Chapter X
The Breakthrough Idea


1. Guingand, Operation Victory, p. 397. Maps showing the planned phase lines for certain dates and the actual beachhead established are to be found on pages 358 and 391. General Bradley was not in favor of dating phase lines, a British custom. Interv by author with Gen Collins, Washington. 30 Mar 56.

2. SHAEF/17100/40/Ops (Third Draft), Strategic Reserves for OVERLORD, 17 May 44, SHAEF Air Staff File.

3. PS SHAEF (44), 21 (Final), 10 Jun 44, NEPTUNE, Stabilization of the NEPTUNE Area, and App. A, SGS SHAEF File 381, Post-OVERLORD Plng.

4. James A. Huston, Airborne Operations, OCMH MS, p. 278; Memo, Eisenhower for Smith, 6 Jul, SHAEF G-3 File 24533/Ops, Future Opns.

5. See, for example, PS SHAEF (44) 11, Post-NEPTUNE Courses of Action After Capture of Lodgment Area, 3 May 44, SGS SHAEF File 381, Post-OVERLORD Plng; SHAEF Msgs to AGWAR for JPS, 22 Jun, 3, 13, 20, and 27 Jul, SHAEF G-3 File 381-2, 17264/1, SHAEF Weekly Plng Cables; SHAEF/17409/Ops, Status of Plng, 21 AGp, 16 Jun, SHAEF File GCT/322-17/OPS (A), 21 AGp, Gen; PS SHAEF (44) 20, SHAEF G-3 Div, Outline Plan for Air Landing Opn in the Brittany Peninsula, 13, 16, and 19 Jul, and AEAF/T3.22536/Air, Final Draft, App. B, both in SHAEF G-3 File 24533/Ops, Future Opns; AEAF, Airborne Opns to Further 'OVERLORD,' 6 Jul, and SHAEF/24500/3/Ops, 14 Jul, both in SGS SHAEF File 373/2, Employment of Airborne Forces in Opn OVERLORD; Montgomery, Normandy to the Baltic, p. 124.

6. LUCKY STRIKE: to exploit eastward in Normandy; SWORDHILT: to secure port facilities in Brittany; BENEFICIARY: to seize the Breton port of St. Malo; HANDS UP: to seize the Quiberon Bay area in Brittany with airborne troops and Ranger/Commando forces, assisted by the FFI. 12th AGp Rpt of Opns, v, 11.

7. TUSA AAR, I, Chs. 1 and 2.

8. Memo, Eisenhower for Smith, 6 Jul, SGS SHAEF G-3 File 24533/Ops, Future Opns.

9. SHAEF G-3 Div Ltr, Opn in Brittany, 29 Jun, SHAEF G-3 File 24533/Ops, Future Opns; Ruppenthal, Logistical Support, I, 468.

10. Butcher Diary, 11 Jul; Huston, Airborne Opns, pp. 198-99.

11. SHAEF/17100/44/Ops, Strategic Reserves for OVERLORD, 6 Jun, and SHAEF/17100/44/Ops (A), SHAEF G-3 Div, Release of 28th Inf Div, 26 Jun and 13 Jul, both in SHAEF File GCT 322-12/Ops (A), SHAEF Reserve; Ruppenthal, Logistical Support, I, 457.

12. PS SHAEF (44) 21 (Final), 10 Jun, NEPTUNE, Stabilization of the NEPTUNE Area, SGS SHAEF File 381, Post-OVERLORD Plng.

13. FUSA Outline Plan Opn COBRA, 13 Jul.

14. 21 AGp Dir, M-510, 10 Jul; Pogue Interv with Gen Bradley, Washington, 14 Oct 46, Pogue Files; "The Aims of Operation 'GOODWOOD,'" a draft extract from B. H. Liddell Hart, The Tanks (a history of the Royal Tank Regiment and its predecessors, parts of which have appeared in The Tank, the journal of the Royal Tank Regiment).

15. 21 AGp CinC Notes, 15 Jul, Pogue Files.

16. Dept of the Scientific Adviser to the Army Council, Mil Operational Research Unit, Rpt 23, Battle Study Opn GOODWOOD, Oct 46; Pogue Interv with Gen Bradley, Washington, 14 Oct 46, and Ltrs, Montgomery to Eisenhower, 12 and 13 Jul, Pogue Files; Montgomery, Normandy to the Baltic, p. 130; Bradley, Soldier's Story, p. 343; Liddell Hart, The Tanks, "The Aims of Operation 'GOODWOOD.'"

17. Liddell Hart, The Tanks, "The Aims of Operation 'GOODWOOD'"; Rpt 23, Battle Study Opn GOODWOOD.

18. Ltrs, Montgomery to Eisenhower, 12 and 13 Jul, Montgomery to Tedder, 14 Jul, Eisenhower

19. Leigh-Mallory, Despatch, Fourth Supplement to the London Gazette of December 31, 1946, pp. 64-65; Montgomery, Normandy to the Baltic, pp. 130-31; FUSA Sitrep 86, 19 Jul; Harris, Bomber Offensive, p. 212; [Ackerman], Employment of Strategic Bombers in a Tactical Role, 1941-1951, p. 87; Battle Study Opn GOODWOOD. The figures on the number of tons of bombs dropped differ slightly from source to source.

20. James B. Hodgson, The Eve of Defeat, OCMH MS R-57.

21. Telecon, Kluge and Eberbach, 2158, 17 Jul, OB WEST KTB Anlage 694.

22. Telecon, Kluge and Speidel, 1645, 16 Jul, OB WEST KTB Anlagen 667, 668, and 671.

23. Telecon, Kluge and Warlimont, 1708, 16 Jul, OB WEST KTB, Anlage 660.

24. Hodgson, R-57.

25. Hodgson, R-57; Rpt 23, Battle Study Opn GOODWOOD; Telecon, Kluge and Blumentritt, 2340, 18 Jul, OB WEST KTB, Anlage 725; B. H. Liddell Hart, Strategy, the Indirect Approach (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1954), p. 316.

26. Telecons, Kluge and Blumentritt, between 2350, 18 Jul, and 0055, 19 Jul, OB WEST KTB, Anlagen 725 and 728.

27. Hodgson, R-57; Rpt 23, Battle Study Opn GOODWOOD; FUSA Sitrep 86, 19 Jul; Brereton, Diaries, p. 310.

28. Tempelhoff Conf Min, 21 Jul, AGp B Op. Befehle, pp. 169-78; Meyer-Detring Conf Min, 22 Jul, OB WEST KTB, Anlagen 1c Anlageband IV, Annex 25; Rothberg Conf Min, n.d., Pz Gp W KTB, Anlagen, Annex 165.

29. See Eisenhower, Crusade in Europe, pp. 243ff.

30. Ltr, Montgomery to Eisenhower, 18 Jul, M-60, Pogue Files.

31. Rpt 23, Battle Study Opn GOODWOOD; FUSA Sitreps 85 and 89, 18 and 20 Jul; Montgomery, Normandy to the Baltic, pp. 130-33.

32. Butcher Diary, 19 and 20 Jul; Liddell Hart. The Tanks, "The Aims of Operation 'GOODWOOD.'" The Pogue Files, OCMH, offer abundant evidence of the widespread disappointment and discontent.

33. Montgomery, Normandy to the Baltic, pp. 127-30; see also Wilmot, Struggle for Europe, pp. 353-54, 361-62.

34. Ltrs, Montgomery to Eisenhower and Tedder, 12, 13, 14, and 18 Jul, cited above, n. 18 and n. 30; Liddell Hart, The Tanks, "The Aims of Operation 'GOODWOOD.'"

35. Ltr, Eisenhower to Montgomery, 13 Jul, cited above, n. 18.

36. Ltr, Eisenhower to Montgomery, 21 Jul, Pogue Files.

37. 21 AGp Dir, 21 Jul, M-512, 12 th AGp File 371.3, Mil Objectives.

38. Ltr, Montgomery to Eisenhower, M-65, 22 Jul, Pogue Files; Butcher Diary, 25 Jul.

39. Ltr, Eisenhower to Montgomery, 23 Jul, Pogue Files.

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