Suggestions for Further Reading


The literature dealing with the Second World War is voluminous and still growing. Analyses of the national experience, however, are still needed for most participants in the war. The interested reader can pursue this theme by first referring to the sources used by the authors of the various essays in this book. The following "Suggestions for Further Reading" are only intended to indicate additional available material and to emphasize certain aspects. The editor is grateful to all the contributors who provided the information and observations on the readings.


The British national experience of the Second World War has been the subject of a lively and fruitful debate among historians. The official History of the Second World War is a natural starting point. It contains a Military, Popular Military, Civil and Medical Series. Both general and specific issues are debated in the following books, with few of the authors sharing the same point of view. Arthur Marwick's voluminous output on the subject includes: Britain in the Century of Total War (London 1968); War and Social Change in the Twentieth Century (London 1974); The Home Front, The British and the Second World War (London 1976); and "People's War and Top People's Peace?" in Alan Sked and Chris Cook, eds., Crisis and Controversy: Essays in Honour of A.J.P. Taylor (London 1976). Dissenting views are contained in Paul Addison, The Road to 1945: British Politics and the Second World War (London 1975), Henry Pelling, Britain and the Second World War (London 1970), and Angus Calder, The People's War (London 1969).


Wartime Yugoslavia remains a topic of increasing interest which will be further itensified with the death of Marshal Josep Tito. Among the more useful books are Phyllis Auty and Richard Clogg, eds., British Policy Towards Wartime Resistance in Yugoslavia and Greece (London 1975), Proceedings of a Conference on Britain and European Resistance 1939-1945 (Oxford, (mimeographed) 1962), F.W. Deakin, The Embattled Mountain (London 1973), Milovan Djilas, Wartime (New York 1977), M.J. Milazzo, The Chetnick Movement and the Yugoslav Resistance (Baltimore 1975), Walter R. Roberts, Tito, Mihailovic and the Allies 1941-1945 (New Brunswick 1973), and Jozo Tomasevich, War and Revolution in Yugoslavia 1941-1945: The Chetnicks (Stanford 1975).


The literature on the Norwegian government's wartime history is not very extensive, and there is little available in English. A post-war parliamentary commission of inquiry published its report in 1947. The evidence on which the report was based, a comprehensive survey of activities and events, appeared as Den Norske Regjerings Virksomhet under krigen, fra 9 april 1940 til 22 juni 1945. Departmentenes meldinger, 4 vols. (Oslo 1948). This should be read in connection with the important collection of documents, Regjeringen og hjemmefronten under krigen (Oslo 1948). The most important memoirs are those by Trygve Lie, Med England i ildlinjen (Oslo 1955), the same author's Hjemover (Oslo 1958), Paul Hartmann, Bak Fronten (Oslo 1955), and Nils Hjelmtveit, Vekstar og vargtid (Oslo 1969). Two brief, popular accounts are by J. Andenaes, M. Skodvin and O. Riste, Norway and the Second World War (Oslo 1966),


and O. Riste and B. Nokleby, Norway 1940-1945: The Resistance Movement (Oslo 1970). N.M. Udgaard, Great Power Politics and Norwegian Foreign Policy (Oslo 1973) is an important study, as are the relevant articles in European Resistance Movements 1939-1945 (Oxford 1964), and Proceedings of a Conference on Britain and European Resistance 1939-1945 (Oxford, (mimeographed) 1962).

United States

The subject of American leadership in World War Two has been intensively studied and the findings are scattered in official and unofficial accounts. James MacGregor Burns, Roosevelt The Soldier of Freedom (New York 1971), and Robert E. Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, An Intimate History (New York, rev. ed. 1950) gives an overall picture of President Roosevelt's wartime career. The memoirs of three members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff--William D. Leahy, I Was There (New York 1950), Ernest J. King, Fleet Admiral King, A Naval Record (New York 1952), and Henry Arnold, Global Mission (New York 1952)--and the biography of a fourth, Forrest C. Pogue, George C. Marshall, vols. II--III (New York 1966, 1973) are all helpful. Illuminating accounts of wartime diplomacy and political-military relationships include Herbert Feis, Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin, The War They Waged and the Peace They Sought (Princeton 1957), William H. McNeill, America, Britain and Russia, Their Co-Operation and Conflict (London 1953), John L. Snell, Illusion and Necessity, The Diplomacy of Global War, 1939-1945 (Boston 1963), and Gaddis Smith, American Diplomacy During the Second World War, 1941-1945 (New York 1965). Detailed study of strategy from the Washington perspective can be found in the official United States Army in World War Two series. Two brief distillations are presented in Samuel Eliot Morison, Strategy and Compromise (Boston 1958), and Kent Roberts Greenfield, American Strategy in World War Two: A Reconsideration (Baltimore 1963). Walter Millis, Harvey C. Mansfield and Harold Stein, Arms and the State: Civil-Military Elements in National Policy (New York 1958), and Samuel P. Huntington, The Soldier and the State (Cambridge, Mass. 1957) examine civil-military relations in decision making during the pre-war and war years. Finally, Richard Polenberg, War and Society: The United States, 1941-1945 (New York 1972) is an insightful survey of domestic policy and the home front.


Wartime France has kept a generation of historians busy debating a complex national experience. A useful bibliographical guide can be found in J.B. Duroselle, "Les Relations internationales de 1918 a 1949", Historiens et geographies, Revue de 1'Association des professeurs d'histoire et de geographie de l'enseignement public, no. 275, Sept.--Oct. 1979, pp. 47-68. The same author's La Decadence 1932-1939, and Histoire diplomatique de 1919 a nos jours (Paris, 7th ed. 1979) are valuable, along with the studies by Pierre Renouvin, Maurice Beaumont, and the more recent work of H. Poidevin, J. Bariety, P. Milza, P. Guillen, S. Berstein and H. Carrere d'Encausse. For World War Two, Henri Michel, La Seconde guerre mondiale, 2 vols. (Paris 1977) is still fundamental; as are his previous La drole de guerre (Paris 1971), Pétain, Laval, Darlan, trois politiques (Paris 1972) and Le Proces de Riom (Paris 1979). L. Mysrowicz. Autopsie dune defaite (Paris 1973) is an in-depth analysis, while Marc Bloch, L'Etrange defaite (Paris 1946) remains interesting. A basic guide to French nationalism is R. Remond, La Droite en France (Paris, 2nd ed. 1963), which can be supplemented with M. Cotta, D. Dupeux, E. Goguel, and A. Siegfried. On Pétain see the work by A. Conquet; G. Groussard on the resistance inside France; and Charles Tillon on the communist resistance. The


communist view is given in publications of the Institut Maurice Thorez by G. Bourderon, J. Ellenstein, F. Hincker, V. Joannes and G. Willard. A variety of historians, including P. Mus, R. Grimal, P. Guillaume, J. Valette and X. Yacono, have analyzed colonial nationalism and decolonization. Other relevant monographs are J. Ganiage, H. Deschamps and O. Guittard, L'Afrique au XXe siecle (Paris 1966), Charles M. Julien, Le Maroc face aux imperialismes, 1415-1956 (Paris 1978), Charles R. Ageron, Histoire de l'Algerie contemporaine (Paris 1979), and J. Chesnequx, P. Devillers, J.P. Huard, Le Thanh Kwoi and P.R. Feray, Le Vietnam au XXe siecle (Paris 1979).


Still in an early stage of exploration, the Canadian wartime experience is analyzed in C.P. Stacey, Arms, Men and Governments: The War Policies of Canada, 1939-1945 (Ottawa 1970), J.L. Granatstein, Canada's War: The Politics of the Mackenzie King Government, 1939-1945 (Toronto 1975), the same author's The Politics of Survival: The Conservative Party of Canada 1939-1945 (Toronto 1967), and W.A.B. Douglas and Brereton Greenhous, Out of the Shadows: Canada in the Second World War (Toronto 1977). Relevant biographies include J.W. Pickersgill and D.F. Forster, The Mackenzie King Record, vol. I. 1939-1944, vol. II, 1944-1945 (Toronto 1960, 1969), and Robert Bothwell and William Kilbourn, C.D. Howe: A Biography (Toronto 1979). Industry or business studies are regrettably lacking; as are published analyses of wartime propaganda. There is no full-length examination of French-Canadian opposition to conscription, but the question can be followed in J.L. Granatstein and J.M. Hitsman, Broken Promises: A History of Conscription in Canada (Toronto 1977), R. MacGregor Dawson, The Conscription Crisis of 1944 (Toronto 1961), and the personal testimony in Andre Laurendeau, La crise de la conscription (Montreal 1942). Foreign policy is documented in official collections which can be supplemented by R. MacGregor Dawson, Canada in World Affairs: Two Years of War--1939-1941 (Toronto 1943), H. Gordon Skilling, Canadian Representation Abroad: From Agency to Embassy (Toronto 1945), F.H. Soward, Canada in World Affairs: From Normandy to Paris, 1944-1946 (Toronto 1950), and James Eayrs, In Defence of Canada, vol. III, Peacemaking and Deterrence (Toronto 1972). The pioneering study, from the Canadian perspective, on atomic diplomacy is Wilfred Eggleston, Canada's Nuclear Story (Toronto 1965). This should now be supplemented with John Holmes, The Shaping of Peace: Canada and the Search for World Order, 1943-1947, vol. I (Toronto 1979); and with Margaret Gowing, Britain and Atomic Energy, 1939-1945 (London 1964), and Martin J. Sherwin, A World Destroyed: The Atomic Bomb and the Grand Alliance (New York 1975) for the Anglo-American context. An examination of Canadian air and naval policy can begin with the official accounts by Gilbert Tucker, The Naval Service of Canada, vol. II (Ottawa 1952), and Stanley W. Dziuban, Military Relations between Canada and the United States, 1939-1945 (Washington 1959). Joseph Schull, The Far Distant Ships (Ottawa 1952) is a necessary introduction to the subject of naval operations, but there is no similar official analysis of Canadian air operations in the Battle of the Atlantic. Leslie Roberts, There Shall be Wings (Toronto 1959) is a brief, well-written story of the RCAF. Military men in Canada have been surprisingly reticent, particularly the airmen. The best naval memoirs are Alan Easton, 50 North: An Atlantic Battleground (London 1963), James Lamb, The Corvette Navy (Toronto 1977), and Harold Lawrence, A Bloody War (Toronto 1979).


Table of Contents

Transcribed and formatted by Patrick Clancey, HyperWar Foundation