Appendix XLIX
The Long-Range Rocket Offensive

(Compiled from British and German Sources; see also notes below)

  Phase I Phase 21 Phase 32 Whole

1. Launchings3
      (a) aimed at London 35   1,324 1,359
      (b) aimed at Norwich or Ipswich   44   44
      (c) all told 35 44 1,324 1,403
2. Arrivals
      (a) in London Civi Defence Region 16   501 517
      (b) elsewhere in U.K. 9 32 496 537
      (c) off-shore 2 5 54 61
      (d) all told 27 37 1,051 1,115
3. Analysis of Arrivals in London Civil Defence Region and Elsewhere, by Localities and Months
  Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Totals
London C.D.R. 16 32 82 47 114 114 112 517
Essex 6 25 40 65 71 90 81 378
Kent 1 6 16 4 11 14 12 64
Hertfordshire -- 3 2 3 18 6 2 34
Norfolk 8 20 -- -- -- -- 1 29
Suffolk 1 4 1 2 2 3 -- 13
Surrey -- 1 -- -- 2 3 2 8
Sussex 2 -- 1 -- 1 -- -- 4
Bedfordshire -- -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 3
Buckinghamshire -- -- -- -- -- 2 -- 2
Cambridgeshire -- -- 1 -- -- -- -- 1
Berkshire -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 1
Totals 34 91 144 121 220 232 212 1,054


1 Includes only missiles aimed at Norwich or Ipswich.

2 Includes only missiles aimed at London; those aimed at Norwich or Ipswich between 3rd and 12th October are included in the previous column.

3 Of the figures under this head, those for Phase 2 and for the whole campaign are from German sources; those for Phases 1 and 3 are the author's estimates.


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