Appendix B
General Patch's Letter of
Instructions to General Collins,
5 January 19431


    A.P.O. #709
5 Jan. 43
SUBJECT: Letter of Instructions  
TO: Commanding General, 25th Infantry Division  
MAP: Aerial Photomosaic, GUADALCANAL ISLAND, "3 of 8", 1:13,833.

    1. See G-2 Estimate.

    2. See Operations Overlay.

  1. The 25th Infantry Division will relieve the 132d Infantry on MOUNT OESTON (AUSTEN) without delay, and, upon completion of this relief, will attack from that area and seize and hold the line approximately 3,000 yards to the west thereof. See Operations Overlay.

    1. The 132d Infantry will pass to the control of the Commanding General, Perimeter Defense, when relieved by the 25th Infantry Division. The Commanding General, 25th Infantry Division, will notify the Commanding General, Perimeter Defense, when this relief has been effected.

    2. The 35th Infantry will become available to the Commanding General, 25th Infantry Division, upon relief from the Perimeter Defense.

    3. The 25th Infantry Division will execute a passage of lines through the 3d Battalion 182d Infantry, the 1st Battalion 2d Marines, and the Reconnaissance Squadron Americal Division, and these units will be placed under the command of the Commanding General, 25th Infantry Division, when he indicates that he is ready to operate in the area now held by these units. The 3d Battalion 182d Infantry and the Reconnaissance Squadron Americal Division will revert to the command of the Commanding General, Perimeter Defense, and the 1st Battalion 2d Marines will revert to the command of the Commanding General, 2d Marine Division, when passing [passed] through by the 25th Infantry Division and released by the Commanding General thereof.

    4. The 25th Infantry Division will be responsible for the security of its left (south) flank.


    1. The 2d Marine Division will maintain contact with the right (north) flank of the 25th Infantry Division.

    2. The Commanding General, 25th Infantry Division, is authorized to deal directly with the Commanding General, 2d Marine Air Wing, in regard to air-ground support.

    3. Artillery employment:

      1. The Americal Division Artillery with Battery A 1st Amphibious Corps (155-mm How.), and Battery F 244th Coast Artillery (155-mm Gun), attached, generally from present positions, will continue to support the 2d Marine Division in its present position, but will be prepared to reinforce the 25th Infantry Division Artillery with fire in support of the advance of the 25th Infantry Division.

      2. The 2d Battalion 10th Marines (75-mm How.) from present positions will fire in support of the advance of the 25th Infantry Division; its fires will be controlled by the 25th Infantry Division.

      3. Battery H 244th Coast Artillery (5-inch Gun) will continue on present seacoast defense missions.

      4. The 1st and 3d Battalions 10th Marines (75-mm How.) will revert to control of the Commanding General, Perimeter Defense, when replaced by the 2d Battalion 10th Marines (75-mm How.) and the 90th Field Artillery Battalion (155-mm How.), respectively.

    1. Distributing Point, Class I and Class III ONLY: (71.5-200.0).2

    2. Distribution Point, all other supplies: ISLAND DUMP.3

    3. Evacuation to Division Hospital, 25th Infantry Division; overflow to 101st Medical Regiment.

    4. Road Maintenance:

      1. The 57th Engineer Battalion Americal Division will be attached to the 2d Marine Division for road maintenance.

      2. Maintenance of roads will be by divisions in own zones of action.

      3. Maintenance by the 25th Infantry Division will include the entire WRIGHT ROAD.

      4. In the zone of the 2d Marine Division, first priority will be given to the SKYLINE DRIVE.4

      5. The BEACH ROAD west to include the NORTH MATANIKAU BRIDGE will be maintained by the 26th Naval Construction Battalion.

    1. SOI, Hq Island Command, 26 Dec 42.

    2. Command Post: to be reported when determined.

Major General, U.S. Army,


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[1] This letter, when written, was classified "Secret." The distribution list has been omitted.

[2] The distributing point lay by the coast road on the west bank of the Matanikau.

[3] The Island Dump lay near the Ilu.

[4] Skyline Drive was the trail which led from the beach over Hills 75, 74, and 72 to Hill 66.

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