.G., G.C.B., D.S.O.: training, 240, 244, 249;
      roles, 275, 298, 343;
      Dieppe planning, 329, 332, 334-6, 338, 340, 343, 398;
      other refs 308, 416.
Montigny: Appx. "I".
Mont Joli, P.Q.: 176.
Montpelier Camp, Jamaica: 446.
Montreal: 42, 50, 52, 55-6, 150, Appx. "E".
Morale: German, 322, 402;
      Canadian Army Overseas, 244, 332, 419-24;
      civilian, 165, 340;
      Dieppe, 365-6, 395-6;
      Hong Kong, 478;
      Kiska Force, 505.
Morgan, Lt.-Gen. Sir Frederick E., K.C.B.: 398, 411.
Morocco: 88, 408.
Morotai: 509-10, 512.
Morrison, Maj.-Gen. Sir E. W. B., K.C.M.G., C.B., D.S.O.: 4.
Mortars: Appx. "G";
      1939, 20;
      3-inch, 234, 240;
      in operations, 372, 446, 457, 499.
Moscow: 38, 315, 409.
Motorcycles: 284, 290, 448.
Motor Torpedo Boats (M.T.Bs.): 147, 152, 155, 456, 484.
Motteville: 355.
Mountbatten, Admiral The Earl, of Burma, K.G., P.C., G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., G.C.V.O., K.C.B., D.S.O.: Chief of Combined Operations, 309, 325-6;
      Combined Commanders, 322;
      Dieppe, 326, 328, 332, 334-42, 348, 383, 395, 399;
      other refs 105, 308, 315.
Mounted Police. See Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Movement Control: C.M.H.Q., 194, 197;
      France 1940, 279, 283, 285;
      other refs, 449.
Mozzagrogna: Appx. "I".
MULBERRY harbours. See Harbour.
Mules: 468, 510.
Munich Crisis: 17, 33, 124.
Munition Production, Munitions Industry. See War Industries.
Munitions and Supply, Department of: 62, 93-4, 105, 202;
      see also Defence Purchasing Board.
Murchie, Lt.-Gen. J. C., C.B., C.B.E., C.D.: C.G.S., 223-4, Appx. "F";
      operations, 302, 304, 500;
      C.A.P.F., 511, 513;
      other refs 185, 227.
Murdoch, Colonel W. S., O.B.E., E.D.: 499.
Murison, Maj.-Gen. C.A.P., C.B., C.B.E., M.C.: 289.
Mussolini, Benito: 405.
Mytchett: 232.


"N" Force (Bahamas): 181.
N.A.A.F.I.: 421.
Nagasaki: 519.
Nakina, Ont.: 159.
Namsos: 258, 260-1.
Nanaimo: 166-8, 175, 499, 500, Appx. "E".
Nantes: 278.
Naples: 143.
Narvik: 257-8, 260-1, 403.
Nash, Rt. Hon. Walter, P.C.: 320.
Nassau, Bahamas: 181, Appx. "E".
National Defence, Department of: Ministers of, Appx. "F";
      production of armaments, 20, 24-5;
      finance, 4, 7, 9, 17, 33, 68-70;
      deputy ministers, 33, 68-9, 429, Appx. "F";
      reorganized, 71, 81-2;
      control of armed forces, 79, 98, 196;
      repatriation, 432;
      Pacific, 452;
      other refs 62, 66, 149, 159, 183, 213-14, 256, 499;
      organization chart, Appx. "J";
      see also Ministers by name.
National Defence Headquarters: recruiting, 49, 113, 116;
      C.W.A.C., 124, 126;
      home defence, 163, 176;
      training, 132, 137-8, 237;
      relations with C.A.O.S., 212-29;
      rotation, 428-30;
      Hong Kong, 450;
      principal appointments, Appx. "F";
      strength, 197 n.;
      other refs 45, 66, 100, 190, 196, 198, 200, 284.
National Defence, Minister of. See Minister of National Defence.
National Film Board: 116.
National Registration: 118.
National Research Council: 8, 25, 105, 156, 159.
National Resources Mobilization Act (N.R.M.A.): 11724;
      other refs 82, 89, 134, 430, 499.
N.R.M.A. Soldiers: 119-23, 183-6, 430, 505.
National War Services, Department of: 118-19, 123, 125.
National War Services Boards: 119, 122.
Naval Defence: priority, 13, 15, 111;
      money for, 69;
      Minister for, 81;
      programme, 91, 97;
      see also Part II, Royal Canadian Navy, Royal Navy.
Naval Support: 398, 402-3, 471, 502.
Navy, Army and Air Supply Committee and subcommittees: 9, 26.
Nelles, Admiral P. W., C.B., R.C.N.: 10.
Nelligan, Hon. Brigadier the Rt. Rev. C.L., E.D.: 421.
Nerissa, transport: 193.
Netherlands: 76, 144, 211, 263-4, 349-52, 450, 453-4, Appx. "I".
Netherlands Indies: 462, 491-2.
Newall, Marshal of the Royal Air Force the Lord, G.C.B., O.M., G.C.M.G., C.B.E.: 268.
New Brunswick: 144, 163.
Newcastle, England: 194.
New Guinea: 492, 509-10.
New Caledonia: 492.
Newfoundland: Cdn Army in, 151, 178-80, 186, 443-4, 446-7, Appx. "E";
      defence measures, 86, 154-5, 157, 160-4;
      airfield defence, 168, 175;
      foresters from, 210;
      Nfld. army units overseas, Appx. "I";
      other refs 59, 123.
Newfoundland Airport. See Gander.
Newhaven: 327, 342, 345-6, 386.
"New Territories" (Hong Kong): 455, 464.
New Westminster, B.C.: 156, 167-8.
New York, U.S.A.: 192, 510.
New Zealand: 320.
Niagara District: 81, 149-50, 166-7.
Niagara-on-the-Lake: Appx. "E".
Nicholson, Brigadier C. N.: 265-7.
Nigeria, H.M.S.: 304-5.
Niimi, Vice-Admiral: 470.
Nijmegen: Appx. "I".
Nimitz, Admiral C.: 501, 509, 518. 1939-45 Star: 144.
Niobe, H.M.C.S.: 147.
"Nisei": 518.
Nogent le Rotrou: 351.
Non-Permanent Active Militia (N.P.A.M.): See Militia.
Norfolk, England: 252.
Norfolk, Virginia: Appx. "E".
Normandy: 253, 351, 397, 401, 403, 406-8, 417, Appx. "I".
Noron I'Abbaye: Appx. "I".
North Africa: battle experience in, 248-51;
      Germans in, 296, 314;
      invasion of, 300, 311, 316-18, 406-8, 41112;
      security, 341, 406;
      Canada not informed, 322-3, 337;
      other refs 93, 417, Appx. "I".
North Vancouver: 168.
Northampton: 273-4, 281, 287-8, 419.
Northcote, Sir Geoffrey, K.C.M.G., C.M.G.: 438.
Northern Ireland: 317.
North-West Europe: invasion plans, 316, 326;
      first assault on, 403-4;
      invasion of, 412-13, 417, 427, 429;
      casualties, 387, Appx. "A";
      other refs 84, 104, 109, 127, 145, 161, 209-11, 222. 228, 251-3, 430, 512, 516.
Northwest Staging Route: 174.
Norway, Northern Norway: invaded, 76;
      campaign, 257, 261;
      projects, 105, 408;
      Spitsbergen, 301-7, raids, 313-14;
      other refs 232, 234, 349.
Norwegian Leads: 257.
Nova Scotia: 28, 142, 144, 163.
Nosworthy, Lt.-Gen. Sir F. P., K.C.B., D.S.O. M .C.: 287-8.
Nursing Sisters: 53, 124, 448, 489, 517;
      see also Part II, R.C.A.M.C.


Oban: 194. Orders of Detail: 259.
"OCTAGON" Conference. See Quebec Conferences.
Odium, Maj.-Gen. V. W., C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., V.D.: 45, 75, 235, Appx. "F".
Officers: selection, 39-40, 127-32;
      training, 138-41, 413-19, 498, 507-10, Appx. "D";
      other refs 50, 105, 231-2, 236-7, 246, 248;
      see also Staff Officers. Offranville: 372.
Ogdensburg Meeting: 153.
Okada, Lieut: 481.
Okinawa: 509, 518.
Olaf Fostenes, transport: 189.
Oligarch, H.M.S.: 305.
"OLYMPIC", Operation: 518.
Operations. See under code names.
Orders of Detail: 259.
Ordnance Services. See Part II, Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps.
Ortona: 143, Appx. "I".
Osborn, W.O.2 (C.S.M.) J. R., V.C.: 51, 480-1.
Oslo: 257-8.
Otter Committee: 4, 31.
Otter, Gen. Sir William D., K.C.B., C.V.O., C.B.: 4, 31.
Ouville-la-Rivière: 355, 372.
Overseas Military Forces of Canada, Ministry of: 213.
Oxford, England: 273, 287-9.
Oxford Battery (Sydney, N.S.): 153.


Pacific War Council: 320. commissions, 131;
Page, Major C. E., E.D.: 379. 414-15;
Page, Maj.-Gen. L. F., C.B., D.S.O.: 80, 84-5, 180, 204, 242, 442, Appx. "F".
Paget, Gen. Sir Bernard C. T., G.C.B., D.S.O., M.C.: Dieppe, 321-2, 334-5, 338, 342-3;
      other refs 96, 288, 298, 308, 402, 412.
Palau Is.: 512.
Paramushiro: 493, 502, 507.
Paratroops, British: 324;
      Dieppe, 328, 331, 342.
Parcé: 280-2. 204, Appx. "F".
Paris: 161, 273, 324, 350-1.
Parminter, Brigadier R. H. R., C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C.: 267.
Pas de Calais: 151, 252, 266, 307, 312, 322, 326, 408;
      see also Calais.
Pasteur, transport: 189.
Patricia Bay, B.C.: 160, 168.
Patton, Lieut. J. M, S., G.C.: 51.
Pay and Allowances: Special Service Battalion, 107,
      draftees and recruits,120;
      C.W.A.C., 126;
      trades, 65, 142;
      Pacific Force, 516-17;
      other refs 52-3, 69, 196-7.
Peacehaven: 294.
Peacock, Sir Edward R., G.C.V.O.: 422-3.
Pearl Harbor: attack on, 464;
      results of attack, 146, 148, 155, 160-1, 165, 168, 176;
      U.S. enters war, 310, 349;
      attack force, 454, 462;
      other refs 451, 492, 519.
Pearkes, Maj.-Gen. G. R., V.C., C.B., D.S.O., M.C.: 96, 173, 259, 288, Appx. "F";
Peleliu: 509.
"PENGUIN": 105.
Pensions and National Health, Department of: 47, 71.
Pepinster, Fort: 271.
Percival, Lt.-Gen. A. E., C.B., D.S.O., O.B.E., M.C.: 266.
Permanent Active Militia (Permanent Force): before Sep. 1939, 5, 17, 19, 34-5. 39-40;
      cadre for C.A.S.F., 44, 51-2, 133;
      recruiting, 54;
      cavalry, 92;
      commissions, 131;
      staff training, 34-5, 140, 232, 414-15;
      other refs 443-4.
Permanent Joint Board on Defence, Canadian American (P.J.B.D.): 153-5, 158, 164, 497.
Personal Services: 197, 200, 213.
Pétain, Marshal Henri Philippe: 82, 281, 285.
Petawawa, Camp: 39, 41, 47, 136, 174.
Petit Appeville (Bas de Hautot): 371-3.
Phelan, Maj.-Gen. F. R., C.B., D.S.O., M.C., V.D.: 183, 204, Appx. "F".
Philip, Capt. R. W., M.C.: 482.
Philippines: 169, 441, 449, 453, 462, 492, 512-13, 518.
Phillipps, Lt.-Col. J. P., Royal Marines: 347, 382.
Physical Training: 232, 240.
Picton: 63.
"PILGRIM", Operation: 411;
      see also "TONIC".
Pirbright: 233.
Plan "D": 264.
Plan "W": 279.
Platoon Sergeant Majors (W.O. III): 128, 237.
Platoon Weapons: 232, 236, 240.
Plebiscite on compulsory service: 122-30.
"PLOUGH", Operation: 105, 501.
Plymouth: 278, 280-3, 285.
Point Atkinson, B.C.: 156.
Point Grey, B.C.: 147, 156.
Poland: 38, 42, 46, 68, 73, 520.
Pontorson: 278.
Pope, Lt.-Gen. M. A., C.B., M.C., C.D., 33, 46, 228, 319-20, Appx. "F";
      Pacific, 497-8, 500, 513.
Port Alberni, B.C.: 175, Appx. "E".
Portage la Prairie: 445.
Porteous, Maj. P. A., V.C.: 362.
Portsmouth: 232, 293, 298, 345-6, 358, 386, 391.
Potsdam Declaration: 519.
Potts, Maj.-Gen. A. E., C.B.E., E.D.: 172, 302, 304-6, Appx. "F".
Pound, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Dudley, G.C.B., O.M., G.C.V.O.: 268.
Pourville: Dieppe planning, 327-8, 330-1, 3467, 354;
      Dieppe Raid, 360, 369-74, 385, 390, 393, Appx. "H".
Power, Hon. C. G., P.C. (Can.), M.C,: 81, 179, 307-8, 441, 443.
Preparedness: pre-1939, 3-17;
      situation in 1939, 18-19, 33-7;
      Precautionary Stage 40-2;
      of Dominions, 287.
Price, Maj.-Gen. C. B., D.S.O., D.C.M., V.D.. C.D.: 92, Appx. "F".
Prime Minister of Canada. See King, Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie.
Prince Albert, H.M.S.: 362.
Prince Charles, H.M.S.: 374, 385.
Prince Edward Island: 54, 163.
Prince George, B.C.: 172, 175, 185, Appx. "E".
Prince Leopold, H.M.S.: 374, 385.
Prince Robert, H.M.C.S.: 448.
Prince Rupert, B.C.: 28, 146-7, 150, 156, 160, 166-7, 173-5, Appa. "E".
Prince of Wales, H.M.S.: 440, 492.
Princess Astrid, H.M.S.: 339, 364-5, 367.
Princess Beatrix, H.M.S.: 369.
Princess Josephine Charlotte, H.M.S.: 339.
Printing and Stationery: 197.
Prison Camps: Oflag VII B, 364, 374, 379, 385, 397;
      Hong Kong, 489;
      see also Prisoners of War.
Prisoners of War (P.W.): in Canada, 151;
      Brittany, 284;
      Hardelot, 309;
      Dieppe, enemy 330, 355, 363, 390, own troops 355, 361, 366, 387;
      shackling, 396-7;
      escorts, 428, 430;
      Hong Kong, 461;
      other refs 123, 201;
      see also Prison Camps.
Profit Control: 24, 37.
Promotions: general, 126, 197, 217;
      from the ranks, 127-32;
      see also Commissions.
Public Relations: general, 116, 197-8, 207;
      Dieppe, 393-6;
      illustration following 482.
Public Works Construction Act: 5.
Puddicombe, Major G. B.: 473.
Puits. See Puys.
Puys: Dieppe raid, 327-8, 330, 354, 360, Appx. "H";
      disaster 363-9, 392-3.
Pyke, Geoffrey: 105.
"PYTHON" scheme: 427.


Quartermaster-General's Branch, C.M.H.Q.: 196-7, 201.
Quartermaster-General's Branch, N.D.H.Q.: 36, 39, 415, 449, 515;
      organization, Appx. "J";
      A.Q.M.G. (Movement Control), 449.
Quatre Vents Farm (Pourville): 370-2.
Quebec City: 12, 21, 28, 146-7, 150, 153, 512.
Quebec Conferences: second, 512-13.
Quebec, Province of: 45;
      recruiting, 55, 111, 116.
Queen, H.M. The: 274, 423.
Queen of the Netherlands, H.M. The: 264.
Queen Charlotte Islands: 167, 172, 174.
Queen Elizabeth, transport: 99, 168, 189-90, 192.
Queen Emma, H.M.S.: 346, 364.
Queen Mary, transport: 192.
Quetta: 140.
Quiberville: 327-8, 331, 354, 362.
Quisling, Vidkun: 258.


Radar: general, 156, 159, 246, 291;
      "Clawhammer", 324;
      Dieppe, 330, 334, 336, 358-60, 370, 395;
      Hong Kong, 456;
      Aleutians, 504;
      Australia, 510.
Raeder, Grand-Admiral Erich: 160, 258.
Raids, Raiding: Hardelot, 308-10;
      projects 1942, 31214, 317, 323-5;
      St. Nazaire, 326;
      Dieppe, 325 et seq., 341, 342;
      planning, 329, 339;
      enemy fears, 349-52.
Railway Troops (Transportation Units): 65,. 78-9.
Ralston, Colonel The Hon: J. L., P.C. (Can.), C.M.G., D.S.O., E.D.: appointed Minister of National Defence, 81, Appx. "F";
      visits to U.K., 86, 90-1, 95;
      manpower, 94, 115;
      First Cdn Army, 96;
      home defence, 121, 162;
      C.W.A.C., 125;
      officers, 129;
      control of overseas army, 217, 223-5, 261-3, 308;
      resignation, 203;
      rotation leave, 430;
      Hong Kong, 441-3, 487;
      Aleutians and Pacific, 498-9, 507;
      other refs 21, 68-9, 203.
Ram. See Tanks.
Ramsay, Admiral Sir Bertram, K.C.B., K.B.F., M.V.O.: 266, 321, 325, 402.
Ramsay, Lieut. N.E.B., R.N.V.R.: 367. Rangoon: 518.
Reading: 250.
Ready, Brig.-Gen. Joseph L.: 502.
Reception Centres: 131, 135.
Recruiting: general, 40, 47-58. 79-80, 113;
      1914-18 veterans, 52;
      procedures, 49, 110: suspended, 57;
      statistics, 53-5, 115-18, Appx. "B";
      2nd Division, 75;
      3rd and 4th Division, 79-80;
      organization of, 113, 116, 131, 141, 182;
      "A" and "R" recruits, 121-2, 134;
      C.W.A.C., 125;
      Pacific Force, 516-17;
      see also Enlistment, Manpower, Mobilization.
Red Cross: 397, 423.
Redhill: 289.
Reeves, Lt.-Col. G.C.: 404. Regina, Sask.: 150, Appx. "E".
Reid, Capt. J. A. G., M.B.E., E.D.: 489.
Reinforcements: general, 103, 109, 112-14, 121, 133-5, 143, 197, 224;
      crisis, 135, 185;
      officers, 139;
      enemy, 402;
      leave, 429;
      Far East, 445, 455;
      Pacific, 517;
      see also Enlistment, Manpower, Recruiting.
Rennes: 278, 280, 283.
Repatriation Programme: 431-4.
Repulse, H.M.S.: 440, 492. refs 98, 153, 157.
Repulse Bay, Hong Kong: 474-8, 482-3.
Research Enterprises Limited: 159.
Reserve Army, Reserve Units: 88-9, 127-8, 176, 182-3;
      see also Canadian Army, Militia.
Reserve of Officers: 127-8, 134.
Respirators: 25.
Reykjavik: 85.
Reynaud, Paul, Prime Minister of France: 277.
Rhine River: Appx. "I".
Rifles. See Equipment.
Rigolet, Labrador: 154. Rimini: 144.
Rivière du Loup, P.Q.: 163.
Robb, Air Chief Marshal Sir J. M., G.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., D.F.C., A.F.C.: 329.
Roberts, Maj.-Gen. J. H., C.B., D.S.O., M.C.: France 1940, 281-2;
      Dieppe, 329-48, Chap. XI passim, 396, 398, 400;
      other refs 204, 249, Appx. "F".
Roermond: Appx. "I".
Rogers, Hon. Norman McLeod: becomes M.N.D., 71: 304-6;
      abroad, 76-7;
      death, 81;
      other refs 129, 236, 262-3, Appx. "F". Rolfe, Lt.-Col. G. M., D.S.O., M.B.E.: 383.
Romania: 105.
Rome: 107, 211, Appx. "I". Rommel, Field-Marshal Erwin: 283.
Romsdals: 259.
Roosevelt, President Franklin D.: Churchill, 98, 310-13;
      strategic thinking, 315-18, 320-1, 409;
      Japan, 451, 453, 497, 513;
      repatriation plans, death, 431;
      other refs, 98, 153, 157.
Rose, Colonel H. B., M.C.: 481, 483, 485.
Rosny: 355.
Ross, Alexander, C.M.G.: Appx. "F".
Rosyth: 257.
Rouen: 352, 355.
"ROUNDUP", Operation: 322-3.
Routh, Major R. F., E.D.: 509.
Routine Orders. See Canadian Army Routine Orders.
Rowlands Castle, Hampshire: 246.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police: 33, 149, 158, 182, 267.
Royal Military College: 113, 127-8, 140-1, 282, 518.
Rundstedt, Field-Marshal Gerd von: C.-in-C. West, 350-2, 355-7;
      influenced by Dieppe, 405, 407;
      other refs 264, 293, 390-1.
Russia, Russians: pact with Hitler, 38;
      invasion of, 243, 296;
      Spitsbergen, 301, 304-6;
      strategic considerations, 310-12, 314-20, 324-5, 349-50, 357;
      burden carried by, 314;
      Dieppe, 326, Appx. "F". 340-1;
      convoys to, 301, 341, 408;
      "JUPITER", 408, 410;
      Jaqpan, 451-2, 507, 519:
      other refs 162, 207, 257, 407.
"RUTTER", Operation: 329, 335-40, 342-3, 401.


Ste. Anne de Bellevue, P.Q.: 137.
St. Aubin: 330, 347.
St. Germain-en-Laye: 352.
St. Jerome, P.Q.: 139.
St. John Ambulance Brigade: 457.
Saint John, N.B.: 29, 146-7, 150, 153-4, 157, 444, St. John's, Nfld.: 154, 180, 446, Appx. "E".
St. Johns, P.Q.: 136.
St. Hubert, P.Q.: 42.
St. Lawrence, Gulf of: 163, 176.
St. Lawrence River: 147, 163, 177, 183.
St. Lô: 407. 223, 249-50, 259-60, Appx. "F".
St. Lucia, B.W.I.: 181.
St. Malo: 283, 285.
St. Nazaire: 278, 319, 326, 336, 350.
St. Omer: 266, 268.
St. Valéry-en-Caux: 352, 355.
St. Vallier, P.Q.: 147.
Saar: 274.
Sablé-sur-Sarthe: 280, 281-2.
Saguenay River: 163.
Saipan: 509.
Saito, Capt.: 489.
Sai Wan, Fort, Hill: 473-4.
Sakai, Lt.-Gen. Takashi: 463, 470.
Sakhalin I.: 452.
Salerno: 185.
Salisbury Plain: 268, 419.
Salmon, Maj.-Gen. H. L. N., M.C.: 249, Appx. "F" Salvation Army: 421-2.
Samoa: 492.
Sandwich Battery, Halifax: 146.
Appx. "E".
San Francisco: 169, 501.
Sangatte: 267.
Sano, Lt.-Gen. Tadayoshi: 463.
San Salvo: Appx. "I".
Sansom, Lt.-Gen. E. W., C.B., D.S.O., C.D., 80, 92, 99,
Sarcee Camp: 134.
Sardinia: 411.
Sark: 396.
Sarre: 289.
Saskatchewan: 55-6.
Sault Ste. Marie: 158, Appx. "E".
Savio River: 144.
Scapa Flow: 411.
Scharnhorst (battleship): 161.
Scheldt River and Estuary: 264-5, 352, Appx. "F".
Schmidlin, Maj.-Gen. E. J. C., M.C.: Appx. "F".
Scholfield, Major G. P.: 365.
Schools. See Training.
Scie River: 327, 331, 369-72, 392.
Scotland: 208-9, 248, 259, 287, 411, 423.
Scott, Colonel Clyde R.: 42.
Sea Island, B.C.: 168.
"Sea Lion", Operation: 293-4.
Sea Transport: 67, 72, 86, 93, 190-1, 235, 294;
      see also Convoys.
Seaford: 247.
Searchlights: 25, 148, 154, 156, 159, 168, 174, 309, 473.
Seattle: 169, 173.
"Second Front": plans for, 311-21, 326, 337, 408-12, 511, 513, 518;
      Russian demands, 314-15, 341;
      German fears of, 350, 352, 357, 390-1, 405-8.
Security: Dieppe raid, 326, 329, 342, 344;
      North African invasion, 341, 406;
      Japanese, 454-5, 503-4.
Sedan: 77, 264.
Seine River and Estuary: 253, 322.
Selsey Bill: 390.
Senio River: 144.
Senior Air Officer. See Chief of the Air Staff.
Senior Combatant Officer (Canadian Army Overseas): 213, 215-16, 219, 221, 225-6, 228, 256, Appx. "F".
Senior Officer, C.M.H.Q.: 196-7, 212-5, 217-18, 221-2, 227-8, 278, 416;
      see also Chief of Staff C.M.H.Q.
Sham Shui Po Camp: 450, 464, 467-8.
Shelburne, N.S.: 154, 162, Appx. "E".
Sherbrooke, P.Q.: 151, Appx. "E".
Shilo, Camp: 12, 39, 75, 86, 166, 169, Appx."E" Shing Mun Redoubt: 465, 467.
Shipping, Ships: cabinet sub-committee, 9;
      shortage of, 100, 429;
      sinkings, 176, 193-4: control of, 192;
      assault shipping, 318, 345;
      enemy invasion barges, 330, 347;
      see also Sea Transport.
Shoji, Col. Toshishige: 463, 4734, 478, 481-2.
Shoreham: 294, 342, 345.
Shotover House: 287.
Shrewsbury: 288.
Siberia: 452.
Sicily, Sicilian: 108, 221, 248, 249, 251, 411-12. 417.
Sifton, Victor, C.B.E., D.S.O.: Appx. "F". Simard, E.: 25.
"Simmer", Exercise: 366.
Simonds, Lt.-Gen. G. G., C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O.: C.D.: 223, 237, 249, 414, 416-17, 409, Appx. "F".
Sinclair, Rt. Hon. Sir Archibald, K.T., P.C., C.M.G.: 268.
Singapore: 169-70, 440, 455-8, 492.
Skeena, B.C.: 174.
Slazak, Polish destroyer: 345, 358.
"SLEDGEHAMMER", Operation: British attitude, 315;
      controversy, 316-17;
      training for, 326;
      abandoned, 341;
      other refs, 312, 314, 318-19, 321-2, 402, 412.
Smith, Brigadier A. A., C.B.E., M.C., E.D.: 265, 269-70, 279-80, 282-3.
Smith, Maj.-Gen. Holland M., U.S.M.C.: 501.
Smith, Major W. E. L., M.C.: 421.
Snow, Brigadier T. E. D.O., O.B.E., C.D.: 136.
Snowmobile: 105.
Soissons: 339.
Solomon Is.: 403, 492.
Somme River: 273-4, 352.
Sorel, P.Q.: 25.
South African War: 3, 75.
South Beveland: Appx. "I".
Southam, Brigadier W. W., D.S.O., E.D.: 334, 383.
Southampton: 194, 247, 268, 283, 345.
South-East Asia: 511-12.
Soviet. See Russia.
Spain, Spanish: 88, 352, 410-11.
"SPARTAN", Exercise: 103, 206, 249-52.
Special Committee of the Cabinet: 514, 519.
Spitsbergen: 299, 301-2, 304-8, 333.
Spry, Maj.-Gen. D. C., C.B.E., D.S.O., C.D.: 204, 414, Appx. "F".
Staff Officers: from P. F., 51-2;
      shortage of, 99, 232, 413-19;
      other re/s 218, 224, 295.
Staff Training and Organization: staff courses, 34-5, 140, 232, 237;
      exercises, 244, 246;
      combined operations training, 248;
      organization, 92, 202, 415, 515;
      other re/s 399, 509-10.
Stalin, Joseph: 301, 315, 341, 409.
Stanley, Rt. Hon. Oliver F. G., P.C.: 76.
Stanley Park: 147, 156.
Stanley area (Hong Kong): 455, 471, 475-80, 487-8.
Stapleton, W.O. II (C.S.M.) Cornelius, D.C.M.: 376-7, 381.
"STARKEY", Operation: 252.
Statute of Westminster: 194.
Stavanger: 257.
Stein, Maj.-Gen. C. R. S.: 99, Appx. "F".
Sten guns: 177, Appx. "G".
Stevens, Fort, Oregon: 173.
Steveston, B.C.: 156.
Stewart, Brigadier J. C., C.B.E., D.S.O., C.D.: 289.
Stimson, Colonel Hon. Henry L.: 316, 498.
Stour River: 289.
Strengths: general, Appx. "A";
      1914-18, 4;
      pre-war, 5, 34, 40, 50-1;
      recruiting and enlistment, 52-5, 58, 75, 80;
      Cdn. Army overseas, 93, 100-1, 108-9, 194, 197, 203, 209, 426, 431, 434;
      Special Service Force, 105;
      field force, 100-3;
      total mobilized force,114-19;
      training centres, 121, 131;
      C.W.A.C.,127, 210;
      officers in training, 139-40;
      cadets, 141;
      home defence force, 150-1, 183;
      National Defence Headquarters, 196;
      Veterans Guard, 151;
      R.C.A.F., 171;
      P.C.M.R., 174;
      Atlantic and Pacific Commands, 174-5;
      St. Lawrence, 177;
      Newfoundland, 180;
      Reserve Army, 183;
      B.E.F., 263;
      Dunkirk and after, 271, 286;
      Spitsbergen, 304;
      German 1942, 314, 351, 406;
      U.S. forces in U.K., 317;
      Dieppe force, own 345-8, enemy, 357-8, enemy aircraft, 383;
      in Europe, 433-4;
      Hong Kong, 439, 448, 457;
      Malaya, 440;
      Canton Area, 452, 462-3;
      Aleutians, enemy 495, own 500, 502;
      Pacific Force, 517.
Submarines: 102, 160-1, 170, 176-7, 293, 347, 496, 502, 504;
      see also U-boats. 327, 342, 425.
Stuart, Lt.-Gen. K., C.B., D.S.O., M.C.: manpower, 100-1, 103, 171;
      coast defence 168, 173-4;
      C.G.S., 215;
      other refs 97, 129, 202-3, 217, 222-7, 322, 497.
Suffield, Alta.: 136. 30.
Sumatra: 453, 491.
"Sun", Vancouver: 170.
Supply, Ministry of (British): 76, 208, 404.
Supreme War Council: 257, 277.
Surrey: 244, 288, 292, 302.
Sussex, England: 92, 237, 239, 244, 252, 294, 297, 308, 327, 342, 425.
Sutcliffe, Lt.-Col. J. L. R.: 444, 485, 487, 489.
Sutherland, Colonel Hon. D. M., P.C. (Can.), D.S.O.: 30.
Sussex, N.B.: 80, 163, 167, 172, 192, Appx. "E".
Swayne, Lt.-Gen. Sir J. G. des R., K.C.B., C.B.E.: 333.
Sweden, Swedish: 257.
"SWITCHBACK", Operation: Appx. "I".
Sydney, N.S.: 29, 146-7, 153, 192, Appx. "E".


Tanaka, Maj.-Gen. Ryosaburo: 463, 471, 473-6, 478, 488.
Tank Delivery Regiment: formed, 103.
Tanks: 1914-18, 406;
      infantry tanks, 89;
      supply of, 20, 62, 90, 99, 242, 245, 283, 286, Appx. "G";
      "Churchill", 242, 328, 358, 378, 380, 404;
      at Dieppe, 328, 330-2, 344, 372, 375, 398, 400;
      Japanese, 452;
      other refs 241, 297, 404;
      see also Landing Craft (L.C.T.).
Taplow: 206, 423.
Temiscouata Railway: 163.
Templer, Major C. R.: 476-7.
"Ten Years Rule": 7.
Terrace, B.C.: 171, 174-5, Appx. "E".
Thailand: 452. 470, 487.
Thames River: 273-4, 288-9, 291-2, 298, 390.
Theobald, Rear-Admiral R. A., U.S.N.: 497.
"Third Front": 314.
Thomson, Capt. W. B.: 366.
Thracian, H.M.S.: 456, 470, 477, 485.
Three Rivers, P.Q.: 130-1, 139.
"TIGER", Exercise: 206, 244.
Tilston, Major F. A., V.C.: 51.
Timor: 453, 491.
Tobruk: 316, 337.
Tojo, General: 450-2, 519.
Tokunaga, Colonel: 489.
Tokyo: 451, 454, 464, 493, 519.
"TONIC", Operation: 102, 411;
      see also "PILGRIM".
"TORCH", Operation: 318, 322-3, 406, 408.
Toronto: 16, 25, 34, 41, 54, 57, 150, 368, 420, Appx. "E".
"TOTALIZE", Operation: Appx. "G".
Tourcoing: 352.
Tow, Brigadier D. K., O.B.E., E.D.: 200.
Tradesmen: 125, 127;
      training, 136-7, 231-2;
      pay, 144.
Traffic Control: 238, 244.
Training: in Canada, Chap. IV, passim;
      overseas, Chap. VIII, passim;
      for Spitsbergen, 302;
      for Dieppe, 330;
     for Sicily, 251-2;
      for Normandy, 252-3;
      for Hong Kong, 446-7;
      for Kiska, 498-9, 501.
Training Centres: Appx. "D";
      see also Part II
Transit Camp: 135, 192.
Transport: general, 8, 197, 232, 243-4, 246, 249, 499, 511;
      lack of, 25, 47;
      2nd B.E.F., 279, 282, 285-7;
      Dieppe, 345;
      Hong Kong Force, 448-9, 460, 468, Transports: 189-90, 500;
      see also by name.
Treatt, Hon. Brigadier B.D.C., R.A., M.C.: coast defence 1936, 27-8.
Tregantle: 232.
Trent River: 253.
"TRIDENT", Conference: 497, 501.
Trinidad: 152, 181.
Tripartite Pact: 438.
Tripoli: 249.
Triquet, Lt.-Col. Paul, V.C.: 51.
Trist, Lt.-Col. G., E.D.: 485.
Tri-Wound Scheme: 430.
Trondheim: 257-9, 261.
Troop Convoys: 189-94;
      see also Convoys. Truro, N.S.: 80, 163. Tulagi: 403, Tunbridge Wells: Appx. "I".
Tunisia: 248-9, 417, 509, Appx. "I".
Turner, Maj.-Gen. G. R., C.B., M.C., D.C.M., C.D.: 95, 267-8, 288.


U-boats, German: 145, 166, 176, 350, 356.
Ucluelet, B.C.: 167, 169.
Uganda, H.M.C.S.: 518.
Umnak I.: 495.
Unalaska I.: 493.
Unemployment Relief Act: 5.
United Kingdom: as source of equipment, 20, 23, 28, 62, 152, 155, 164-5;
      declaration of war and war measures, 46-8;
      arrival of Canadian troops, 45, 72, 86, 93, 190-1;
      Canada's cooperation with, Chap. II and III, passim, 181;
      Dunkirk and invasion threat, 79, 82, 86-8, 91, 237-8, 285-95, 420;
      shortage of manpower in, 91;
      theory of war of limited liability, 111-12;
      training in, 129, 135, 140, Chap. VIII, passim;
      marriages in, 424;
      policy in Far East, 438-9, 451-3, 519.
United States Army: 104-7, 181, 202, 318, 416. 428;
      defence of Canada, 158-9, 169, 173;
      Pacific, 508, 515, 518.
United States Forces: build-up in U.K., 350, 412;
      attacking Europe, 313, 317, 393, 401;
      discipline, 424, 426;
      North Pacific Force, 496-7, 502, 518;
      in the Pacific, 508, 509, 511-12;
      other refs 161, 190, 449, 496, 498.
United States of America: defence against, 3, 14, 29-30;
      equipment from, 22, 62, 83, 90, 105, 158;
      Iceland, 85;
      Special Service Force, 104-8, 123;
      cooperation with Canada, 123, 145, 153, 155-9, 161, 166, 174, 185, 190, 496, 510;
      Alaska, 173;
      Nfld., 179;
      neutrality, 160, 164, 285, 296;
      enters war, 243, 310, 349;
      cooperation with U.K., 179, 286, 310-22, 325, 337;
      relations with Japan, 438, 440, 450-3, 511, 519;
      other refs Appx. "E".
United States of America (Visiting Forces) Act: 426.
Utterson-Kelso, Maj.-Gen. J.E., C.B., D.S.O., O.B.E., M.C., D.L.: 241.
Uxbridge; 338, 348, 383.


V Weapons: 296.
Valcartier: 6, 12, 21-2, 39, 75, 150, 167, 172. 175, 447, Appx. "E".
Valentine. See Tanks.
Vancouver: defence of, 27-8, 146-7, 156, 160, 166-8, 171;
      Hong Kong Force, 445, 448-9,489;
      other refs 42, 54, 175, 493, 497, 518, Appx "E".
Vancouver Island: defence of, 155, 166, 168,172-3, 175;
      other refs 173, 500.
Vanier, Maj.-Gen. G. P., D.S.O., M.C., C.D.: 177.
Varengeville: 346, 354, 362. Vasterival: 362.
VE Day: 432-3, 516.
Vehicles: 25, 278-9, 281-4, 499.
Venlo: Appx. "I".
Vergato: Appx. "I".
"VERITABLE", Operation: Appx. "I".
Verity, H.M.S.: 2678.
Vernon, B.C.: 136, 175, Appx. "E".
Veules-les-Roses: 352.
Vian, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Philip L., G.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., R.N.: 302, 304-5.
Vichy: 285, 318, 451.
Vickers Machine Gun (Medium MachineGun): 240.
Victoria, B.C., and Victoria-Esquimalt Fortress: 36, 138, 146, 150, 155, 160, 166-8, 174-5, Appx. "E".
Victoria City (Hong Kong): 467.
Victoria Cross: 51;
      Canadian V.Cs. by name (pre-war forces), 51 n.;
      awards, 362, 374, 377, 480-1.
Vinchiaturo: Appx. "I".
Visiting Forces (British Commonwealth) Acts, 1933, The: 255-6;
      other refs 209, 230, 276, 450.
Vladivostok: 452.
Volk, Trooper G.: 380.
Vokes, Maj.-Gen. C., C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., C.D.: 414, Appx. "F".
Voluntary Service: reliance on, 110-18.
Vulnerable Points: "List Two", 32;


Wadi Akarit: 249.
Wake Island: 462, 492.
Wales: 287, 425.
Walford, Maj.-Gen. A. E., C.B., C.B.E., -M.M., E.D.: 514, Appx. "F".
Walker, Colonel Edwin A., U.S. Army: 106.
Walker, Lt.-Col. R. D.: 482.
Wallis, Brigadier C.: 460, 465-7, 469, 471, 473-6, 478-9.
Walsh, Maj.-Gen. G., C.B.E., D.S.O., C.D.: 304. 417.
War Book: 9, 33.
War Cabinet, British: Dunkirk, 270-2;
      strategy, 316, 325, 409;
      other refs 259, 307, 396, 511.
War Committee of the Cabinet: composition, etc., 82;
      finance, 93;
      Jamaica, 77;
      Iceland, 79;
      formations authorized, 74-5, 77, 80, 83, 94, 99, 288;
      army programmes, 87, 91, 95, 97, 103;
      Special Service, 85;
      Special Service Force, 103, 105-6;
      economy, 91-4;
      Churchill, 97;
      control of overseas forces, 98, 217, 222, 308, 333;
      compulsory service, 97, 118, 120-1;
      C.W.A.C., 125;
      training, 137, 244;
      P. W. and internees, 151;
      home defence, 86, 157-8, 161, 164-7, 170-2, 184;
      Caribbean, 181-2;
      Forestry Corps, 209;
      Gibraltar, 299;
      strategic thinking, 319, 409-10;
      repatriation and demobilization, 432;
      Hong Kong, 441, 449;
      Aleutians, 498, 500-1;
      Pacific Force, 507, 513-14, Australia, 510;
      absence of meetings, 513;
      last meeting, 514;
      see also Defence Committee of the Cabinet;
      Special Committee of the Cabinet.
War Industries: "a four year task", 36;
      Canadian industrial capacity, 26, 286;
      other refs 8, 20, 22-4, 91, 120, Appx. "G".
War Measures Act: 42, 59.
War Office (U.K.): Canadian Coast Defence, 27;
      equipment, 24-6, 62-3, 159;
      Canadian formations, 74-5, 86, 90-1, 102;
      Iceland, 83;
      Canadian Army Programme, 86-7, 94, 96;
      Canadian ancillary troops, 66, 68, 100, 108;
      command arrangements with, 68;
      Canadian cooperation, 83, 94, 96, 194, 198, 202, 209. 213, 219, 225, 227, 299-302, 322, 509;
      training, 230, 232, 237, 241, 248-9, 255;
      Norway, 258-62;
      France and Low Countries, 265-7, 269;
      2nd B.E.F. and after, 274, 276, 278-9. 285, 288;
      lessons of France, 289-90;
      Dieppe, 387, 396;
      Japan and Hong Kong, 439, 443-4, 452, 456, 461, 464, 487;
      other refs 27, 73, 79 417-18, 420, 431.
War Supply Board. See Department of Munitions and Supply, Defence Purchasing Board.
Wartime Information Board: 116. Warwick, Bermuda: Appx. "E".
Washington, D.C.: distinguished visitors to, 98, 310-11, 314-15, 350, 431;
      C.W.A.C., 127;
      Pacific War Council, 320;
      Washington Treaties, 455.
"WATERLOO", Exercise: 239.
Watford: 206.
Watson, General Sir D. G., G.C.B., C.B.E., M.C.: 100.
Wavell, Field-Marshal The Viscount, of Cyrenaica and of Winchester, G.C.B., G.C.S.L, G.C.I.E., C.M.G., M.C.: 93, 296.
Weapons: general, 235, 398, 499, 518, Appx. "G";
      Hong Kong force, 446-7, 449, 457, 460.
"Weasel": 105.
Weeks, Maj.-Gen. E. G., C.B., C.B.E., M.C., M.M., C.D.: 43, 222, Appx. "F".
Welfare: 201, 420-4. 88, 92, 99, Appx. "F".
Welland Canal: 150.
Wells, Hon. Brigadier Rt. Rev. G. A.: 421.
Wesel: Appx. "I".
"WESERÜBUNG", Operation: 258.
West Indies: 59, 78-9, 84, 86, 123, 161, 181-2, 186, 444, 446.
West Wall: 349, 352, 405.
Westerham: 289.
Westphal, General Siegfried: 264.
"WETBOB", Operation: 322, 402.
Weygand, General Maxime: 265, 272, 274-5, 277, 280.
Whitaker, Brigadier W. D., D.S.O., E.D.: 376.
White, Maj.-Gen. J. B., C.B.E., D.S.O., E.D.: 208.
Whitehorse, Yukon: 174.
Wight, Isle of: 324, 334, 339, 390, 406.
William Henry Harrison, Fort: 106.
Williams, General Sir Guy, K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.: 290.
Williamson, Col. D. D.: 106.
Windsor, H.R.H. the Duke of: 181.
Windsor, N.S.: 192.
Winnipeg: 150, 445-8, Appx. "E" Winterbourne Gunner: 232.
Wireless: equipment, 25;
      Dieppe, facilities 348, 368,
      procedure 356,
      silence 358, 360,
      enemy 359.
Wolverhampton: 288.
Wong Nei Chong Gap: 467, 475, 477, 480-1, 483-4.
Woodstock, Ont.: 136.
Woodsworth, J. S., M.P.: 14.
World War, First: mobilization procedure, 47-8;
      officers, 51, 413;
      veterans of, 52, 75;
      conscription 1917, 111;
      women's corps, 124;
      tanks, 406;
      other refs 3-4, 20, 29-30, 35, 190, 194, 207, 415-16.
Worthing: 243, 293.
Worthington, Maj.-Gen. F. F., C.B., M.C., M.M., C.D.: Wrong, H. Hume: 320.
Wyburd, Commander D.B., R.N.: 360.
Wyman, Brigadier R.A., C.B.E., D.S.O., E.D.: 417.


Yalta Conference: 519.
Yamamoto, Admiral Isoroku: 453, 495.
Yarmouth Roads, England: 339.
Yarmouth, N.S.: 142.
Yorke Island, B.C.: 28, 147, 156, 166.
Young, Major C. A.: 477.
Young, Maj.-Gen. H. A., C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., C.D.: Appx. "F".
Young, Maj.-Gen. J. V., C.B., C.B.E.: 202, Appx "F".
Young, Sir Mark, G.C.M.G.: 450, 479, 486, 488.
Young, Lt.-Col. Peter, D.S.O., M.C.: 361.
Young Men's Christian Association: 421-3.
Youth Training Centres: 137.
Ypres: 265.
"YUKON", Exercises: 334, 339.
Yukon Territory: 166, 174.
Yvetot: 355.


"Z" Force (Iceland): 83-6.
Zeitzler, Col.-Gen. Kurt: 391-2


Index--Part II
Formations, Units and Corps

A. Canadian Forces

Aerodrome Defence Companies: 175.
Air Force. See Royal Canadian Air Force. Airfield Defence Battalions: 1'75, 180.
Army Field Regiments: defined, 66;
      see also Units, Artillery.
Army, First Canadian: proposed and approved, 94-7;
      commander's terms of reference, 98;
      formation and development, 99, 101, 103, 108-9, 134, 198, 209, 411-12;
      relations with N.D.H.Q. and C.M.H.Q., 98, 200, 212-15, 217-29;
      training, 245, 247, 250, 252;
      Dieppe, 329, 333, 342-3, 399;
      commanders, 99, 41617;
      other refs 72, 211, 430, 499, 515, Appx "F", Apps "I" Army Service Corps. See Royal Canadian Army Service Corps.
Artillery. See Royal Canadian Artillery and General Index.
Atlantic Command: G.O.C.'s terms of reference, 163-4;
      G.O.Cs., Appx. "F";
      other refs 80, 171-2, 175-6, 179, 180, 186, Appx. "E";
      see also Part I, Atlantic Coast, Coast Defence, Home Defence.

"B" Force (Bermuda): 181.
        1st: 88, 92, 417.
        2nd: 93, 252, 417.
        4th: 252.
    Army Tank--
        1st: 90-2, 298; training, 238, 242, 244, 248-9; Dieppe, 334; Sicily, 108, 251, 412.
        2nd: 99, 101, 104, 418.
        3rd: 102-4.
        1st Anti-Aircraft: 242.
        1st: "Angel Move", 265-6, 268, 270; France (1940), 279-285, 287; other refs 43, 54, 247, 516.
        2nd: Norway, 234, 259; Spitsbergen, 302; other refs 43, 54, 85, 516.
        3rd: Hardelot, 309; other refs 43, 54, 245, 294, 516.
        4th: training, 236, 244-5; Dieppe, 334, 382, 387; other refs 43, 54, 75, 294.
        5th: 43-5, 54, 75, 244, 294.
        6th: Dieppe, 334, 372, 382-3, 387, 390; other refs 43, 45, 54, 75, 86, 166, 244-5.
        8th: 247.
        9th: 247.
        10th: 166.
        11th: 99.
        13th: 150-1, B.C., 166-8, 175, Appx. "E"; overseas, 185, 204; Aleutians, 498, 500-2, 504-5.
        14th: 175, 204, Appx. "E".
        15th: 167, 175, 204, Appx. "E".
        16th: 175, 185, Appx. "E".
        17th-21st: 175, Appx. "E".
        No. 1 Training Brigade Group: 135-6, 185.
    Reserve Brigade Groups--
        31st to 42nd: 182.

"C" Force (Hong Kong): Chap. XIV, passim.
Canadian Active Service Force. See Part I.
Canadian Armoured Corps: formation of, 88-93, 95-6, 102;
      training centre, 133, 135-6;
      reconnaissance units, 290;
      Dieppe, 378;
      other refs 108, 204;
      see also Units.
Canadian Armoured Fighting Vehicles Training Centre: 34, 88, 133.
Canadian Army, The. See Part I.
Canadian Army Occupation Force: 434, 519.
Canadian Army Overseas. See Part I.
Canadian Army Pacific Force: 432-4, 512-19.
Canadian Army Trades School: 137.
Canadian Chaplain Service: 129, 201, 204, 421, 448.
Canadian Corps. See Corps, 1st.
Canadian Dental Corps: 19, 201, 204, 206, 448.
Canadian Forestry Corps: 65, 78-9, 189, 20710;
      No. 5 Forestry Company, 208.
Canadian Infantry Corps: formed, 143;
      see also Units, Infantry.
Canadian Intelligence Corps: 197, 204, 207.
Canadian Military Headquarters. See Part I.
Canadian Officer Cadet Training Unit (Cdn.O.C.T.U.): 129, 138-9, 237, 240.
Canadian Officers Training Corps: 19, 51, 113, 127, 139, 182.
Canadian Postal Corps: 19, 197, 207, 448.
Canadian Provost Corps: 93, 127, 151, 201, 204, 207, 232;
      No. 1 Cdn. Provost Company, 267.
Canadian School of Army Administration: 136.
Canadian Signal Training Centre: 133, 142.
Canadian Tank School. See Canadian Armoured Fighting Vehicles Training Centre.
Canadian Technical Training Corps: 137.
Canadian Training School (England): 136, 236-7, 240, 246.
Canadian Wives Bureau, C.M.H.Q.: 201, 207, 424.
Canadian Women's Army Auxiliary Corps: 124.
Canadian Women's Army Corps: 117-18, 124-7, 137-8, 189, 210-11, 517.
Commands. See Atlantic Command and Pacific Command.
    1st: organized, 74, 76-8, 84-8, 90-1, 236, 249, 290;
        commanders, 96, 99, 215, 222-3, 243, 416, 429, Appx. "F";
        training, 238-41, 249-50, 252, 294-5;
        role 244-5, 297;
        Spitsbergen, 301-7;
        raiding projects, 308;
        Dieppe Raid, 329, 335, 343, 386, 399;
        Canaries, 411;
        other refs 43, 68, 70-1, 108, 412, 416, 429, 516.
    2nd: proposed, 94-5;
        formed, 99;
        commanders, 99, 223, 417, Appx. "F";
        training, 249-50, 252;
        North-West Europe, 109, Appx. "I".
Corps of Military Staff Clerks: 19, 194.
Corps Training Centres: 136.

Dental Corps. See Royal Canadian Dental Corps.
District Depots: 53, 113-14, 116, 131, 135, 445.
        1st. See Divisions, Armoured, 5th.
        4th: mobilized, 79-80, 84, 88, 91-3;
            converted to armour, 95-6, 99;
            defence of Canada, 167, 172, 176;
            overseas, 192;
            training, 86, 247, 252-3;
            commanders and staff, 417, Appx. "F";
            Holland, Appx. "I";
            other refs, 442-3, 418.
        5th: mobilized, proceeded overseas, 88-90, 92-3, 99, 190, 193;
            training, 242, 245-7, 249-52;
            Italy, 412;
            commanders and staff, 417-18, 516, Appx. "F".
        1st: mobilized, proceeded overseas, 43-5, 54-8, 67, 71-2, 80, 85, 189, 192-3;
            inspections, 85;
            employment, 74, 86, 254;
            command arrangements, 212-14, 256;
            training, 230-1, 2348, 241, 243-8, 251-2, 254;
            proposed operations, 260-1, 264-6, 269, 274, 309, 411;
            2nd B.E.F., 273-4, 276-85;
            defence of U.K., 80, 273, 287-9, 294;
            Sicily, 108, 411-12;
            Ortona, 143-4, Appx. "I";
            commanders and staff, 249, 414-17, Appx. "F";
            morale, 425, 427-9;
            Pacific, 515-16;
            other refs 173, 329.
        2nd: mobilized, proceeded overseas, 43, 45, 54, 58, 70, 72-8, 86, 192;
            Iceland, 83-5;
            Newfoundland, 179;
            training, 202, 235-6, 238, 240-1,' 243-7, 250, 252-3, 308;
            defence of U.K., 289, 294-5, 297;
            Dieppe, 329, 331, 334, 338, 343-4, 387, 392-3, 404, Appx. "H";
            commanders and staff, 215, 249, 414, 416, Appx. "F";
            Normandy, Appx. "I".
        3rd: mobilized, proceeded overseas, 77-80, 88, 91-2, 167, 192;
            Iceland, 83-5;
            defence of Canada, 162-3;
            Newfoundland, 179;
            training, 86, 242-8, 250-2, 329, 404;
            defence of U.K., 298;
            Canaries, 411;
            commanders, Appx. "F";
            Holland, Appx. "I".
        4th: see Divisions, Armoured, 4th.
        6th: proposed and authorized, 89, 93;
            home defence, 166, 171-2, 175, 183-6;
            Kuriles, 507;
            other refs 4423, Appx. "E", Appx "F".
        6th (C.A.P.F.): 516, 518.
        7th: home defence, 171-2, 175, 183-4, 186, Appx. "E", Appx. "F".
        8th: home defence, 171-3, 175, 183-4, 186, Appx. "E", Appx. "F".
        First World War-1st Canadian Division: 21, 51.

Eastern Air Command (R.C.A.F.): 164.
Engineers. See Royal Canadian Engineers.

First Canadian Army. See Army, First Canadian.
1st Echelon: 210-11, 219.
First Special Service Force. See 1st Canadian Special Service Battalion under Units, Infantry.

Holding Units. See Reinforcement Units.

Japanese Language School: 518.

Machine Gun Battalions: 19, 58, 268, 273, 285, 287, 444, 457.
Medical Corps. See Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.
Military Districts--
    General, 39, 41, 113, 116, 131, 137, 182, 186;
        mobilization, 49, 55 (table).
    No. 1: 150.
    No. 2: 128, 150, 445.
    No. 3: 150.
    No. 4: 56, 150.
    No. 5: 150, 163, 176-7.
    No. 6:. 142, 144, 150, 163-4, 180-2.
    No. 7: 150, 163.
    No. 10: 150, 445.
    No. 11: 36, 150, 163, 166, 186.
    No. 12: 55, 150, 445.
    No. 13: 53, 150, 166.
Motorcycle Regiments: 80.

"N" Force (Bahamas): 181-2.
National Defence Headquarters. See Part I.
Navy. See Royal Canadian Navy.
Non-Permanent Active Militia. See Part I.

"111 Force": 301.
Ordnance Corps. See Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps.

Pacific Command: 81, 86, 127, 162, 166-7, 171-5, 1856, 498, 500-1;
    G.O.Cs., Appx. "F".
Pacific Force. See Canadian Army Pacific Force.
Permanent Force (P.F.). See Part I, Permanent Active Militia.
Postal Services. See Canadian Postal Corps.

Radio Location Unit, No. 1 Canadian: 246.
Reconnaissance Units: 136, 168, 290.
Regiments. See Units.
Reinforcement Units: 203-4, 207, 213, 221, 242-3, 247, 249, 434;
    training brigade, 204;
    C.W.A.C., 210;
    Pacific Force, 516;
        No. I Cdn. Base Rft. Depot: 143-4.
        No. 7 Cdn. Inf. Rft. Unit: 143.
        No. 1 Cdn. Sigs. Rft. Unit: 143.
        No. 1 Cdn. General Rft. Unit: 204.
        No. I Cdn. Engineers Rft. Unit: 240.
Repatriation Depots (U.K.): 144, 434.
Royal Canadian Air Force: funds for, 7, 9, 11, 13, 18, 36, 40, 69, 91, 111, 171;
    programme, 97, 115;
    enlistment, 116;
    women, 125;
    army guards for, 41, 151, 156, 167-9;
    home defence, 41-2, 158-9, 161, 163-4, 171-3, 175, 177-8;
    training in U.K., 234-5, 250;
    Dieppe, 348, 388;
    Aleutians, 495, 497, 503;
    Pacific, 511-13;
    other refs 34, 40, 89, 145, 192, 206, 225, 256, 296, 423, 432.
Royal Canadian Armoured Corps. See Canadian Armoured Corps.
Royal Canadian Army Cadets: 141.
Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps: for U.K., 65;
    training, 133, 135-6, 144, 204, 251;
    hospitals, 142-3, 197, 206;
    welfare, 423;
    nursing sisters, 124, 517;
    Hong Kong, 444, 448-9;
    other refs 93, 197, 201, 428.
        Field Ambulances: No. 1: Appx. "E".
        No. 3: Appx. "E".
        No. 4: 268.
        No. 5: 302, 304.
        No. 6: Appx. "E".
        No. 9: 50, 248.
        No. 19: Appx. "E".
        No. 20: Appx. "E".
        No. 21: Appx. "E".
        No. 25: 498, Appx. "E".
        No. 27: Appx. "E".
Royal Canadian Army Pay Corps: 129, 197, 204, 302, 304.
Royal Canadian Army Service Corps: 65, 80, 93, 133, 136, 197, 204, 207, 232, 247, 251. 279.
        6th Divisional Ammunition Company: Appx. "E".
        7th Divisional Ammunition Company: Appx. "E".
        6th Divisional Petrol Company: Appx. "E".
        7th Divisional Petrol Company: Appx. "E".
        7th Divisional Supply Company: Appx. "E".
        No. 29 General Transport Company: Appx. "E".
        No. 71 General Transport Company: Appx. "E".
        21st Brigade Group Company: Appx. "E".
Royal Canadian Artillery:
    A.A. units, 34, 55, 91, 123, 148-9, 157, 167-8, 186, 290;
    A.G.R.As., 108-9;
    coast defence, 121, 146, 149, 151, 157, 167, 174, 178, 180, 186;
    Dieppe, 334;
    equipment, Appx. "G";
    France 1940, 279, 284-5;
    training, 136, 169, 174, 232-3;
    other refs 44, 66, 80, 127, 204, 273, 289, 516;
    Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, see Units Artillery, Field Regiments, 1st R.C.H.A.;
    see also Units, Artillery.
Royal Canadian Corps of Signals: general, 47, 65, 85, 204, 333;
    formations, 93, 99, 198;
    training, 133, 135, 232, 250-1;
    operations, 284, 304, 443, 460, 464, 469, 488, Appx. "H".
        2nd Canadian Corps Signals: 250-1.
        6th Divisional Signals: Appx. "E".
        7th Divisional Signals: Appx. "E".
        8th Divisional Signals: Appx. "E".
        12th Divisional Signals: 51.
        No.1 Special Wireless Group: 510.
Royal Canadian Dental Corps. See Canadian Dental Corps.
Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers: 201, 206, 251;
    No. I Base Workshop, 206-7.
Royal Canadian Engineers, Corps of: 19;
    officers, 129;
    training, 133, 232, 234, 247, 251;
    home defence, 41, 168, 180;
    operations, 285, 334, 444;
    Dieppe, 380, Appx. "H";
    1st Pioneer Battalion, 289-90;
    5th Field Park Company, Appx. "E".
    Tunnelling Companies--
        No. 1: 290, 299-301.
        No. 2: 299-300.
    Field Companies--
        1st: 268, 284.
        3rd: 302, 304.
        15th: Appx. "E".
        21st: Appx. "E".
        22nd: Appx. "E".
        23rd: Appx. "E".
        24th: 498, Appx. "E".
        25th: Appx. "E".
        26th: Appx. "E".
        27th: Appx. "E".
Royal Canadian Infantry Corps. See Canadian Infantry Corps.
Royal Canadian Navy: funds for, 4, 11, 13, 15, 69, 91, 111;
    enlistments, 115-16;
    women, 97, 125;
    Aleutians and Pacific, 497, 512-13, 518;
    other refs 28, 41, 89, 145, 161, 163-4, 177, 193, 206, 296, 434, 448;
    see also Part 1, Naval Defence.
Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps: 19, 65, 93, 127, 129, 197, 201, 204, 251;
    No. 1 Static Base Laundry, 210;
    No. 2 Army Field Workshop, 291;
    Central Ordnance Depot, 206.

2nd Echelon: 211, 219, 345, 516.
Signal Units. See Royal Canadian Corps of Signals.
Special Service Force. See First Special Service Force under Inter-Allied Organizations.
Survey. See Royal Canadian Artillery.

Training Centres: 114, 116. 168, 174, 183;
    N.P.A.M., 119, 121, 134;
    officers, 105, 12732, 134, 138-41;
    basic, 121, 134-6, 138-9, 142, 445;
    advanced, 121-2, 134, 138, 142, 445;
    trades and specialist, 136-7;
    C.W.A.C., 137-8;
    cadet camps, 141;
    combined, 302;
    list of, Appx. "D";
    see also Part I, Training.
Transportation Units. See Part I, Railway Troops.

Units, Armoured--
    Calgary Regiment, The (14th Armd. Regt.) 92, 2445, 248;
        Dieppe, 334, 344, 346, 374, 378-80, 389, 404, Appx. "H".
    Canadian Grenadier Guards, The (22nd Armd. Regt.): 516.
    14th Army Tank Battalion (Regiment). See Calgary Regiment.
    Lord Strathcona's Horse (R.C.) (2nd Armd. Regt.): 81, 92.
    Ontario Regiment, The (11th Armd. Regt.): 92.
    Royal Canadian Dragoons, The (1st Armd. Car Regt.): 81, 92.
    30th Reconnaissance Regiment (The Essex Regiment): Appx. "E".
    31st (Alberta) Reconnaissance Regiment: Appx. "E".
    Three Rivers Regiment (12th Armd. Regt.) 92.
    12th Manitoba Dragoons (18th Armd. Car Regt.): 168.
Units, Artillery--
    Anti-Aircraft Batteries--
        1st: 168.
        2nd: 148, 168.
        4th: 34, 41.
        14th: 158.
        34th: Appx. "E".
        40th: 159, Appx. "E".
        46th: 498.
    Anti-Aircraft Regiments--
        3rd: 363.
        5th: 93.
        9th: Appx. "E".
        10th: Appx. "E".
        21st: Appx. "E".
        22nd: Appx. "E".
        23rd: Appx. "E".
        24th: Appx. "E".
        25th: Appx "E".
        26th: Appx. "E".
        27th: Apps "E".
        28th: Appx. "E".
    Anti-Tank Regiments--
        4th: 92.
        8th: Appx. "E".
    Army Field Regiments--11th: 302.
    Coast Brigades. See Coast Regiments.
    Coast Batteries--role, 147.
        59th: 147, Appx. "E".
        102nd: 147.
        103rd: Appx. "E".
        104th: Appx. "E".
        105th: Appx. "E".
        106th: Appx. "E".
        108th: Appx. "E".
    Coast Regiments--1st: 146, Appx. "E".
        3rd: 146-7, Appx. "E".
        5th: 146, Appx. "E".
        15th: 147, Appx. "E".
        16th: 147, Appx. "E".
        17th: Appx. "E".
    Field Batteries--40th: 302. 94th: 147.
    Field Regiments--1st R.C.H.A.: 44, 279, 281-2, 284.
        3rd: 268.
        4th: 363.
        11th: 302.
        17th: 92.
        20th: Appx. "E".
        21st: 168, Appx. "E".
        22nd: Appx. "E".
        23rd: Appx. "E".
        24th: 498, Appx. "E".
        25th: Appx. "E".
        26th: Appx. "E".
        27th: Appx. "E"     Heavy Batteries. See Coast Batteries.
    Light Anti-Aircraft: 290, 334;
        see also Anti Aircraft.
    Medium Batteries: 54.
    School of Artillery Overseas, No. 1: 247.
    Super-Heavy Batteries: 289.
Units, Infantry--
    Algonquin Regiment, The: 51, Appx. "E".
    Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise's), The: Appx. "E".
    Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada, The: 45, 52, 54, 179, Appx. "E";
        Dieppe, 363-4, 366, 389.
    Brockville Rifles, The: Appx. "E".
    Calgary Highlanders, The: 45, 54, 241, 389.
    Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa (M.G.), The: 54, 79, 85.
    Canadian Fusiliers (City of London Regiment), The: 498, Appx. "E".
    Canadian Scottish Regiment, The: Appx. Carleton and York Regiment, The: 54, 57, 143-4;
        Hardelot raid, 308-10.
    Dufferin and Haldimand Rifles of Canada, The: Appx. "E".
    Edmonton Fusiliers, The: Appx. "E".
    Edmonton Regiment, The: See Loyal Edmonton Regiment, The.
    Essex Scottish Regiment, The: 51;
        D i e p p e , 334, 345-6, 366, 368, 374, 376-7, 381-2, 384-5, 389, Appx. "H".
    1st Airfield Defence Battalion (Le Régiment de Chateauguay): 180.
    1st Canadian Infantry Regiment: 516.
    1st Canadian Parachute Battalion: 103-4,123, 433.
    1st Canadian Special Service Battalion: 103-8, 501-2, 505, Appx. "E";
        see also First Special Service Force, 2nd Canadian Parachute Battalion.
    1st Garrison Battalion: Appx. "E".
    48th Highlanders of Canada: 48, 54, 268, 280, 282-3, 285, 290.
    Fusiliers de Sherbrooke, Les: Appx. "E".
    Fusiliers du St. Laurent: 177, 183, Appx. "E"
    Fusiliers Mont-Royal, Les: 45;
        recruiting, 52, 54-5;
        Iceland, 45, 85;
        Dieppe, 334, 342, 347, 381-2, 387, 389, Appx. "H";
        3rd Bn: Appx. "E".
    Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment, The: 54, 63, 268, 282, 284.
    Irish Fusiliers (Vancouver Regiment): 75, Appx. "B".
    Kent Regiment, The: Appx. "E".
    King's Own Rifles of Canada, The: 51, Appx. "E".
    Lake Superior Regiment (Motor), The: 176.
    Lanark and Renfrew Scottish Regiment, The: Appx. "E".
    Lincoln and Welland Regiment, The: Appx. "E".
    Loyal Edmonton Regiment, The: 54, 259, 302, 304. 429.
    Midland Regiment (Northumberland and Durham), The: 445, Appx. "E".
    New Brunswick Rangers, The (10th Independent Machine Gun Company): 180, Appx "E".
    Oxford Rifles, The: Appx. "E".
    Pacific Coast Militia Rangers (P.C.M.R.): 174.
    Parachute Battalion. See 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion.
    Pictou Highlanders, The: 181, Appx. "E".
    Prince Albert Volunteers, The: Appx. "E".
    Prince Edward Island Highlanders, The: Appx. "E".
    Prince of Wales Rangers (Peterborough Regiment), The: Appx. "E".
    Princess of Wales' Own Regiment (M.G.), The: Appx. "E".
    Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry: 54, 259, 302.
    Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada, The: 54;
        Dieppe, 334, 337, 342, 347, 370-4, 384, 389, Appx. "H".
    Queen's Own Rifles of Canada, The: 179, Appx. "E".
    Queen's York Rangers (1st American Regiment), The: Appx. "E".
    Régiment de Chateauguay, Le (1st Airfield Defence Battalion): 180, Appx. "E".
    Régiment de Gaspe-Bonaventure, Le: 177.
    Régiment de Hull, Le: 498, 500, 506, Appx. Régiment de Joliette, Le: Appx. "E".
    Régiment de la Chaudiere, Le: 45, 78, 79.
    Régiment de Levis, Le: Appx. "E".
    Régiment de Maisonneuve, Le: 52, 55, Appx. "E".
    Régiment de Montmagny, Le: Appx. "E".
    Régiment de Quebec, Le: Appx. "E".
    Régiment de St. Hyacinthe, Le: Appx. "E".
    Regina Rifle Regiment, The: 175, Appx. "E".
    Rocky Mountain Rangers, The: 498, Appx. "E".
    Royal Canadian Regiment, The: 268, 282.
    Royal Hamilton Light Infantry, The: Dieppe, 334, 346, 370, 374-7, 381-2, 389, Appx. "H".
    Royal Montreal Regiment, 54, 516.
    Royal Regiment of Canada, The: 57;
        Iceland, 83-5;
        Dieppe, 334, 339, 346;
        Puys 363-8, 381, 389.
    Royal Rifles of Canada, The: 80, Appx. "E";
        Hong Kong, 443-8, 460-1, 469-70, 473-9, 483-4, 488, 490.
    Royal 22e Régiment, 34, 44-5, 51, 54.
    Royal Winnipeg Rifles, The: 79, Appx. "E".
    Saint John Fusiliers (M.G.), The: 498, Appx. "E".
    Saskatoon Light Infantry (M.G.), The: 54, 248, 260, 304, 516.
    Sault Ste. Marie and Sudbury Regiment, The: Appx. "E".
    Scots Fusiliers of Canada, The: Appx. "E".
    Seaforth Highlanders of Canada, The: 51, 54, 259.
    2nd Airfield Defence Battalion (The Regina Rifle Regiment): 175.
    2nd Canadian Infantry Regiment: 516.
    2nd Canadian Parachute Battalion: 105, Appx. "E";
        see also 1st Canadian Special Service Battalion.
    2nd/10th Dragoons C.I.C.: Appx. "E".
    South Saskatchewan Regiment, The: 54;
        Dieppe, 334, 346-7, 369-74, 389, Appx "H".
    10th Independent Machine Gun Company. See New Brunswick Rangers.
    3rd Canadian Infantry Regiment: 516.
    Toronto Scottish Regiment (M.G.), The: 283, 389.
    Victoria Rifles of Canada, The: Appx. "E".
    Voltigeurs de Quebec, Les: Appx. "E".
    Westminster Regiment (Motor), The: 51, 210.
    West Nova Scotia Regiment, The: 54, 144.
    Winnipeg Grenadiers, The: 51, 54, Appx. "E";
        West Indies, 181;
        Hong Kong, 443-8, 460-1, 467, 469, 480-8, 490;
        Aleutians, 498.
    Winnipeg Light Infantry, The: Appx. "E".

Veterans Guard of Canada, The (formerly The Veterans Home Guard): 79, 151, 167, 169, 180-2, 510.

"W" Force (Newfoundland): 180, Appx. "H".
Western Command: 186.

"Z" Force (Iceland): 84-5.

B. British and Allied Forces

British (United Kingdom) Forces


Auxiliary Air Force. See Royal Air Force.
Bomber Command: 291, 331.
Coastal Command, R.A.F.: 193.
Fighter Command: 275, 291, 312, 314, 321.
No. 11 Fighter Group: 332, 335, 338, 348. Groups, Composite, 250-1.
Royal Air Force: Auxiliary Air Force, 39;
    W.A.A.F., 125;
    in 1940, 275, 291-3;
    Dieppe, 330, 335-6, 347-8, 362, 374, 383-4, 386,
    bombing 398,
    losses 388,
    press 394;
    Normandy, 403;
    Far East and Pacific, 444, 456-8, 464, 512;
    other refs 79, 106, 162, 193, 250-1, 257, 291, 293, 324.
Women's Auxiliary Air Force: 125.


    Aldershot Command: 231, 294.
    Anti-Aircraft Command: 242.
        First: 248, 251, 417, 509.
        Second: 288, Appx. "I".
        Eighth: 249, 343, 417, 429, Appx. "I".
        Fourteenth: 509.
Army Group, 21st: 109, 211, 219, 224, 427.
Auxiliary Territorial Service: 124-5.

        24th Guards: Appx. "I".
        148th: 257.
        3rd: 104.
British Expeditionary Force. See Part I.
British Troops in China, China Command: 438, 464, 477.

Commandos: 240, 324;
    Dieppe, 342-3, 361, 392-4;
    see also Units.
    1st: 252, Appx. "I".
    2nd: 274, 278.
    4th: 74, 230, 239, 241, 264, 287, 291-2, 297.
    5th: Appx. "I".
    7th: 86-7, 234-5, 288-9, 291-2, 295.
    8th: 250.
    10th: Appx. "I".
    11th: 250.
    12th: 244-5, 250, 295, Appx. "I".
    30th: Appx. "I"

        1st: 238, 274, 278, 280, 283, 288, 295.
        2nd: 288.
        6th: 240.
        8th: 239.
        9th: 252.
        Guards: 249-51.
        6th: 104.
        3rd: 244, 275, 286.
        43rd: 250, 286-8.
        46th: 245.
        47th (London): 241.
        51st (Highland): 271, 274, 278.
        52nd (Lowland): 271, 274, 278, 280-1, 283, 287.
        53rd: 250. 55th: 297.
        61st: 252.
        78th: Appx. "I".

Eastern Command: 239, 250, 290, 292.
Expeditionary Force. See Part 1, British Expeditionary Force.

Far East Command: 444.

G.H.Q. Home Forces: command arrangements, 219, 231;
    training, 85, 239, 246, 24951;
    defence of U.K., 272-3, 287-9, 292;
    Dieppe, 312-14, 321, 323, 328-9, 333, 338, 343, 399;
    cross channel operations, 412.
G.H.Q. Reserve: 75, 239, 273, 287, 289, 295, 297.

Home Guard: 285, 292, 298, 424.

Reconnaissance Corps: 290.
Royal Army Ordnance Corps: 206, 282, 285.
Royal Artillery: 275, 298, 468, 488;
    Newfoundland Regiments, Appx. "I";
    see also Units.
Royal Engineers: 304, 331, 347, 457, 485;
    22nd Fortress Company, 457;
    40th Fortress Company, 457.

Scottish Command: 208-9.
South East Asia Command: 509.
South Eastern Command: command arrangements, 219, 298;
    training, 238-9, 241, 244;
    operations, 309, 329, 342-3. Southern Command: 239, 292. Special Service Brigade: 396. Sussex District: 299.

21st Army Group. See Army Groups. Training Establishments: 231-4, 236-7, 247-8.

        5th Anti-Aircraft Regiment: 457.
        8th Coast Regiment: 457.
        12th Coast Regiment: 457.
        965th Defence Battery: 457.
        57th (Newfoundland) Heavy Regiment: Appx "I".
        59th (Newfoundland) Heavy Regiment:Appx. "I".
        11th Field Regiment: Appx. "I".
        166th (Newfoundland) Field Regiment: . Appx. "I".
        No. 3 Commando: 342, 346, 358-63, 368, 392.
        No. 4 Commando: 309, 346, 362-3, 369, 390, 392, Appx. "G".
        No. 10 Commando (Inter-Allied): 345.
        See also Royal Marines.
        Buffs: 248.
        King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry: 260.
        King's Shropshire Light Infantry: 181.
        Middlesex Regiment, 1st Battalion: 457-8, 460, 469, 475-6, 479, 480, 483, 486-7.
        Royal Scots, 2nd Battalion: 457-9, 461, 465, 467, 469, 480-1, 483, 485-7.


Combined Operations Headquarters: training, 245-7, 302;
    operations, 308-10, 312, 314, 324-5;
    Dieppe, 324-5, 327-9, 334, 340-1, 344, 363, 388, 394-6, 399404;
    functions of, 326-7, 411;
    see also Part I, Combined Operations, Mountbatten.


Admiralty: 192, 259-60, 398, 402, 450.
Force "A", Royal Navy: 304, 306.
Force "J", Royal Navy: 404.
Home Fleet: 257, 302.
Royal Navy: 79, 161-2, 260, 278;
    Spitsbergen, 301-6;
    Hardelot, 309;
    Combined Commanders, 321-2;
    Dieppe, 330, 334-5, 342, 345, 364, 367;
    Pourville, 373, 375, 377;
    evacuation, 384-6, 392;
    losses, 387-8;
    lessons, 399-402;
    Gibraltar and Canaries, 410;
    Japan and Hong Kong, 455-8, 481, 485-7;
    Pacific, 512;
    other refs 193;
    see also ships, units and formations by name.
Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve: 400.
Units and Formations--
   3rd Battle Squadron: 157.
   9th and 13th Minesweeping Flotillas: 345.
   Portsmouth Command: 358, 402.


"A" Commando: 345, 347, 382, 392.
Royal Marines: 78, 387, 485, Appx. "G".

Commonwealth and Empire Forces
(Other Than United Kingdom and Canada)

Australian Forces: 508-100.
Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery: 457.
Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps: 457, 461, 475-6, 479, 481-2.
Indian Army: general, 457, 460, 486, 488, 512.
        15th: 509.
        4th: Appx. "I".
        8th: Appx. "I".
        17th: Appx. "I".
        14th Punjab Regiment, 2nd Bn: 457-9, 464, 4679, 480, 486.
        7th Rajput Regiment, 5th Bn: 457-9, 467-71, 473, 475, 486.
Newfoundland Militia: 180, Appx. "I".
Newfoundland Overseas Forestry Unit: 210.
Newfoundland Regiment: 180.
New Zealand Air Force, Royal: 348.
New Zealand Force (in United Kingdom) 288, 295, 428.
New Zealand Forces: 508;
    2nd New Zealand Division, Appx. "I".

United States Forces

Air Force, U.S. Army: 172, 181, 311;
    Dieppe, 348, 356,384, 398;
    other zones, 403, 495, 518.
Alaska Defense Command: 496, 498.
    First: 519.
    Fifth: Appx. "I".
    Sixth: 518-19.
    Eighth: 519.
    Tenth: 519.
    7th: 496.
    1st Marine: 509.
    85th: Appx. "I".
G.H.Q. South West Pacific Area: 509.
National Guard: 5.
North Pacific Force (U.S.): 496-7.
Ranger Battalion, 1st U.S.: 345, 362.
671st Signal Air Warning Reporting Company:159.
Special Service Force, First. See Inter-Allied Organizations.
Task Force 8. See North Pacific Force.
United States Army. See Part I.
United States Marines: 403, 509.
United States Navy: 173, 193, 318, 449, 492,496, 503, 518.
United States Pacific Fleet: 451, 462, 492, 518.
Western Defense Command: 496, 498.

Allied Forces (Other Than U.S.)


Belgian Army: 265, 269.
Belgian Air Force: 348.

Chinese Forces: 452, 487.

Czechoslovak Air Force: 348.


    First: 264.
    Tenth: 280-1.
    60th: 272.
    68th: 272.
French Air Force: 348.
French Army: 280, 284.
French Navy: 277, 347.


Italian Army: 184th Italian Infantry Brigade, Appx. "1".


Netherlands Army: 77, 264.


Royal Norwegian Air Force: 348.
Norwegian Infantry: 304.


1st Polish Armoured Division: 252.
Polish Air Force: 348.


Russian Forces: 452;
    see also Part 1.
Russian Navy: 301.


First Special Service Force: 104-8, 500-2, 505;
    see also 1st Combined Chiefs of Staff: 311, 319, 325;
    see also Part 1. Canadian Special Service Battalion.
Combined Commanders. See Part I.
Commando, No. 10 (Inter-Allied). See under British (United Kingdom) Forces, Units.

C. Enemy Forces


Air Force: general, 42, 260, 318, 339, 350, 355, 359, 363, 408, 420, 425;
    Poland, 42;
    diversion from Russian front, 252, 312-13, 317;
    Battle of Britain, 275, 290-4, 296;
    Dieppe, 383;
    Dieppe losses, 318, 388;
    3rd Air Fleet, 355.
    Seventh: 390.
    Fifteenth: 352, 356, 392.
Army: general, 272, 308;
    Dieppe, 351-5, 388, 390;
    France 1940, 263-4;
    France 1942,406-8;
    Norway, 257, 408;
    Spain, 410.
Army Headquarters, Berlin (O.K.H.): 352.
Army Groups: 390, 405.
Artillery: 354, 407.

Commander-in-Chief West (G.H.Q. West) authority, 352;
    Dieppe raid, 355-9, 362;
    comments on Dieppe raid, 379, 390-1;
    Atlantic Wall, 405-8;
    see also Part I, Rundstedt.
        81st: 352, 357, 359, 362, 379-80, 390-2, 398.
        S.S. Panzer: 351.
        Corps H.Q. (Motorized). See Panzer above.

        110th: 358.
        165th (Reserve): 407, 302nd: 352, 354-9, 361, 364, 366, 370, 372, 376, 383, 390-1, 393.
        1st S.S. (Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler): 350-1, 355, 407.
        2nd S.S. (Das Reich): 350-1, 407.
        3rd S.S. (Totenkopf): 350.
        6th: 350-1.
        7th: 283, 350-1.
        10th: 339, 350-1, 355, 373, 390.
        23rd: 350.
        7th Flieger: 350, 355, 407.

Luftwaffe. See Air Force.

Navy: general, 16, 160-1, 294, 306-7, 350;
    Naval Group West, 359, 391;
    Operations Staff, 383, 391;
    Dieppe, 390;
    see also Part I, ships by name, U-Boats.
    Goring Regt.: 350.
    571st Infantry Regt.: 355, 359, 367, 370, 372, 374.
    23rd (Heavy) Aircraft Reporting Company: 366.


Air Force: Hong Kong, 463-4, 468-9;
    Aleutians, 493, 495.
Araki Detachment: 463, 487.
    China Expeditionary: 462.
    Twenty-Third: 462-3, 473.
Army: 451-3, 465, 470, 511.
Artillery: 463, 469-70, 485.

        23rd Inf.: 452.
    35th Inf.: 452.

    9th: 471.
    18th: 452.
    38th: 452, 462-3, 491.
    104th: 452.

Engineers: 463, 471.

    66th Inf.: 463.
    228th Inf.: 452, 463-5, 471, 491.
    229th Inf.: 452, 463-4, 471, 473, 491.
    230th Inf.: 463-5, 471, 491.

Navy: general, 451, 453, 462, 470-1, 473;
Combined Fleet, 453-4;
    naval formations, 462, 493, 504;
    Aleutians, 495-6. 502.


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