Chapter V
The Offensive Broadened


1. Upon the request of the VII Corps commander, the corps rear area at Carentan was enlarged to give his artillery and other supporting troops necessary movement space and sufficient roadways. Sylvan Diary, 27 Jun.

2. Ruppenthal, Utah Beach to Cherbourg, pp. 90-93.

3. German action would also threaten to bring unloading operations to a halt at Isigny, a minor port receiving supplies seven miles east of Carentan. FUSA G-2 Est 7, 29 Jun.

4. 2d Lt. David Garth, St.-Lô, AFA Series (Washington, 1946), p. 5.

5. VII Corps AAR, Jul; 83d Div AAR, Jul.

6. VII Corps AAR, Jul, and FO 4, 3 Jul, with Intel Annex, 2 Jul.

7. OKH Generalinspekteur der Panzertruppen, Zustandberichte, SS Divisiones, Jun 43-Jul 44; MS # B-839 (von der Heydte); Harrison, Cross-Channel Attack, pp. 356-65.

8. Lt Col Henry Neilson, Hosp Intervs, III, GL-93 (238).

9. The following account is taken from official unit records. All quotations, unless otherwise noted, are from the valuable record of telephone conversations in the division G-2, G-3 Journal.

10. 2d Battalion, 329th Infantry, Combat Digest (Germany, n.d.), p. 15.

11. With caution, von der Heydte added that if the situation were ever reversed in the future, he hoped that General Macon would return the favor. Ltr, Ferenbaugh to OCMH, 20 May 53; MS # B-839 (Heydte).

12. By 7 July the consolidated figure of those missing in action declined to 243 (83d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl). Casualty figures in the sources available (FUSA Daily Estimated Loss Rpts, Jul; the 83d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl; the 83d Div G-4 Daily Rpts, G-4 Jnl; and the 83d Div G-1 AAR, Jul) are constantly at variance. Figures chosen for the text represent an estimate compiled from all sources. Discussions recorded in the telephone journal are valuable contemporary estimates.

13. CI 30 (4th Div).

14. VII Corps Opns Memo 30, 6 Jul.

15. VII Corps. Notes for the CofS, 7 Jul, VII Corps G-3 Jnl and File.

16. 4th Div and VII Corps AAR's, Jul; Telecon Seventh Army to AGp B, 1050, 7 Jul, AGp B KTB.

17. Seventh Army KTB (Draft), 7 Jul.

18. CI 30 (4th Div).

19. Seventh Army and AGp B KTB's 5-7 Jul.

20. Seventh Army KTB, 4 Jul; Telecon, Seventh Army to AGp B, 1300, 4 Jul, AGp B KTB.

21. Seventh Army KTB (Draft), 5 Jul; Telecon Seventh Army to AGp B, 1610, 7 Jul, AGp B KTB.

22. Telecons Hausser to Rommel, 1930, 7 Jul, and Rommel to Kluge, 2020, 7 Jul, AGp B KTB.

23. Ltr, Corlett to OCMH, 19 Jan 54; XIX Corps FO 4, 2 Jul (rescinding FO 4, 28 Jun).

24. Ltr, Corlett to OCMH, 2 Sep 53; see Philip A. Crowl and Edmund G. Love, Seizure of the Gilberts and Marshalls, UNITED STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR II (Washington, 1955).

25. Telecons, Corlett and Hobbs, 7 Jul, 30th Div G-3 Jnl and File; Garth,St.-Lô, pp. 6-7.

26. Field orders of the division and the regiments in the 30th Div G-3 Jnl File.

27. 105th Engr C Bn Plan "C," 29 Jun, 30th Div G-3 Jnl File; 105th Engr C Bn Traffic Circ Plan and Overlay, 5 Jul, AAR, Jul; 105th Engr C Bn Hist, Feb 42-15 Nov 45, Vol. II.

28. XIX Corps Office of the Surgeon AAR, Jul.

29. XIX Corps AAR, Jul, G-2 Per Rpt 22, 6 Jul, and Intel Annex to FO 5, 7 Jul.

30. Hodgson, R-54.

31. 30th Div, Notes for Div and Unit Comdrs, 2 Jul, 30th Div G-3 Jnl File; 30th Div AAR, Jul; 30th Div Arty AAR, Jul; the division and the regimental field orders; 3d Armored Div G-3 Per Rpt 13, 7 Jul.

32. 30th Div Memo, Inf Tk Coordination, 2 Jul, 30th Div G-3 Jnl File; XIX Corps Draft Memo, 4 Jul, XIX Corps G-3 Jnl File; G-2 Sec, German Organization of Defense, Villiers-Fossard, 4 Jul, XIX Corps AAR, Jul; Garth, St.-Lô, p. 7.

33. 743d Tk Bn Msg, 2 Jul; 105th Engr C Bn Rpts, 1 and 2 Jul; Telecons. Corlett and Hobbs, 4 Jul. All in 30th Div G-3 Jnl File.

34. The following account is taken from the official records of the division. The division G-3 Journal is a rich source of recorded telephone conversations and has been used extensively. Garth, St.-Lô, pp. 9-14, and Hewitt, Story of 30th Division, pp. 26ff, give good detailed accounts of the action, the former from the point of view of the small units involved, the latter from that of the division headquarters. Also of use were: XIX Corps Msgs to FUSA, 7 Jul. FUSA G-3 Jnl File; 30th Div AAR, Jul; and CI 94 (30th Div).

35. Engr Sitreps and Engr Sec Jnl, XIX Corps AAR, Jul; 105th Engr C Bn Annual Hist, 1944, Incl 3 (photographs of typical bridge installations); ETOUSA Engr Hist Rpt 10, Combat Engineering (Aug 45), pp. 106-08.

36. Seventh Army KTB (Draft), 7 Jul.

37. Although there had been some discussion of attaching heavy mortar companies to the infantry regiments for better close support, the use of chemical mortars to support an infantry attack was judged to be "a most unusual role." The heavy mortar companies remained for the moment under artillery control, but by August opinion definitely characterized the heavy mortar as an area weapon that "should be employed in close support of infantry troops." 30th Div Arty AAR, Jul; XIX Corps Cml Sec Jnl, XIX Corps AAR, entries 8, 13, 14, 18 Jul; 12th AGp Immed Rpts 26 and 29, 10 and 28 Aug.

38. Telecons, Corlett, Hobbs, Birks, and Dunn, 7 Jul, 30th Div G-3 Jnl File; 120th Inf S-3 Rpt, 7 Jul; Msg from Lt Col Walter M. Johnson, 2215, 7 Jul, XIX Corps G-3 Jnl and File.

39. XIX Corps Engr Sec Msg, 2230, 7 Jul, and 113 th Cav Gp Msg, 0245, 8 Jul, XIX Corps G-3 Jnl and File.

40. Telecon, Corlett and Hobbs, 7 Jul, 30th Div G-3 Jnl File.

41. Lt. Col. Arthur H. Fuller of the 117th Infantry received the DSC.

42. Telecons, Corlett and Hobbs, 1255 and 1725. 7 Jul, 30th Div. G-3 Jnl File.

43. Telecon, Col Charles W. West and Col Richard W. Stephens, 1750, 7 Jul; FUSA Msg to XIX Corps, 1815, 7 Jul, XIX Corps G-3 Jnl File; Garth, St.-Lô, p. 17.

44. XIX Corps FO 5, 1900, 7 Jul (confirming verbal orders), and Special Map "A"; Ltr, Corlett to OCMH, 19 Jan 54, OCMH Files.