Chapter VI
The Attempt to Exploit


1. Telecons, 1610, 1910, 1930, 2005, and 2020, 7 Jul, AGp B KTB; Seventh Army KTB (Draft), 7 Jul.

2. See, for example, the 3d Armd Div CCB G-2 Daily Narrative, 7-16 Jul.

3. The official records of the units involved have been supplemented by letters to OCMH from General of the Army Omar N. Bradley, 16 Mar 54; Maj Gen Charles H. Corlett (Ret.), 19 Jan 54; Maj Gen Leroy H. Watson (Ret.) (CG, 3d Armd Div), 22 Feb 54; Maj Gen Leland S. Hobbs (Ret.), 5 Mar 54; and Brig Gen John J. Bohn (Ret.) (CG, CCB, 3d Armd Div), 14 Jan 54. All in OCMH Files. Garth, St.-Lô, presents an excellent narrative of the events described below.

4. Plan 5 of an undated draft ltr, Bohn to Watson, in compliance with 3d Armd Div FO 2, 2 Jul, 3d Armd Div CCB S-3 Jnl File. Subsequent letters omitted Plan 5. See 3d Armd Div Opn Plan 1, 6 Jul.

5. CCB consisted of a reconnaissance company and three tank battalions of the 33d Armored Regiment; one battalion and the headquarters of the 36th Armored Infantry Regiment; the 54th and 391st Armored Field Artillery Battalions, each with an attached battery of antiaircraft artillery; a company each of the 83d Reconnaissance Battalion, the 23d Armored Engineer Battalion, the 703d Tank Destroyer Battalion, the 45th Armored Medical Battalion, and the division Maintenance Battalion; and an additional battery of antiaircraft artillery. 3d Armd Div FO 3, 7 Jul; 3d Armd Div CCB AAR, 7-16 Jul.

6. This was an estimate given by CCA of the 3d Armored Division on 10 July, based on a speed of 8 miles per hour at night and 12 miles per hour, but with a longer interval between vehicles, during the day. 9th Div G-3 Jnl, 10 Jul; see also CCB March Table, 29 Jul, 3d Armd Div CCB S-3 Jnl File.

7. Msgs, 2337 and 2338, 7 Jul, 3d Armd Div CCB S-3 Jnl and File.

8. See, for example, XIX Corps Ltr, Notes on Combat Experience, 5 Jul, 30th Div G-3 Jnl and File. Unless otherwise noted, the documents cited in this chapter are in the 30th Div G-3 Jnl and File.

9. 3d Armd Div CCB S-3 Jnl and File, entries 1100 and 1128, 8 Jul.

10. On General Watson's lack of clarity over the advantages of cross-country versus road advance, see 12th AGp Immed Rpt 24, 9 Aug.

11. Memo by Brig Gen William K. Harrison, jr., Coordination CCB, 117th, 119th Inf, 8 Jul, 3d Armd Div CCB S-3 Jnl File.

12. Hobbs Telecons, 2045, 2100, and 2112, 8 Jul.

13. Telecons, Corlett and Hobbs, 2207 and 2210, 8 Jul.

14. See Garth, St.-Lô, pp. 19-20, for the details.

15. Telecons, Hobbs and Walker, 1615, 8 Jul, Corlett and Hobbs, 2210, 8 Jul; XIX Corps G-3 Per Rpt 32, 9 Jul.

16. See, for example, 83d Div G-2, G-3 Jnl, 1140, 9 Jul.

17. 30th Div Arty AAR, Jul; XIX Corps Msg 1815, 9 Jul, FUSA G-3 Jnl; AGp B KTB, 8, 9, 10 Jul; Telecon, Pemsel to Speidel, 2350, 8 Jul, AGp B KTB; Seventh Army KTB, 9 Jul.

18. See below, Ch. VII.

19. 743d Tk Bn Rpts, 5 and 6, 8 and 9 Jul.

20. 30th Div G-3 Jnl, entry 1749, 9 Jul; 3d Armd Div CCB S-3 Jnl, entry 1830, 9 Jul; XIX Corps IG Ltr, Rpt of Investigation of Incident . . . , 13 Jul.

21. An element of CCA had made a similar mistake at the end of June "because one TF got mixed up on proper use of Slidex and Map Lay." (Penned note, n.d., 3d Armd Div CCB S-3 Jnl and File.) Slidex was a slide-rule type of decoding device.

22. 2d TD Gp Ltr, Rpt of Investigation, 11 Jul; 823d TD Bn Rpt 15, 9 Jul.

23. Telecon, Gen Bohn and Lt Col Harold E. Hassenfelt, 2015, 9 Jul.

24. 3d Armd Div CCB S-3 Jnl File, entry 2145, 9 Jul; 30th Div G-3 Jnl, Evening Msgs, 9 Jul.

25. 30th Sig Co Rpt 21, 9 Jul; Telecons, Hobbs and Bohn, 1140, 9 Jul, Hobbs and Ednie, 1910, 9 Jul.

26. XIX Corps IG Rpt of Investigation in the Relief of Brig Gen John J. Bohn, Jul 44.

27. Telecon, Corlett and Hobbs, 1025, 10 Jul.

28. Telecons, Corlett and Hobbs, 1750 and 1935, 10 Jul.

29. XIX Corps Ltr of Instrs, 10 Jul; 3d Armd Div CCB FO 5, 11 Jul.

30. Seventh Army KTB, 10 Jul; Panzer Lehr FO, 10 Jul, Pz Lehr Ib KTB; see below, Ch. VII, for the Panzer Lehr attack.

31. XIX Corps G-3 Per Rpt 35, 12 Jul; 3d Armd Div G-3 Per Rpt 17, 11 Jul, and CCB S-3 Per Rpt, 11 Jul. Capt. George T. Stallings of the 33d Armored Regiment received the DSC for his actions between 8 and 11 July.

32. Telecons, Hobbs and West, 1310, 11 Jul, Hobbs and Corlett, 0830, 12 Jul.

33. Interv of Capt Franklin Ferriss with Gen Bohn, 14 Jul 44, in CI 259; Ltr, Eisenhower to Marshall, 27 Jul 44, S-56328, Pogue Files.

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