1st August - 31st December, 1942



1. See Vol. I, pp. 513-4.
2. See Darke. The Communist Technique in Britain (Collins, 1953), pp. 77-81
3. See Churchill, Vol. IV, pp. 288-291 and 391-392.
4. See p. 170.
5. See Map 24.
The contemporary names of these types of landing craft were:
   L.C.F.(L).  Landing Craft Flak (Large). Converted Landing Craft Tank, of about 400 tons mostly armed with eight 2-pounder guns.
   L.C.S.(M).  Landing Craft Support (Medium). Mounted one 4-inch smoke mortar and a twin 0.5-inch machine gun.
7. See Map 24.
8. See Map 24.
9. See Colonel C. P. Stacey, The Canadian Army 1939-45, (Published by authority of the Minister of National Defence, Ottawa, 1948) for a full account of the landing of the Churchill tanks.
10. Despatch of Admiral of the Fleet Sir Andrew Cunningham. Supplement to the London Gazette, 2nd May, 1950, para. 30.
11. See Vol. I, pp. 47-48 and 329.
12. See p. 163.
13. To simplify signalling, convoys were, after February 1940, referred to only by their last two numbers. Thus in contemporary records Convoy FN 889 may be referred to as FN 89. As, however, there were several convoys which had the latter designation during the war, it has been thought best to give each one its full number here.
14. See Vol. I, Map 38.
15. See Appendix O.
16. See Vol. I, Map 10.
17. These convoys started in July 1941.
18. See Vol. I, p. 323 regarding the start of CW/CE convoys. They originally ran between the Thames and Bristol Channel ports.
19. See pp. 163-164.
20. See Vol. I, p. 547.
21. See Map 25.
22. See Vol. I, pp. 278-279 and 546-547.
23. A full account of the development and employment of 'Chariots' is given in Above us the Waves by Warren and Benson (Harrap 1953).
24. C.f. the story of the anti-submarine bomb and the air depth charge. See Vol. I, pp. 135-6.
25. See Vol. I, p. 503 and pp. 274-275 of this volume.
26. See pp. 263-264.
27. See Vol. I, pp. 21 and 45.
28. See Table 19.
29. See Vol. I, Table 9.
30. See Vol. I, pp. 463 and 502.
31. See Table 13 (p. 166), and Vol. I, Tables 9 and 16.
32. See Map 39.
33. U-boats sunk from all causes during the period covered by this volume are tabulated in Appendix J.
34. See Vol. I, p. 384.

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