Appointments held by the principal Italian
and German Commanders and Staff Officers
mentioned in this volume


Aimone-Cat, General Mario; commander of 5th Squadra in North Africa

Badoglio, Marshal Pietro; Chief of Staff of the Italian Armed Forces until December 1940

Bastico, General Ettore; C-in-C Armed Forces in North Africa from 12th July 1941

Cavallero, General Ugo; Chief of Staff of the Italian Armed Forces from December 1940

Gariboldi, General Italo; C-in-C Armed Forces in North Africa from March to July 1941

Gazzera, Lieut.-General Pietro; commander in Galla-Sidamo and Supreme Commander in Ethiopia from May 1941

Graziani, Marshal Rodolfo; C-in-C Armed Forces in North Africa, also Chief of Staff of the Italian Army until March 1941

Iachino, Admiral Angelo; C-in-C Afloat

Nasi, Lieut.-General Guglielmo; commander in the Gondar district of Ethiopia



Brauchitsch, Field-Marshal Walter von; C-in-C German Army

Fröhlich, Major-General Stefan; Fliegerführer (A.O.C.) Afrika

Gause, Major-General Alfred; liaison officer with Italian High Command in North Africa June 1941; later Chief of Staff to General Rommel

Göring, Marshal of the Reich Hermann; C-in-C German Air Force

Geisler, General Hans-Ferdinand; commander Fliegerkorps X

Halder, Colonel-General Franz; Chief of the General Staff

Keitel, Field-Marshal Wilhelm; Chief of OKW

List, Field-Marshal Wilhelm; commander of 12th Army in the Balkans

Löhr, Colonel-General Alexander; commander of Luftflotte 4 at Crete

Neumann-Silkow, Major-General Walther; commander of 15th Panzer Division from June 1941

Paulus, Lieut.-General Friedrich; Director of Military Operations and a Deputy Chief of the General Staff; visited North Africa on behalf of OKH April/May 1941

Prittwitz und Gaffron, Major-General Heinrich von; commander of 15th Panzer Division March and April 1941

Raeder, Grand Admiral Erich; C-in-C German Navy

Rahn, Dr. Rudolf; Counsellor, German Embassy, Paris; on special mission to Syria April and June 1941

Rintelen, Major-General Enno von, (became Lieut.-General 1st June 1941) Military Attaché Rome and Tirana and German General at Italian Armed Forces HQ

Rommel, Lieut.-General Erwin (became General 1st July 1941); commander of the German Africa Corps

Streich, Major-General Johannes; commander of 5th Light Division

Student, General Kurt; commander of Fliegerkorps XI at Crete

Thoma, Major-General Wilhelm, Ritter von; commander of Mobile Troops OKH; visited North Africa on behalf of OKH, autumn 1940

Weichold, Vice-Admiral Eberhard; German Admiral in Rome and Liaison Officer to the Italian Naval Staff



Appendix VIII * Appendix X

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